IGF 2017 - Day 2 - Room XXIII - WS202 Internet of Things: Supportive Role of Smart Solutions in the Decision Making Process


The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Geneva, Switzerland, from 17 to 21 December 2017. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record. 



>> MODERATOR:  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  It's good to be here and would like to thank Egyptian IDSC information decision support center for organizing this workshop Internet of Things:  Supportive Role of Smart Solutions in the decision-making process. 

I would like to start introducing our panelists which for this round table which represent different organization and multistakeholders including international organization, working in international development, government entities concerned with information technology and communication, African institutions working in the field of ICT from a regional perspective, and the private sector and independent consultants. 

Also, we have our online moderator, Ms. Loretta, who will follow the online session.  I will start by presenting our first panelist, Ms. Nirvana Farrag, director‑general international cooperation department Egypt IDSC.  Ms. Farrag has over 20 years’ experience.  She is currently the director general of international corporation department at the Egyptian cabinet and decision information center.  Please, Madam.  

>> NIRVANA FARRAG:  Thank you.  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  I would like to express my thanks to the organizers of the Internet Governance Forum for giving us the chance to organize our first workshop in this distinguished event.  The IGF is considered one of the most notable interactive and productive forums concerned with the integration of ICT technology and spreading connectivity in all sectors to provide prosperity, freedom and social equity. 

We have chosen the topic of Internet of Things and its impacts on the decision‑making process because the concept of Internet of Things became a controversial topic.  There are several questions that we aspire to answer today including what are the challenges and barriers basing our distant future and its impact on the decision‑making process, giving examples on how the IoT can impact decision makers, what are the roles of decision makers in developing IoT policies, how far IoT helps advancing and sustaining improving standards of living of people, and how can smart solutions support all stakeholders in the decision‑making process. 

Ladies and gentlemen, IoT is adding a dimension to the information revolution.  The Internet of Things is an umbrella term which describes a range of applications and goals that are enabled through the connection of devices and objects equipped with communication capacities. 

The connection of devices, physical objects, sensors, end points and others, they are all terms to describe what is obviously an essential part of a network of things.  IoT devices will likely touch most aspects of our lives including devices in our homes, work, place, schools, hospitals and other public spaces.  In simple words IoT refers to the ability of everyday objects to connect to the Internet and to send and receive data. 

Internet of Things enables a smarter bridging of digital and human sphere buys adding these capacities in a secure way through a networked environment.  IoT has lots of benefits which can help decision makers.  The interaction will generate huge volumes of data and can control things which make people's lives much easier and safer. 

We start with the health sector, IoT.  Hospitals should be using the Internet of Things in health care to keep the patients safe and healthy and keep track of the inventory.  Connected medical devices can allow patients to work with physicians to work with their diseases.  We can say the hospital staffing decisions will be based on facts, accurate data and reliable indicators. 

If you focus on transportation sector and securing the roads, sensors on the car with notify drivers of dangerous road conditions and software updates can occur wirelessly.  Once we address the IoT we can consider the industrial revolution.  The automotive industry is fortunate to have a wide range of technologies to improve operations and increase productivity. 

Others who are involved in either providing public goods or providing public stability are concerned as Internet technology develops very quickly and used on almost a daily basis. 

The government of Egypt is paying great attention to the growing industry of IoT and integrating of the ICT into all public and private affairs alike where the Egyptian cabinet information and decision support center was one of the first organizations in Egypt that introduced ICT to the Egyptian community. 

The businesses and citizens can interact with the public administration online.  IDSC provider a major role online and the information highway project was launched by IDSC to buildup home grown content.  Pilot websites are launched for public services and government administration.  Relying on different research tools such as public opinion, policy monitoring and evaluation crisis and management and risk reduction. 

IDSC has a record in the support of Egyptian government through initiating several ICT creative and smart solutions.  Let me share with you two major initiatives that were launched recently.  E‑grievance in government, this is an Egyptian government portal that facilitates the communication between the citizens and the decision makers about citizen complaints and problems.  It has a database of citizen complaints to be used for development. 

Also establishing a decision support system where one of the latest systems Egypt development map using different geospatial systems to configure, display, analyze in projects in Egypt in all socioeconomic sectors.  It has been noted that the IoT presents a variety of potential security risks that can be exploited to harm consumers, facilitating attacks on other systems, creating risks to persons and safety, also privacy risks may flow from the collection of personal information, habits, locations and physical conditions over time. 

In particular some panelists note that companies might use this data to make credit insurance and employment decisions.  In order to deal with such challenges, allow me to conclude my interadvantages with policy recommendations and remarks.  There are several challenges accompanied by the increasing usage of IoT.  Developers and specialists are encouraged to innovate in developing security programs and it must be a fundamental priority to obtain user trust. 

Participants in the IoT space should adopt a collaborative approach by assuming responsibility, sharing best practices and lessons learned.  Encouraging security dialogue and scared security solutions that can adapt and change over time.  IoT system designers also should consider the full lifecycle of the IoT to ensure obsolete devices don't pose security risks.  Governments should promote the usage of Internet in all sectors to guarantee having reliable data which will help in having data infrastructure growth. 

This could be done through the expansion of both wireless and wired infrastructure including in rural areas and remote areas and consider IoT needs for both licensed and unlicensed use, various data center development, also governments should review existing Internet infrastructure in light of the potential increased data communication needed for IoT devices.  Governments cannot work alone without collaborative multistakeholder approach.  IoT is a challenging area for policy makers, it's a rapidly developing environment.  A collaborative governance approach one that shows on the expertise and engagement on a wide range of stakeholders to provide proper solutions. 

The necessity of having IoT education and awareness programs for developing skills tailored for each sector for better performance and having outstanding outcomes.  Finally, I would like to highlight on the tremendous benefits that we can gain from the expansion of using Internet of Things in all economic, social, cultural aspects addressing the rising challenges.  Future policy initiatives should be user oriented, market driven and needed to enhance privacy of end users, security and fair competition. 

In the end I would like to thank all the speakers who accepted our invitation.  I would like also to thank the World Food Programme for partnering with the government of Egypt and IDSC adopting many initiatives in various fields including our partnership in organizing this workshop.  Thank you.


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you for the introduction of this workshop of the Internet of Things and the different fields of health care and others.  Also about easy access for government services and the role of IDSC with the support to communicate facilitation between the citizens and the decision makers.  Also, at the end, for her recommendations and remarks on the different fields.

Next, I would like to invite our panelist, Ms. ‑‑ Dr. Hoda Dahroug.  Before I would like to invite the panelist to limit to five minutes.  Dr. Dahroug, member of the presidential advisory council.  Please, Doctor, the floor is yours. 

>> HODA DAHROUG:  Hi, everybody.  I'm pleased to be here in IGF 2017 to go through quickly the main topic.  Here I will show you a model of best practice of intervention ‑‑ (speaker off microphone).

(No audio) ‑‑ the current situation in Egypt to start our initiative.  When we see the statistics, we found that Egypt had the red zone of the issue between the physician and the population because Egypt one of the high population numbers.  So next, please.  This issue is not the same in all governance which means that the health care facilities not equally distributed for all governance in Egypt because the health care in general is centralized in the cities and the capital, so there's a lot of health care services in the rural areas and remote areas.

Next, please.  Which led to the physicians itself and the new fresh graduate, when they are accepting working in the remote areas they are not found continuous education, they are not found health care services so the turnover of GP in rural areas ‑‑ next, please ‑‑ which impacts on the patient itself doesn't find the real health care services.  They have to ‑‑ you have efforts, more efforts to go to the nearest hospital.  Next, please. 

So how we start our telemedicine?  The decision was we have to reach the unreached.  We have to start from the far ways in Egypt that is 900 kilometers from the capital.  Next, please.  We started in Siwa in 2008 by a minimal viable solution.  We didn't concentrate on the high‑tech solution in that time because we need to test the workable model and the business model on the priority level.  Next. 

Click on the video, please.  When we go and tested the model, yes, in the black area, click on the black area.  Okay.  Yes.

>> (No English interpretation)

>> (No English interpretation)

>> PARTICIPANT:  The people were concerned about the daughters and sons.  It was a great challenge to go very far and get the treatments for them.  So when we test the model and see what we find there is a big impact on the people there, so we decided to scaling up the model to the upper Egypt Nuba (phonetic).  Nuba is 1,100 kilometers far from the capital.  The initiative was concentrating on giving health care in remote areas specifically. 

The objective is using the ICT and levels the ICT as tools to be a part and contributing in the health care services in Egypt and give a continuous integration to the general practitioner there and get satisfaction of the patient. 

This was done with integrated and comprehensive approach.  We have to give a telemedicine to the patient.  Tele‑education to the physicians and doctors there in the rural areas.  And a good awareness for the community itself.

It's not easy to change the mindset of the community to have a treatment on teleconsultation.  Two computers speak to each other.  It's not easy.  But we have to change the mind set and get the community's engagement by giving awareness, get the interest and get the trust to generate and collaborate together because the main partner in this model was the community itself.  Next, please.

So the business model was create a clinical virtual clinical health care in the remote areas and big central cloud computing.  We are the IT technical who cares about this data center.  And engage the health care providers to get the teleconsultation for remote areas.  So many remote clinics and many health care providers.

It's based on the cloud computing with a local solution.  And this is a real photo from the real clinic, the remote clinic, in Siwa. 

This would not have happened and succeeded without the multistakeholders partnership from the higher education academia.  Medicine in Egypt was dedicated a room and a schedule of doctors to be a weekly consultation to the remote areas clinics.  Civil Society was one of the other remote areas clinic there.  And private sector gives us telemedicine company is one of the private sectors that give us software solutions.  And many companies give us the infrastructures. 

So now we are the government, but we need to involve the ministry of health in this initiative and it’s becoming now real to be scale.  Next, please. 

This is ‑‑ (overlapping voices)

>> (No English interpretation)

(Overlapping voices)

(No English interpretation)

>> HODA DAHROUG:  Now the solution is more and more upgrading to high‑tech and latest technology solutions.  We are now connected and we still in process of developing and enhancing the solution to be a good and real and up to date technological solution.  When we saw the return of investment in the initiative we find on every partner there is a win situation for the remote areas, more health care providers and consultation. 

It's proved now and tested, a sustainable business model from the side of patient time and cost saving it's now becoming good and clear.  And the physicians themselves, general practitioners themselves find a win situation of getting in contact with the specialists and the famous specialists in Egypt, get them more satisfied in the education part. 

So what is the next?  The big data.  How to collect all this data and give to it the decision maker in Egypt ministry of health, the decision making, the medical and health care map which places we have to attack first, this is I think a good next step to be there. 

We are proud that the ministry has awarded and recognized on the national level by the patients themselves get satisfied by the multistakeholders and international recognition by many taken.  And finally we have published an article about our solution in one of the famous international societies for telemedicine and health in April 2017.  And the big success, our minister of health in Egypt last month got interested in the solution and by himself consulted our notes in Egypt.  This means next step of scaling up the solution.  Next.  Thank you, very much.  And I hope I finished in time.


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you, Dr. Dahroug for the presentation about health sector in Egypt and your experience in this field, and the role of telemedicine to give health care for those in remote areas using an integrated and comprehensive approach, community engagement, using the business model was inclusive of the multistakeholder partnership and finally in recognition of the government for your job well done. 

Next, I would like to invite Dr. Jimson Olufuye.  He was care and has more than 25 years.  He's a specialist focusing on people, process and technology.  His passion about the use of technology.  He's the CEO of a company in Nigeria.  Please, doctor, the floor is yours. 

>> JIMSON OLUFUYE:  Distinguished Chair, members of the panel, my name is Jimson Olufuye.  It's a great pleasure to be on this panel.  I want to thank the government of Egypt for organizing this very, very relevant panel because today we are talking about IoT.  I'll be speaking on the topic addressing the risk challenge of Internet of Things, addressing the risk challenge of Internet of Things. 

We do know that today about 12 billion Internet of Things devices of connected and it's projected by 2020 it will rise to more than 25 billion.  Access to Internet is better over time.  And decision makers continue to rely on IoT devices and smart solutions to a hard-decision-making process in the area of health management as we just had, transportation, security management, office management, sustainable development, governance, et cetera, et cetera. 

Critical to Internet of Things benefits realization is the issue of associated security risk which if not properly addressed could cause a loss of private data, access, money, reputation, business and even life.  My day job is connected to this and I see a lot of footprint of attacks. 

I want to present this case.  Many high‑level attacks prompted strong focus on security of IoT devices, over one million devices for which 96% were IoT devices.  The devices were compromised and turned into botnics that can be used to launch attacks. 

The Food and Drug Administration issued safety devices.  And St. Jude's Research Hospital has medical reliability devices.  In recent times there was demonstrated a wireless attack on the Tesla Model S automobile.  Researchers have smart TV's to access a whole network therefore the need to address Internet of Things device security at various levels hardware and software, government and enterprise cannot be over emphasized.  The hardware part right now which is manufactured without any form of regulation.  Regulation is seriously required in this regard.  Unlike the health care sector which does not have benefit, the user has a higher risk.  Again the need for IoT security cannot be over emphasized. 

You'll find many devices with diverse user ID and pass code which are well‑known in the industry so IoT security needs to be implemented holistically on IoT ecosystems.  As I said the IoT ecosystem is information security has underpinned concentration over cloud computing and analytics environment. 

The hardware manufacturer stage that is the chip and device with embedded firmwear, software, classroom integration.  Talking about IoT standard and frame of development and what to recommend that out of here we should be looking at the standard and regulation going forward.  One of the positive outcomes of the attack was the U.S. department of homeland security's release of guidelines for security in IoT

These guidelines are not legally mandatory.  Some of these guidelines known to most of us in the industry are one, leverage security from feasibility stage, apply to updates and vulnerable management, prioritize controls based on the magnitude or impact, provide oversight over IoT

Once you turn off the network, then you are safe, but you have to be connected to have impact in what you want to do.  The industrial Internet consortium rolled out framework which applies best practices to assist developers and identify the risk.  Also support all idea manufacturers, vendors and IoT users on devices regulate the process of manufacturing so manufacturers of IoT devices can be accountable for regulatory standards.  Where is the security embedded on these things?  Maybe you need to change pass codes and what have you. 

I would conclude by saying indeed increasingly becoming more reliant on IoT the process for security.  This is good as decisions are always made when all necessary data and information are available.  However the challenge of the risk of IoT's is high at this point at the hardware and software level.  For enterprises to take holistic measures based on assistive IoT devices and future ones to be deployed.  Thank you, very much. 


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you, Dr. Olufuye, for your presentation about the security risks that arise with revolution of the connected devices in IoT in the different fields and about the presentation of different cases of attacks in security vulnerabilities in the absence of well‑defined regulations to tackle these issues and the effort of the organization on this matter.

Next, I would like to invite the senior policy officer at the African Union.  The floor is yours.

>> PARTICIPANT:  Thank you, thank you, Chair.  My slide is a bit longer because I want to include some picture to make it interesting.  So just to give an idea what IT is all about, it's just pretty much about in terms of technology and connectivity for the purpose of improving our livelihood and processes like business processes and other processes. 

We need to connect things.  In order to connect things we need to have sensors.  As I said, connectivity is important when we talk about IoT.  We need to connect, you know, things, homes, villages, cities, even our bodies to monitor our heartbeats and all kind of things we need to connect.

And for the smart application we need to have smart home, smart transport, smart health, smart building and smart cities. 

Also there was discussed the number of connections that we have today and in the future, we are talking about billions of connections that we need for IoT.  The economic value we are talking about 180 billion in 2014 and looking at 1 trillion in 2020.  Before 25 years ago it's all about the technology and development fueled by human interventions.  Now we need to connect things so that we automate things, so this is all about Internet of Things.  Can you move next slide please?  Next. 

So IoT would change our life in terms of I‑consumers, I‑homes, I‑cities, I‑enterprise.  Next please.  The value generated by IT is cross cutting in terms of our great oil and gas, health care, commercial, and rail transportation.  Next.  I think this is the key thing that I want from the African perspective from a continental view for Africa I think we are experiencing the industrial revolution.  And Africa should and must take advantage of this revolution and catch up to the rest of the world in terms of E‑Governance and so forth.  And if we missed the train I think we are going to miss this.  As Africans I think we need to transform our economies using ICT's. 

So as we said everything is going to be connected.  We need IoT to improve our livelihood and also business processes.  Africa must adopt policies to promote IoT.  And addressing local needs and solving local problems.  I think the key message here that we are not using IT because it's cool.  We need to solve real problems, real African problems.  And the stuff that works in the developing nations may not work for Africa, so we need to look at our problems and address them through IoT's. 

And when it comes to infrastructure I think we have to take two approaches.  The bottom up and top down.  Everybody in the community should invest in infrastructure because it's going to be self‑sustained.  Government also should be involved in infrastructures as well as communities, as well as doctors.  On the policy aspect of IoT, before we look ICT as a sector now we need to look at ICT as a cross cutting.  It's not like one thing we have to have.  So ICT in health, security, in all other sectors so that we in Africa when ICT is looked at alone, usually politicians they would not allocate budget for ICT but if it is embedded in all across development sectors then we have of a chance that ICT is going to be looked at seriously. 

As I said I would repeat I think IoT must be used to solve local problems.  I personally, for instance, I'm going to adopt second aspect of IoT but I'm going to leave other aspects of IoT.  I'm expecting also countries to do that.  It's not like you have to take everything.  You take the thing that is going to be applicable in your local circumstances. 

One of the issues that we face in Africa is there is a lot of political will.  If you consider ICT as a cross‑cutting sector, then this is going to help a lot because it's going to be all the policy decision is going to be based on data.  So we have data, we can improve the policy recommendations through our data. 

For each revolution, every revolution we need leaders, we need champions, so Africa I think must also impress their leaders in ICT.  I think we applaud Egypt for this opportunity.  I think they are doing great things.  Also Kenya is doing great things, South Africa is doing great things in IoT.  All the leaders we need to kind of embrace because revolution requires leaders and we need to make sure they are empowered. 

Within Africa also we need to make sure that pocket of excellence, we need to leverage all this pocket of excellence because it's important, you know, we just need to replicate the successes.  I learned from the experience of different African countries. 

As my colleague here said, that cybersecurity would be an issue, a huge issue on IoT.  Imagine today we are facing with great deal of issues pertaining to cybersecurity.  Imagine when we introduce IoT in our daily lives so imagine the volume of risk we are going to face. 

And I think this issue of cybersecurity we need to make sure that we take a multistakeholder approach when we are dealing with cybersecurity because not a single entity is going to be able to solve the cybersecurity issues.  The business community, technical community and government need to sit on the table because it's a make or break for IoT.  And of course on the technical side we need to embrace.  With that I thank you and give it back to the Chair. 


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you for the presentation of networks and different applications and how IoT will change our life and the opportunity generated by IoT and the involvement of all communities for the development of IoT especially in the African region. 

Next, I would like to invite head of the communication sector at IDSC.  The floor is yours.

>> PARTICIPANT:  Good afternoon.  As we all know, IoT is simply about E to E.  Everything is connected to everything all the time.  This gives machines ability to communicate with each other exchanged data and analyze it.  And analysis is the core of the process of the decision‑making process so we might have a future when machines communicate and decide, and we just sit back and relax. 

Until then IoT will still be a concept that has many challenges.  Many think that IoT is the future and others think it will be applied on a limited scale.  Challenges include as my colleagues said security, level of decision making and the way decisions should be done.  Especially crisis management, whether the IoT device will fix a decision on site or remote access will be done and give back a command to do some action. 

But definitely collecting these large volumes of data will help in doing the proper modeling and the studies and reports that will help governments, private sector, as well as NGO decision makers.  Especially in countries and areas where information is hard to get, smart solutions, smart cities, smart buildings, is being build and applied in Egypt now, and other developmental issues. 

Planning to meet Egypt's vision 2030 but we still need more focus on both cybersecurity and the governance organizing elements of different sectors so the multistakeholder approach will drive the success of IoT and vice versa.  Thank you. 


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you.  Thank you for your presentation on how to manage and manipulate data with different concerned parties.  Next, I would like to invite engineer.  The floor is yours.

>> PARTICIPANT:  Good morning.  I'm here to speak on behalf of NGO.  It's a unified Civil Society organization Egypt governing 600 companies working in the IT.  It is evolved into six divisions.  When it comes to IoT what attracted us to IoT is the collaboration between the different divisions. 

IoT applications has an electronic part, communication part, software part, that means between the members of different divisions.  What attracted us to IoT also is the diverse applications of IoT and different sectors.  In health care we have too many applications of IoT in health care.  We have a lot of wearables.  They are applied for aging people, for pregnant, for indicators of people that need follow up. 

It's available for agriculture, for energy management, for defense, that led us to go forward in many initiatives for IoT in Egypt.  It has launched an initiative for IoT in 2017 which started with an event for awareness about IoT

We gathered a lot of technical companies working in different areas.  We gathered consumers from different sectors.  And we had IoT Day in November 2016.  Then we provided the mini courses on different levels, top management, middle management, and to developers.  We have several companies travel to IoT in Ireland.  This is a part of our initiative for IoT in 2017. 

As a result, we have more than 15 companies started to work in the field of IoT.  This is for our initiative in 2017.  Again, we have ten new companies in the field of IoT in 2017. 

We have repeated our effort again and we are starting another initiative for IoT in 2018.  We are launching our initiative now and we are ready to incubate 20 companies working in IoT in our program.  And ready to incubate more ‑‑ ten companies more for 2018 also in IoT.  When it comes to IoT, you should be ready to receive innovative ideas and different sectors. 

We are also governing activities in IoT in different events.  We have event in IoT in November 2016 IoT day which will be repeated in July 2018, the second IoT day.  Last week we had also the global IoT conference in innovation cluster which is three‑day conference on IoT.  If it's all considered, it will make a good introduction to IoT in Egypt.  We are working to introduce Egypt as a hub for IoT in the area. 

We are intending to introduce industry 4.0 in collaboration with German partners to the IT sector in next few weeks.  Thank you.


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you for your presentation and your interest in IoT on different application introduced, especially on IoT networks from wearable devices, agriculture devices, and others, and on the initiative on the IoT awareness in Egypt on the different level of the community. 

Next, I would like to invite the governing partnership officer and geospatial platform focal point, Egypt.  The floor is yours.  Please, try to limit your time because you are running out of time.

>> PANELIST:  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  First let me introduce myself.  I'm working with World Food Program Egypt country office as a partnership officer.  It's my pleasure to be here and thank you for the IDSC organizing such workshop.  We are here because we are working with IDSC as one of our most strategic partners working in Egypt. 

Over the years World Food Programme has been delivering food assistance to those in need in more than 80 countries with massive amount of food goods and services being delivered every day.  Now, WFP is in school programs and supporting more than 100,000 community school students and taking rations to their families.  This targets those most in need and located in most vulnerable area in our countries. 

Our activities also include closed partnership with different government stakeholders.  We have also supported more than 700,000 in upper Egypt to enhance their livelihood and build resilience against climate shock.  Under the climate change using early warning tools to farmers to reduce crop losses in cases of extreme weather event developing an online tool which gives us five days weather forecast.  I'll try to limit talk about this. 

In line with this session I would like to emphasize how our government counterparts are actively investing in policy making.  Geopolitical and geospatial knowledge platform, also with developing ministry of social solidarity.  Also, working close with information support center, in developing geospatial code within the crisis management.  In line with the UN policies and providers we are committed to continue working with our government counterparts toward achieving support Egypt division 2030 as outlined.  We are also committed to engaging in achieving sustainable development strategy which is central mandate to WFP.  We are aligning with EGC 17 which is building local partnership. 

Given that the government if Egypt is investing in technology and innovations, WFP provides the support to strategic counterparts, and now we are extended this to ministry of supply and ministry of education.  As a new initiative I would like to close by introducing our community hub initiative.  Common hub reaches thousands of community schools across the countries to enhance impact of WFP intervention and achievement of development activities. 

This equips schools with needed infrastructure as well as providing comprehensive set of electronic tools to increase the quality of education.  I would like to thank you all for your hearing and thank you for inviting me.  Thank you. 


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you for your presentation about the World Food Programme and your effort for the Egyptian community.  And finally for your initiative for schools and education. 

Next, I would like to invite Dr. Atef El Shabrawy.  Please if I can limit your presentation for two minutes.  The time is finished. 

>> ATEF EL SHABRAWY:  Okay.  Good afternoon.  I can say good afternoon.  I'm sorry.  I'm last one.  I have to be quick.  I supposed to speak about the link between IoT and I guess this is very exciting subject which merits little larger presentation.  In fact it was launched in September 2015 as the first ever international or global between 193 countries who need to have a global agenda which composes for everything we can imagine. 

About 169 targets and 231 indicators which we can consider as a global educator for the next ten years.  IoT comes in fact as a tremendous amount of fresh air for the achievement.  I have only one minute to deliver three messages.  In fact quickly.  The first message, SDG's is to be considered currently as a worldwide platform for development, huge amount of investment annual for achieving for 15 years.  Provides a huge opportunity for all kinds of businesses and we are all over the world currently all governments are working hard now on this time to deliver kind of strategic plan. 

The second message the guiding IoT, IoT is a tremendous strategic tool in our hands.  I guess that is what the IoT is giving us as enable for providing tremendous amount solution as our colleague mentioning regarding the challenges we are facing by that SDG.  And the third message is innovation.  We have to think about innovation as the only way to link the achievement of SDG's and opportunity for the IoT

If we look out of this room we will find that plenty of ideas are already in early stage and we have plenty of people worldwide thinking so my message is think, innovate and we need more innovation, more accelerator.  But we have to think about being impactful in our innovation so last message will be innovate and use IoT for impacting the world.  Thanks for your attention. 


>> MODERATOR:  Thank you, for your presentation.  We are out of time.  We have taken many different aspects of IoT networks and the amount of data generated from these networks.  Many challenges are arising most important are security.  Thank you for your presence and I would like to wish the organizers of this governance forum good luck.  Thank you.


(Session concluded at 12:35 p.m. CET)