IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #114 Keep Our Children Safe in The Digital World

    Monday, 6th December, 2021 (09:25 UTC) - Monday, 6th December, 2021 (10:10 UTC)
    Hall A3

    Ernst & Young
    private sector


    Piotr Ciepiela - EY Partner, Global/EMEIA Cyber Architecture, Engineering & Emerging Technologies Leader
    Fabio di Franco - Seconded National Expert – ENISA
    Milija Lakso - UNICEF Venture Fund Lead, UNICEF Office of Innovation
    Jacek Oko - President of the Office of Electronic Communications 
    Justyna Orłowska - Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister for GovTech - Head of the GovTech Center 

    Onsite Moderator
    The Chancellery of Prime Minister of Poland
    Online Moderator

    Magdalena Wrzosek, Phd - EY Senior Consultant Cybersecurity, Technology Consulting




    Panel Discussion and interaction with the audience Preferably in the form of hybrid session (if it will be possible)


    Online learning during the pandemic creates many new risks targeting the most vulnerable and unaware Internet users - children. Technology has been part of their lives on a daily basis for years, not only when they play and learn, but often as their main tool of communication with their peers and the world.

    The cyber sphere in which our children live is usually beyond the control of adults. The negative effects within this cyber sphere are not only cyberbullying and financial fraud, but also promotion of behaviors that can cause damage to children’s mental and physical health. Therefore, education in this area should start at an early age. Offering educational programs dedicated to children and their parents is necessary to build awareness of cyber threats.

    We have invited to our discussion panel representatives of various areas related to this important topic. Technology experts: EY Polska, International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC2) and the European Network and Information Security Agency, who will share the European standards and recommendations in the area of cybersecurity. We will also talk with specialists from UNICEF, who represent the voice and rights of children. They will speak about the global perception of this problem and indicate the best world practices that are worth implementing.

    We do hope that the public discussion at the UN forum will draw attention to the problem and help raise awareness of cyber threats aimed at the youngest citizens of the digital world, and that good examples and practices implemented in Poland will pave the way for a wider debate and the introduction of appropriate international regulations. The special guest of the panel will be a representative of the Ministry of National Education, who will talk about the plans in this area and share experiences from online education in Poland.

    Since the session in penned in hybrid format, there is a need to encourage and engage both online and on-site participants. For online participants there will be few questions during the session, which will require their answers (EY will deliver Monti system for that). Then the speakers will comment the answers. Also online participants will have an opportunity to ask questions on chat, and speakers will address them during the session. For on-site participant, there will be the possibility to comment questions ask via survey and make their own remarks during the panel – the Moderator will give the audience the possibility to present their input during the session.