IGF 2021 Remote Hubs

Join a Remote Hub for IGF 2021! Login to your account and then click on the Hub of your interest below to know more about the organizer (you will be also able to make a direct contact if the organizer has enabled this feature).
Country: Austria
City: Vienna
Institution hosting the hub: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility
Pre-events: Social media awareness raising campaign on the topic of electronic evidence
Country: Bangladesh
City: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Institution hosting the hub: Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum - BIGF
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance
Pre-events: We chose the sessions and selected 35 participants for the each day (including 7,8,9,10 December 2021)
Country: Belgium
City: Brussels
Institution hosting the hub: Semantis-Eurolinc
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Meetings in Liege &Brussels Belgium
Country: Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance
Pre-events: AUCUN
Country: Côte d'Ivoire
Institution hosting the hub: FGI CÔTE D’IVOIRE
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Yes
Country: Colombia
City: Bogotá D,C,
Institution hosting the hub: Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality
Pre-events: Reuniones semanales previas a la realización del IGF
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Institution hosting the hub: LETS LAB, University of Greenwich
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Workshop 1: Briefing on IGF with participants
Workshop 2: Overview of Internet Governance: History, practices, challenges
Country: United Kingdom
City: New Cross
Institution hosting the hub: University of Goldsmiths
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance
Pre-events: Workshop 1: Briefing on IGF with participants
Workshop 2: Overview of Internet Governance : History, practices, challenges
Country: Ghana
City: Accra
Institution hosting the hub: Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation (AODIRF)
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: yes we have a plan for pre meeting activities
Country: Ghana
City: Oyibi-Accra
Institution hosting the hub: Valley View University, Faculty of Science
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Advocacy activities
Virtual meetings
Country: Ghana
City: winneba
Institution hosting the hub: Department of Special Education
Sessions: BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance
Pre-events: virtual meetings
Country: Haiti
City: Cap-Haitien
Institution hosting the hub: GJUPAH
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance
Pre-events: I Will organize a meeting to help the young develop them mind in my community. All ou dream is to create a gouvernance school.
Country: Haiti
City: Cayes
Institution hosting the hub: STEKEN DESIGN
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Info sessions, IG Experts intervention, Officials from Judiciary power conference
Country: Haiti
City: Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Institution hosting the hub: Centre d'Inniovation Technologique et d'Entrepreneuriat ( CITE)
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Centre d'Innovation Technologique et d'Entrepreneuriat (CITE) An organization whose mission is to strengthen the digital and entrepreneurial ecosystem that targets young people for socio-economic and digital inclusion in order to promote sustainable development.
We are going to raise awareness in order to increase participants' understanding of the role of Internet Governance in Promoting an open, free and secure internet.
Country: India
City: Hyderabad
Institution hosting the hub: ISoc India Hyderabad Chapter
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality
Pre-events: There will be 2 to 3 preparatory pre-meetings for the purpose.
Now, we are organizing APrIGF on 28-09-2021.
Country: India
City: Patna
Institution hosting the hub: Patient Planet
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance
Pre-events: Virtual meet
Country: Italy
City: Chieti
Institution hosting the hub: Associazione Tripla Difesa Onlus - Accademia Dei Diritti Umani
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance
Pre-events: On a zoom meeting platform to explain Human Rights, its international charters and bring people closer to the activities of the United Nations. It may seem strange but in Italy they are little known
Country: Italy
City: Rome
Institution hosting the hub: International Security & Digital Council
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance
Pre-events: A mailing to all association and people of interest with a presentation of the hub and the various entity involved. What Hub did and future plans.
All the istrunction for our virtual hub and how partecipate
Many session with topics above
Country: Libya
City: Tripoli
Institution hosting the hub: Libyan Organization for Information Technology and Telecommunications
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility
Pre-events: meeting with the team and team leader and organizer the topic and path of discussion to improve the Meeting minutes results.
Country: Morocco
City: Casablanca
Institution hosting the hub: Salconst
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Yes
Country: Malaysia
City: Kuala Lumpur
Institution hosting the hub: The IO Foundation
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance
Pre-events: We plan to coordinate with the Youth IGF here in Malaysia and plan activities together.
Country: Nigeria
City: Abuja
Institution hosting the hub: MicroBoss
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: As is our practise, we would mobilize the local community through our mailing list, chains of webinars and announcements on our website to use the facilities at our remote hub to connect to sessions at the IGF as participants or panelists and shepherd them through each session.
Country: Nigeria
City: Abuja
Institution hosting the hub: AfICTA - Africa ICT Alliance
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Awareness-raising meetings with prospective participants through our fortnight newsletters, regional quarterly eConferences, and other media channels

Local advertising and marketing within our network and with different sectors to inform them of the hub
Country: Nigeria
City: Abuja
Institution hosting the hub: African Union ECOSOCC Nigeria
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Internet governance workshop for Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria and awareness raising among women and youths
Country: Nigeria
City: Abuja
Institution hosting the hub: MicroBoss
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: As is our practise, we would mobilize the local community through our mailing list, chains of webinars and announcements on our website to use the facilities at our remote hub to connect to sessions at the IGF as participants or panelists and shepherd them through each session.
Country: Nigeria
City: Abuja
Institution hosting the hub: MicroBoss
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: As is our practise, we would mobilize the local community through our mailing list, chains of webinars and announcements on our website to use the facilities at our remote hub to connect to sessions at the IGF as participants or panelists and shepherd them through each session.
Country: Poland
City: Golden Stream
Institution hosting the hub: PressXAI-University
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies
Pre-events: Gathering interest of the Municipalities
Country: Poland
City: Lodz
Institution hosting the hub: Lodz Cyber Hub
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance
Pre-events: An end user capacity building campaign on DNS Abuse,together with ICANN EURALO.
Country: Poland
City: Września
Institution hosting the hub: University Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety
Pre-events: Preparing for meetings as volunteer
Country: Sudan
City: khartoum
Institution hosting the hub: network broadcast solution (NBS)
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Preparation and organization
Program working hours
Country: Tunisia
City: Tunis
Institution hosting the hub: GIZ TN
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs
Pre-events: - Round tables about the topics
- Implication of the Tunisian Ecosystem (Gov, Private sector, NGOs and Academia)
- Communication strategy
Country: Tanzania, United Republic of
City: Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Institution hosting the hub: AFRICAN CHILD PROJECTS
Sessions: Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Announcing a meeting on social media sites (posters, brochures)

Distributing an agenda and supporting documents.

Preparing the meeting environment (venue)

Confirmation of attendance from participants.

Observing COVID 19 measures when arranging the venue ( provision of masks, sanitizer and ensuring social distancing among attendees)

Country: Uganda
Institution hosting the hub: KINGSLAND AGENCY
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance
Country: Uganda
City: Kampala
Institution hosting the hub: NETPIL
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust
Pre-events: Meetings and planning sessions
Country: Uganda
City: Kampala
Institution hosting the hub: Rwenzo Green Associates Ltd.
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility, Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: Cast hub details amongst our mailing list and advocates and Take part in an online discussion while following some IGF presentations.
Country: Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
City: Caracas
Institution hosting the hub: ProBox
Sessions: Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility
Pre-events: 1. Sharing our own investigations to participants
2. Virtual meeting to discuss them and receive questions
Country: South Africa
City: Centurion
Institution hosting the hub: .ZA Domain Name Authority
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability, Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies, Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles, Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety, Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, Main Sessions
Pre-events: South African School of Internet Governance

The extended South African Internet Governance 2021

South African Youth IGF
Country: Zambia
City: Lusaka
Institution hosting the hub: Internet Society Zambia Chapter
Sessions: BPF on Cybersecurity, BPF on Gender and Digital Inclusion, Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity, Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues, Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality, Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media
Pre-events: Local IGF (Zambia Internet Governance Forum) a starting point for engaging locals and students in informing them about the remote hub.