Clone of IGF 2019

IGF 2019 Logo

The Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was hosted by the Government of Germany in Berlin from 25 to 29 November 2019 under the overarching theme: One World. One Net. One Vision.

United Nations Secretary-General remarks to the IGF 2019

The Invitation to the 14th Annual Meeting of the IGF was published.

Onsite Registration for in-person attendance at IGF 2019 was open at the venue premises ​from 22 November. Registration for Online Participation at IGF 2019 kept open until the end of the event.

The list of registered Remote Hubs is available.

The interactive version of the IGF 2019 Schedule is available (also available in navigable XLS and printable PDF files). Participants could create an account and start creating their own schedule!

In reference to the Main Session on Digital Cooperation and Internet Governance at the IGF 2019, the Call for Feedback to the High-Level Panel on ‎Digital Cooperation Report's Recommendation 5 and the IGF Plus Model is open.

Requests to book bilateral rooms for the IGF 2019 meeting could be submitted by 15 October 2019.

The list of IGF 2019 WorkshopsOpen ForumsDay 0 EventsDynamic CoalitionsNRIs Sessions and IGF Village booths was announced.

IGF 2019 intersessional work - Draft reports of the IGF2019 Best Practice Forums OPEN for Review and Comment: BPF on CybersecurityBPF on Local ContentBPF on IoT, Big Data, AI, BPF on Gender

Pilot Initiative on implementing Internet standards and protocols for a safer Internet survey was open until 22 September.

Capacity Development in Internet Governance: The IGF Secretariat, supported by generous contributions from donors, supports the NRIs processes in developing countries with financial grants.

The Renewal of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for 2020 was announced by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs. The deadline for MAG nominations was 30 June 2019. 

The Call for Travel Support to attend the IGF 2019  closed on 30 June 2019.

Three face-to-face IGF 2019 Open Consultations and MAG Meetings were hosted in: Geneva, Switzerland (on 28-30 January on 9-11 April) and in Berlin (5-7 June).