IGF 2021 WS #116
Cross-border Technical Platforms for Cyberspace Governance

Organizer 1: Jilong Wang, Tsinghua University
Organizer 2: Xiaohong Huang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Organizer 3: Jie An, Tsinghua University

Speaker 1: Jilong Wang, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 2: Milton Mueller, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 3: Adrian Perrig, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


Jie An, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group

Online Moderator

Xiaohong Huang, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group


Jie An, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group


Birds of a Feather - Classroom - 90 Min

Policy Question(s)

Cybersecurity practices and mechanisms: What are the good cybersecurity practices and international mechanisms that already exist? Where do those mechanisms fall short and what can be done to strengthen the security and to reinforce the trust?
Additional Policy Questions Information: Cyberspace governance has higher requirements for the efficiency of policy and rule execution, and needs a more flexible policy and rule system and an efficient technical support platform.

Cyberspace governance is facing unprecedented forms of sharing and cooperation, as well as unprecedented technical challenges and policy disputes, such as various security and performance issues in operating the Internet, new forms of crime and social conflict enabled by the new Internet technologies, concerns about the uneven distribution of key Internet resources among nations.

The Internet is a vast network of independently managed networks and these networks are under the jurisdiction of different nations. Solving these challenges and disputes requires collaboration between all these networks and nations, and people have to develop technical systems and platforms to facilitate the sharing and exchanging of information among these parties, help the enforcement of cooperation policies made by governments, etc. How to meet the needs of countries, adapt to the environment of countries, and how to share resources and data with mutual trust requires the participation and contribution of all parties.

Based on an international joint project on cyberspace governance technology research by 23 institutes from 14 countries, this workshop aims to discuss the technical challenges and share experience for developing technical systems and platforms to facilitate cross-border collaboration on cyberspace governance issues.


9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Targets: The event will help the cross-border cooperation on cyberspace development which is a very important aspect of modern industry innovation.


This session mainly focuses on the challenges and potential solutions in building the technical support systems and platforms for cross-border collaboration on cyberspace governance, as well as the innovations of policy and rule to meet the extra requirements on efficiency of cyberspace governance.

An international joint project on cyberspace governance technology research by 23 institutes from 14 Asia and Europe countries will share their works on improving the collaborations among networks and nations and their real-world experiences in deploying their systems.

Professor Milton Mueller from Georgia Institute of Technology School of Public Policy, USA, who is the co-founder and director of the Internet Governance Project (IGP), a policy analysis center for global Internet governance, would share their ideas on new rules for cross-border collaborations on cyberspace governance issues and the technical challenges proposed by these new rules.

Professor Adrian Perrig from the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, who is leading the Network Security Group, would introduce their research on building secure and robust network systems with a particular focus on the design, development, and deployment of the SCION Internet architecture.

The discussions followed will focus on identifying the key challenges and proposing a way of trust collaborations.

Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the sharing and discussions at this workshop could achieve the following outcomes:
-make wider awareness of that the international collaborations on cyberspace governance involves a large number of cross-border collaborative measurement and evidence collection needs, and it will be more efficient and helpful to establish an international collaborative technical support platform and set up the rules based on technical solutions.
-encourage more international engagement in the collaborative work
-get the outputs of this workshop published in IGF documentation, related websites and other journals and news release channels.

The session organizers are planning to have an online session with two parts. The first part is to invite speakers to share their technical and regulation-related experiences and challenges on transnational collaboration on cyberspace governance. The second part is the discussion with the participants. As the three speakers have their own teams working on this area, we would share a list of questions before the meeting as kind of reference or bullet points to encourage participants for more active interaction in the discussion with the speakers.

Online Participation

Usage of IGF Official Tool.