IGF 2022 Day 0 Event #14 IGF LAC Space - RAW

The following are the outputs of the captioning taken during an IGF virtual intervention. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.



>> MODERATOR: Hello, everyone.  We are going to begin now.  We are 10 minutes late.  We are going to begin with the sixth edition of LAC space.  LAC IGF.  Thanks for joining us today.

     And this session is going to be a session on the updates of a different associations.  And we going to brief in some research papers on our topics.  So without further ado, I would like to give the floor to the speakers.  Before that let me tell you we have interpretation into English and Portugese and you can use your language of preference.  You need to be brief and speak for three minutes.  We will give the floor to --  you the floor is yours.  Please go ahead.

     >> Andres I don't know if you are connected.  If that is the case, please go ahead.

     >> MODERATOR: I am being told that audio is really is not good.  This is the interpreter speaking.  We apologize but we are not receiving audio, right audio from the floor.

     >> I don't see Raul nor Andres in the room.  We are not seeing Raul or Andreas in the room.  So let's see what happens.  Row seia speak Olga, can you begin with your presentation and your update.

     >> Hello, can you hear me.

     >> MODERATOR: Yes, please go ahead.

     >> Olga speaking.  As you can see, it is very early in the morning in Buenos Aires.  Good morning and good evening and good afternoon to everyone.  Thanks for giving us the opportunity to speak with the internet governor Vance in the LAC space.Let me tell you about news we regarding the school of internet governance.

     >> Basilio is not receiving audio.  I hope you can hear me.  We held a hybrid event.  We had remote participation in the previous editions but that was a sort of follow-up by remote participants but in this particular edition we had a sort of video and audio studio and we lad -- we held a hybrid session with *6 0 fellows participants on site.  And many others participating remotely.  And we had fellows from all around the world mainty from Latin America.  This is our target and primary audience but we also had fellows from Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.

     There were fewer but, of course, we had some of them.  We had simultaneous translation at all times.  Last year we included an introductory course that was a two month course so it was the course started two months before the event by in addition to the introductory course which was in twoen languages as well, we had five hybrid event or days that was in two languages as well and we also had a research stage because we signed an agreement with the university, a university where I graduated from as an engineer so we had some grants available for fellows or to be interested or that were interested in taking this opportunity and who have passed the hybrid course.

     And those undergoing this research course they would be able to access to internet governance diploma and they had been receiving tutorials in English and Spanish.  We offered the Portugese language as well but no fellows were able to take the Portugese language or the research course in Portugese.

     So we are happy because we were able to add these new states.  The school is five days long but the course the whole course takes four months and begins in August and ends in December.  These are the news that we have for you.  All of the material is uploaded in the channel and our team is now working on, you know, a classifying the panels and the presentations.  We had more than 100 experts all around the world.  Some were onsite in Buenos Aires and some foreigners came to Buenos Aires, some others were participating remotely.  Rodrigo was also able to participate and Rodrigo was on site with us in Buenos Aires.  All of the material is in the YouTube channel and we are happy because we received the WSIS champion prize or award.  Thank you, Rodrigo, it as pleasure to have you here with us.  And we also had Nicholas and gee Lan who was the eye can CEO but he was not able to be on site but was also invited to participate.  We had a great honer to be able to receive the WSIS prize championed due to the role that the school has in the training space for young people or other people.  We have no age limit in our activities so thank you for this space.

     Thanks for this opportunity in LAC space.  Greetings from Buenos Aires.  And I'm open to questions or comments.

     >> MODERATOR: Rose Yo speaking.  Thank you Olga for the presentation.  Now I will give the floor to digital rights and let me invite Juan Carlo to take the floor.

     >> Juan speaking.  Good afternoon and good morning to people in Latin America.  Good afternoon to the onsite participants.

     It as pleasure to be here on behalf of the Derechos digites.  We have been concentrating on song activities and let me speak about some main topics.  When it comes to the updates that we have, we have some exchange activities for the public insurance incidents of these on topics and working on research in terms of connective of rural areas and distant areas particularly in four countries around the Amazonian and we have been working on different diverse topics.  Within or along those lines that had to do with freedom at the internet, we have been able to coordinate and to connect spaces in order to have a better response to security incidents and to work with many experts and organizations all around Latin America.

     So that we can create trust in the search for digital security.  We also have been working around artificial intelligence and inclusion.

     This is a topic we will be discussing in this meeting in the Internet Governance Forum.  We had been also researching and conducting research in different countries and on different subject.

     Even though working with emergency situations and social services in Chile we have been working with E healthcare services in Uruguay and artificial intelligence in Colombia we have extended the task to Chile to help the police force and to provide services to the job industry in Brazil.  However, we have also been working successfully on a course at the beginning of this year and we have people working with people and we have been coordinating Of course with the University san Andreas in Argentina and the idea is to grant certificates to participants for the participation N. a course on human rights related to the implementation of artificial intelligence systems.

     This is also inline with ore activities and our task on are are inline with our participation.  We have also been able to participate as digitsal rights or Derechos digites as members of the organizing committee at the IGF LAC IGF and together with the other entities that are part of the committee this is multi-stakeholder committee and with the support of the youth IGF we held a new version of this forum of these LAC IGF.  This is the Internet Governance Forum for the Latin America and the Caribbean region.  And on this occasionth was held virtually but we were able to get a high level of participation from many different stakeholders and players that in the past did not have much expectations.

     And this was a huge and very successful event and we received a good contribution from stakeholders and together with the committee we are in the process of reactivating a new Secretariat for the LAC IGF.  So this is what we have so far.  Of course, many of this -- much of this information can be found in our network social media and web page.  But we are happy to provide you withth update.

     Row Sena speaking.  Thank you, Juan Carlos.  We are really happy to hear your -- the updates on the LAC IGF.  Many organizations are there participating and we are moving forward in the implementation of the Newby laws.  I would like to invite Rodrigo toucher with us.

     >> Thank you.  It is very early in the morning.  It is -- it's 3:00 a.m. in the morning or 3 very early in the morning in Mexico.  Is is good to have you all here in this LAC space session.

     At ICANN we are going back to face to face activities and we are trying to focus on getting the best from these two worlds.  The digital world and, of course, to take this to the physical world.  Some weeks ago we were in par at this time Pating in two events.  The internet governance dip plow place policicy course organized by the cities and this was a good experience for, you know, students and after that we had a ministerial meeting at ECLAC to generate the ELAC plan or road map together with, you know, many other organizations.  RedClara as well.  The technical community, the internet technical community in the region was present at the house of internet.  And they held some social networking event.

     We invited ministers.  We had some minister participating in the ministerial meeting held in the house of internet and we also have the secretary of the ECLOC and as I said before we had the opportunity to participate on site in the event held by the house school of internet in Argentina and we were also able to discuss with other relevant stakeholders in it these countries and then moved to Paraguay.  Generally speaking we are also reactivating our face to face component in terms of training and capacity building that we are offering to different groups.  Main Li to the technical community -- mainly to the technical community in 1078 countries of the region.  And we are -- some countries of region.  And we had the opportunity to approach some LACISP organizations and we are working in Mexico.  During the pandemic we had a very interesting participation remotely but now we held the face to face meeting.

     Finally let me tell you that we going to hold ICANN 76 meeting in Cancun Mexico.  We hope to see you there.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you for p update.  Rocio speaking.  Now we have Carmen and I will invite her toucher the updates.  You have the floor.

     >> Allow me toucher my screen, Carmen Denis speaking.  I hope you can see it.  Okay.  So hello, everyone, good morning.  Good afternoon, depending on where you are connecting from.  I am representing my region.  It is a pleasure to be here.

     And I will tell you about the updates in the LAC-IX.  And it is worth mentioning that this was prepared by Gabriel la.  I am representing the board of directors of LAC-IX.  As you know, LAC-IX is the association that gathers the points of traffic and exchange in Latin America and the goal is to promote the exchange points in order to strengthen our community and as many of you know, the LAC-IX are essential about for internet.  We -- IXP essential for internet.  We work with other communities like Asia park and AF-ID and others and implement farther of the federation of the traffic exchange points.  Here you have one of the graphics that we would like to show you the community that is conform like IX is composed by 23 members.  More than 80!

     Change points and important programs.

     And it is important to gather in mind that we are a single organization.  And there is -- we work together with internet society.  This was the growth continuous growth of IXP per year.

     This is a study that was carried out in 2021 and as you may see, we have a potential growth as well.  As mentioned, LAC-IX works together with internet society and Lacnic.  And there are coordinated activities and actions and also, of course, the support of these organizations.  And we have the support plan for 2021 and 2022 with exchange with 12 countries where we have invested more than 150 hours of training and we have deployed more than 50 platforms which make it possible forth exchange platforms to be deployed.

     And where we can see these logic layer of the internet.  We also work together in synergy with Lacnicu lack lt and red Clara and LACIC to measure internet.  Here you could see the progress of the coordinated plan for 2022 just so though you the experience in which countries we are working on right NOW.  And here you have a support plan in order to give support to the different exchange points.  And since everyone has a different reality, they have to tell us which are the requirements.  Some need to -- need -- require some infrastructure from a certain server and many of them -- for many of them we are strengthening the routing.  Here is the study.

     Which gathers data.  Here we are doing it for 2022.  And you can visit the website for LAC-IX.  You have the interactive site where you have more information.  And more visibility.  But if you enter the interactive map you can see the state of each of the exchange points.  We are very proud of the study with between the internet sew tiety and Lacnic.  This is the gathering of Lacnic38 where we celebrated the 10 year anniversary of LAC-IX.

     And the most important thing to remember here is that we were able to meet and to discuss these ten year development to where we created interconnections.  We are working on these initiatives for 2023.

     And from the name of Gabriel and myself, I would like to thank you for your participation.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you, Carmen.  NOW we will go on LAC ISP an I will invite Basilou ore Perez to share his updates.

     >> LACISP is probably one of the organizations, the newest organizations of this group.  Because with E. we started in 2019.

     With five countries that participated.  Would ISP associations sponsors of internet that were -- that gathered in an ISP organization.  And here we have all of these countries participating.  And during the pandemic we had a lot of work because some countries had difficulty in helping internet providers work and precisely at a time where it was very necessary, very important to have more training and better internet connections.

     So these meant a lot of work for us during the pandemic we had to work a lot with virtual networks and virtual meetings.  And this year we have in-person meetings, once again.  And we have had many meetings in different countries in which everyone was coming back to in-person meetings but very much interested in technological news.  We were in Argentina and now in pair bay with ISP meetings.  We held the ISP meetings.  Our goal is always to integrate and to create the IPS communities in countries where they have internet providers and internet service providers but which are not organized and because of this they have a very strong competitive difficulty.  So our role is to discuss with companies such as the case of Peru, for example, we recently participated in public consultations that were taking place in Mexico where they were defining issues related to small telecommunication enterprise committees how they were teaing with the issues and this is the work of LAC-ISP.

     We started almost together with the pandemic so we are a little bit -- we did a little bit of deLai with our original goals.  But we hope that for the next few years we will be able to incorporate other countries to our group and to strengthen the providers in Latin America too make them stronger.  Thank you very much.

     >> MODERATOR: Rocio speaking.  Thank you, Basilio.  Now we will listen to Fernando Martinez.  When you are ready you have have the floor.

     >> Fernando Martinez speak.  That is correct you.  Good morning, good afternoon.  I am Fernanda March tee Nebraska, exexconpetitive director of the University of san Andreas in Argentina.  We are an interdisciplinary search center for the information of subjects related to policies and digital policies of internet in Latin America.  Our center hastily pillars which are to related to training, dissemination of knowledge and train.

     As to training, we have concluded to our most important programs one of them is an annual program on right and technology that is its eighth edition.  And others we had concluded last week.  Diploma in internet governance concluded in Uruguay that has a virtual component.  And another component that was done in person in Uruguay with the collaboration and in partnership with Lacnic.  We can have a program on the protection of personal data.  We believe that the training in our center is essential because it enables to us keep us up to date and to identify issues and to discuss them with our student.

     Many of our students then participate in other activities in our center.  As to research, this has been a very important year.  We were able to set some research lines.  We have made progress and we have made a second addition of the gap project that is related to the study.  And there is a space where we brought issues related to artificial intelligence related to Latin America and the Caribbean and we will have the third aedition for next year.  And we were able to include in 2022 a program of data that we will present to you in the next phase.  For students of high school -- for high school students in the region.  And we are also presenting in this event and Rosa Gustoo will be involved with this.  Our center was chosen to do the research for Argentina.

     As to the dissemination which is the third component I mentioned ated beginning, this year we were at the presentation and launching of three books.  And the third edition of the legal aspect of unique work in our region with the collaboration of Santo among others and you will find the text written by authors all over the region and we will also present another book on artificial intelligence.  I would like to share with you that we are celebrating the 15th anniversary of the creation of the center.  And we will have many activities in order to celebrate that beautiful moment.

     Rocio, if you alie me, I could maybe share an image with you.  I don't know if you can see it on the screen.  I think now you do.

     >> MODERATOR: Yes.  We can see it.

     >> Fernanda: Thank you.  I just wanted to show you the graphic result of our meetings, our activities we have had a close meeting and a conference where we did a mapping of our progress so far.  Our agenda for the future.  And this was a very important moment because we were able to presented CETyS activities to the board and I wanted to share with you.  Thank you so much.

     >> MODERATOR: Rocio speaking.  Thank you, Fernanda and congratulations on your anniversary.  NOW we will give the floor floor to the Lacnic preptive.  Dead if you are ready.

     >> Hell Low, good morning and good afternoon, everyone.  I will give the floor to my colleague Kevon who is going to present on behalf of Lacnic.

     >> KevonSWIF T: hello and thanks for the opportunity to provide the Lacnic update today.  I will speak of some Lacnicu programs such as leaders free doom and policy making programs.  These are programs with different objectives.

     And ideas to strengthsen all of the capacities in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.  We have not much time available so I will set the clock.  And I'm going to start my presentation.

     As regard the free gap, it is the innovation fund in Latin America and the Caribbean region.  And the idea is to grant or to provide acknowledgement to some projects or innovative projects in the region classified in three axis.  Connectivity.  Access to internet, open and free internet and secured safety and security of internet.  We supported eight projects this year.  These were supported and proposed by Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia and we are also discussing the use of blockchain in routing to support small and medium sized and to promote future generations and promote the digital tal end.

     Then I will share with you the link for you to have a better understanding of the projects and the candidates.  Now when it comes to the leaders program this is leaders 2.0 program.  This is -- this program refers to the following.  There are some changes that we made at the beginning of the pandemic to change our approach and to support the different communities from the region.  So these 2.0 program is a mentoring and supporting program for researchers to work on topics such as global or regional governance.  And we predeuced for access the inclusive development of net, human rights, creating the security and strengthen cooperation.

     And finally, risk of internet fragmentation.  So this year we received 18 candidates from all of the regions.  And eight of them was granted $1,500 from fund or allocationed and they have ten hour participation for three months.  Nowadays, we are receiving their papers.  We are going to translate and publish those papers in our website.  First of all, we are going to published papers in the original language.  And then we -- then you will be able to, you know, read and the information that is uploaded in the Lacnic web page.

     This year in particular and let me talk about the policy shapers program.  We started a new course for our leaders from -- for the program I have just mentioned.

     And these, you know, course that is policy shapers is to provide grants to smalledders in our communities for them to be able to participate in Lacnic events and then to move forward to the next stage which would be to, you know, take a further training, the training offered by the cities that is the internet governance diploma that was -- by CETyS.  Or the diploma course on human rights and privacy and personal data protection.

     This is a course being organized by the interAmerican humanity rights institute.  The idea is to promote a network of leaders that are going to be able to participate first in the leaders program and then they are going to get to know Lacnic through Lacnic events and they will be able to participate in one of the courses I have already mentioned.

     Now let's talk about the other initiative that we have.  Leaders have always been a program to support international initiatives and the idea is to keep on providing this traditional support to, you know, promote initiatives national IGFs and this year we have been supporting seven initiatives.  Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Salvador, Bolivia, Uruguay and Costa Rica.  Now we aring with back to normal eightnd a rejurisdiction covered the usual support with the leaders program.

     The leaders 1.0 program but we keep the new idea that we have to create a reedgers community and that is the 2.0 program or community.  Finally there is a mentoring program and the idea is promote the participation and leadership of women from Lacnic in the ecosystem.

     This year we had a code opened in August and we selected seven women and in October those seven women had to work on different activities based on the categories that we have defined for this year.  Network, operation architecture, interconnection, cryptography, resiliency and security and internet development.  With that I'm going to close my presentation.

     And, of course, if you would lake to know more information about these women and their work, I wouldlike to invite you all to visit Lacnic web page and in the support opportunity tab you will be able to find out the programs I have already mentioned and, of course, you will be able to meet the candidates that we are training in year in order to strengthen our community.  Thank you very much for this opportunity.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you, Kevon for the update on behalf of Lacnic.  Now I will give the floor to the ALAI representative who has recently joined us.  Rawls, once you are ready, the floor is yours.  Fleece go ahead.

     >> Hello, everyone.  I have to sit in a place really do not sit here to I guess this is not my place.  Anyway, good morning, everyone.  It is a pleasure to see you all here.  I know some of you I haven't met for a long time and my greetings to all of you that are connected remotely.

     Let me tell you a little bit about ALAI.  I know most of you know ALAI.  The regional and Latin American organization of Ney companies.  Internet related p cans.  Many companies have a huge components of their activities on the internet but ALAI is a group of internet related companies and we have the Latin American branches of main global companies together with us and many other regional companies with regional offices.

     We are growing and we are adding new associate members.  So if you follow our social media, you will be able to learn about the Latin America that have recently joined us.

     In October, we held our DGI come event.  Focused on the regional and local digital economy.  The second tame we held this event.  This year we held a high braid format.  It was a very successful event we had high participation.  More than 1,000 people joined us at different times online.

     And we also had very good speakers from more than 40 organizations that are represented.

     We also held for a second year our acknowledgement program for women in digital economies.  This is a program acknowledging the work of women in the digital economy based on four different pillars or elements.  This entrepreneur women or women with micro-companies and they have -- they are providing their support to the community and making the contributions to the public "Life" on the private sphere.  I would like to invite you to learn about this and the women acknowledged and I'm very happy to see that this was well taken by the media in companies -- sorry, in the countries these women come from.

     So we have the intention of repeating and of continue is with the program this year.  And, of course, taking into account the amount of organizations with general program and companies promoting women participation.  All suggestions are more than welcome.  And I would like to thank you for spreading the voice because, you know, it's, you he know, it is important to make the best use of us a social media in order to, you know, spread this information.

     This year together with event and management before, we had something that was very innovative at least from our point of view.  We gathered with the other chambers together and approved a document this is digital economy manifest.  In manifest is a document that contains a set of proposals and suggestions.

     This is not just a list of requests of what we need but also seen from different perspectives.  I believe that you will feel aligned and identified with many of the topics that we mentioned there.  For us it is a sort of basic and guiding document for us and for other organizations.  And based on that, we had a secondary result and this was the creation of an articulation among many companies and organizations in the sector and this will allow us to have a better work.  So we keep -- we are still in the IDB platform and the idea is to keep on -- to

     On working with the private sector in the Americas to elaborate recommendations for the summits.  We are leading the digital economy working group and we had some recommendations that were taken to the summit and we are leading the group and we are trying to, you know, have a permanent follow-up for the Americas summit and for other events.  And on this line, last week in the meeting we proposed to create a digital economy working groups to work with four of the objectives of the -- in the action plan for e.  Related to the digital economy but three are high level objective have more concrete proposals to work with.  This is part of the policy network internet fragmentation an this is a good introduction because I believe that we have a good level of cooperation with many organizations in the region.  We are discussing many drafts and bills and with certain impact on internet fragmentation for different reasons.

     And because there are some objectives that sometimes are, you know, led by, you know, the content moderation or privacy protection or tax irk Shues butth are many reasons for grounds and if those laws are passed that would impact and would, you know, lead to a higher risk of internet fragmentation.  So we believe there is a good space to keep on working our association has collaboration spirit and welike to work with other stakeholders and the idea is to, you know, work together in different projects because we are all on the same side due to the, you know, the impact that these have on the different projects.  But sometimes because there are some misunderstandings or because not all of the stakeholders are participating from the very beginning there are some risks coming up and the risk may affect certain rights.  We plenty of room there to work with other organizations and we need take this opportunity.

     Thank you.

     >> MODERATOR: Racio speak is.  Now I will give the floor to the update APC.  I would like -- red Clara and Aed PC.Let me tell you and remind you of the time.  So please go ahead.  The floor is yours.

     >> Luis.  (speaking in non-English) this is the intent of the digital -- we are thinking about having the consultational meeting at the be ginning event year from order to have information added to the input for the process and to contribute --

     Are set for a safe environment.  I would like to tell you as well that we have finished the research on global information society watch our annual publication focused on different subjects each year.  This year the publication on research is focused on the impacts of COVID and the pandemic in the organization of digital rights and the differentiated effects of the pandemic not only in the incident topic but in the agenda regarding digital environments.  We will present this research that contains different reports in and different work of this meeting.

     I would like to tell you that as part of our participation in the UN open-ended working group on cybersecurity we have been working on the general approach in understanding the cybersecurity strategies and along this line exploring possibles to work on the government of Ecuador to (?).  As part of our participation in IGF, we have been working with the policy network as to significant access and to foster a better understanding of the role of the community networks to answer the increasing demand of connectivity and occupation of the virtual space that the pandemic brought about and fostering evolution of the different models that may complement what other models are doing right now in the provision of universal access to internet.  That's it for me in order to respect the time allotted.  And, of course, if someone has other questions we can talk about it further for our condition in Latin America.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you.  C.  I don't foe in you can hear us.

     >> Thank you very much for the invitation to participate in the immediating.  Greetings to all colleagues and friends who are presenting today.  Unfortunately, my mic did not work properly but now I could activate it.  So thank you once again for the invitation from red Clara what I wanted to share with you is information related to the project with I most of you are probably familiar with where we are looking at interconnection between Latin America to increase the cooperation between both continents, Europe and Latin America that we completed in 2022 with the closing of the project that enabled us to increase the connectivity capabilities in the south of America -- in South America.

     With this first stage of the process, we were able to connect Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador and Panama with great capability with the underground, under water cable that connects in Brazil directly.  And makes broader this digital cooperation between Europe and Latin America.

     In the next stage of this project, in the two stage of this project we will be able to work in fostering increasing investment for more than 28 million Euros so that countries in Latin America anded Caribbean can be connected with the same capability anded same level of access than before mentioned countries.  This alliance has the intention to supply side sport the digital Tran formation processes in the region and we were able to make progress with some agreements in internet of things, actor Ai artificial intelligence and we were able to work together with Lacnic and deployed block chain infrastructure we found in Lacnicu which cooperates with the blockchain in the region and is helping us implement digital cert cals Andy plow mas supported by blockchain technology.  So we invite you all to participate in this project.  We are hoping to deploy it with a very broad dialogue in the region not only in academia but also with similar organizations to contribute to this development at the regional level.  So thank you very much.  And I wish you a great success and a great week.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you Luis.  Rocio speaking.  In order to close the section I would like to make an update from LAC-TLD.  We continue working in the projects collaboration projects that are carried out between Latin America and the Caribbean and with other organizations in the region.  One of them is the Americas cloud that many of the organizations here today have participated in this project and supported this project.  And throughout the second part of this year we were able to increase the number of notes.  Today we -- nodes.  Today we have 17 nodes in Latin America and the Caribbean.  At the beginning of the project hosted nodes only (?) in the region.  But as of some years now we started evaluating the possibility of having nodes in other organizations such as IXPs.  And also the different providers of services.

     And thanks to this, this year we added a node in Colombia and recently in Panama.  Interred and as many mentioned we included nodes in the region and we had the opportunity -- sorry for an interruption.  I think someone has it's mic open.  Thank you.  We participated in the Lacnic event and had the opportunity to prevent the project to other IXPs in the region in order to expand the cloud and to foster the ability and stability of the in the region throughout the project.  I would also like to mention I don't know if some of you heard of it, that this year we announced another development, another project we are working on that we called unified certer of domains and this, too, will enable to have a single platform that gathers all CCLDs from the region so that when a user or registrant or any interested entity would like to see what is the availability of the domain flame of a CCLT in the region has the unified service available in the web.

     It is not launched yet, we hope to be able to do it from the first half of 2023.  But we have made progress in the technical tool itself in the application and in the agreements that enable CCLTs of the region to integrate once again in these type of collaborative initiative.  We had the opportunity to develop ceremony of the signing of agreements in Santa Cruz, Bolivia in the framework of the Lacnic event in which LAC-TLD organized the technical commercial workshop and we are working on this project that we are very enthusiastic about.  We are introducing a single service that is not available so far in other regions and in other communities.

     Finally, I would like to mention a work we have been working -- something we have been working on to develop Documents and reports on topics that are interesting to the CCLTs of Latin America, the Caribbean and the region and one is a report that we drafted making internet review -- internal review of the controversy resolution policies in the region and this report is available in the LAC-TLD website and provides clear information in order to better understand how these mechanisms work.  And the last errorring which We're working -- the last reporting we are working on is a report on domain names and free trade agreements.  We are reviewing in this document how the domain flames are somehow regulated consider names are regulated and approached in the free trade agreements.  And some of agreements of the countries of the region.

     And we believe that this line of work in order to propose these policies, these Documents enable us to be more clear and more transparent as to the work weed oring in the community -- the work we are doing in the communities which are relevant both for members and for the sectors that work with us.

     So that was the update I wanted to share with you from LAC-TLD.  And now we will go on with the second part of the session.

     >> MODERATOR: Now we will go on with the second part of the session where we will have some researchers that are important for the governance of Latin America anded Caribbean -- the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean and I will be moderating the session of the second part.  I will allow Paula to moderate the second part of the session.  Thank you to those that work E. woke up early to participate in the session.  Paula, you have the floor.

     >> Paula, thank you.  I hope you are doing great.  We will start with the second part of the meeting.  And we started it last year and we fostered this year.  From order to encourage research works for the region, relevant region to support the development of internet.

     Now we will see some vehicles carried out by researchers from the leaders program of Lacnic that was mentioned some minutes ago and also research carried out from cities.

     So without further ado, is we will start with the researchers we will start with the Lacnic leaders research program and then I will give the floor to Fernanda in order to go on with the researchers from Ced ETyS.  You have five minutes to present the main findings and we will start, first of all, with Juan Mendez.  I would like to present her.  She comes from Bolivia and her research was called the cam lengths of women and -- challenges of women and girls in order to survive the digital gap.  Lu an Anu you have the floor.

     >> Thank you very much for inviting my.  I will start with my five minutes.  This research enabled me to better understand which is the situation of the digital gender gap in the municipality where I live from Bolivia and one of the main results of the research was that even though the data of many of -- Bolivia showd that women have access to digital devicesth have not been a significant connectivity.  Even though they have their own devases the research shows when using the internet and connecting through a mobile device this is not enough in order to seize all of the advantages that internet may provide.

     It was also possible to see thanks to the research that even though in the homes of girls of this area they have devices such as a computer or a tablet, these -- the use there of is more relevant and is mostly reserved to the male members of the family like the brother, the father, they are the wins who use most these key vices in order to access to women and adolescent girls have to wait for them to finish in order to have access to these devices.  And once women connect to internet, we were able to see that one of the motivations to win money and many of them use their mobile phones in order to generate some income.

     But this situation to generate money throughout technology they do it in a precarious manner because they don't have the digital capabilities necessary in order to do is somehow better.

     So their use is limited to sell things through WhatsApp or through Facebook or Facebook marketplace as they mentioned in the interviews if they lost the device or the -- or it was stolen they were not able to replace it and they would have no source of income any more.

     And something that worried us is that most of women interviewed we had 18 participates mentioned that throughout their experience using internet they went through different types of different levels of digital violence.  They mentioned that this is what worry us most in girls that throughout pandemic they had access for their first time to the internet and when they are for example 10 year olds and they were -- they had to use the digital (?) to have the digital classes and but they suffered from the digital violence and they -- this created distrust with the technology.

     So even though the use of the internet was greater, it was complicated for them because they were not accompanied by their parent.

     When they were able to use or autonomous to use the internet device this experience was prejudiced by this digital violence.  And somehow when women or girls are connected to the internet they have a different experience sometimes.  They suffer from their self-censorship.  So this is one of the main conclusions.

     Generally speaking, from our research.  The ekey system, the digital ecosystem is not gender neutral.  And this has a consequence on how women and girls connect to the internet.  They have a different experience depending on the geographical area where they live.  In this case, we compared the urban and periurban experiences and these L. be intersectional where different elements intervene such as the geographical area and racial and gender issues and I think that with this we could conclude that the highlights of our research.  Thank you very much.

     >> Thank you for your presentation.  Paula speaking.  Now we will have to give the floor to Oscar Gonzalez.  But Fernanda is saying that he needs to leave.  So Fernanda can we give the floor to him first?

     >> Fernanda speaking.  Thank you.  Thank you Oscar.  We met last week.  Yes, he has to present in another room so apologies for the minor change.

     In any case, Gonzalo is there so he is going to present on the internet indicators that is the reason why we areth in Ethiopia.  So Gonzalo, if you can take the floor.  Thank you.

     >> Hello.  Yes, you are on another camera.  Hello, someone.  Sorry for be aing Leyte but I had difficulties from finding out the room.  And now I need to, you know, go to another room not UNESCO round table.  This is the analytical from, that I have to present so I cannot stay here.Let me speak about some of the research being carried out.  We are talking about 202 we had a signer security and public policy research that was analytical framework and we were discussing the topics and we also were making reference to the digital of the institutional frameworks required by countries.  This can be applied in Argentina around it was also applied in Brazil by a Brazilian investigator.  This is a framework with two proposals and this is how we are applying the analytical framework to the different countries.  Has to do with core participation and openness and rights.  These are 300 indicators but it has a short version of 109 indicators.  It was a huge work.  Fernanda was a copresenter and leader.  And we had researchers and two strategic researchers.  The process proposed by UNESCO is interesting.

     But also to you know, telling me to slow dawn.  Thank you this is not only to legit mate there but also to legitmate the sources of information.  In Argentina access to databases is really hard.  This is changing but there are organizations European as alley and other companies and the civil society are helping us really to access data.  We drafted a report a 250 page report where we covered the 109 Indonesia caters and now we are going to -- indicators and now we are going to present the record and we made a presentation in the event in Portugal.  So I cannot knee -- I don't know the reaction, but I know that it was good.  However, it what we have ahead is to implement this and to use the sort of guideline to be able to perform the impact analysis for digital projects in terms of principles and the ethical framework and at the same time to support the Spanish speaking centers requiring certain assistance when it comes to apply the analytical framework.

     We also have some other research ongoing such as content mapping.  And we are, you know, seeing interesting things in terms of how creators are developing certain complexity that goes beyond self-management and we are trying to map the market so this is another sort of investigation.  CETyS scope is real Li wide so these projects I will mention and Fernanda is going to continue.  Thank you for giving me the floor first and let me greet you all and you know, with together we took the course of the internet governance diploma in 2018 and it is a pleasure to see you here.

     >> Fernanda speaking.  Thank you, Paula now has the floor.

     >> Thank you, Fernanda and now let's continue with the second researcher.  He is Oscar Gonzalez from Nicaragua and it is the current state on data coding and he has five minutes for his presentation.


     Thank you for the opportunity to share the project with you.  The idea of the project was to show the importance of data coding and that that has to be treated as a human right in order to guarantee the network because there are some countries that would like to centralize power and Therefore there is no good governance if we exclude important stakeholders when it comes to the creation of regulations.

     So among some of the findings of this research, and you know taking into account so many controversies in Nicaragua the communication network is the most used network among students used followed by telegram in 57%.  This was vehicle done between students 18-30 and it is incredible to see that 65% of the respondents do not know about data coding and how this can be protected.

     In addition to what they know about the apps.  58% said they were concerned about their privacy online and even though in other country we have a data protection act in place, 81% does not know the importance or the existence of these act.  When we asked them what they ice for safe navigation on internet, only 26% of the respondents said that they care about the passwords.

     And they configured the privacy settings in platforms that use the privacy settings of social media and they are trained to a-- trying to avoid to access public networks.  When they have to protect their -- 69% say that they don't know highway to do this -- don't know how do this or have not tried to do this.  In it research we are recommending the authorities to get involved in regional forum and we celebrate Nicaragua's participation at the IGF organized by the UN in 209234 Berlin because these spaces are helping us to strengthen the multi-stakeholder model by establishing strategies for information processing and establishing internet governance guidelines and with the pandemic the use of internet is of vital importance in the daily activities and we are recommending internet users to navigate responsibly and using common sense to avoid being victims of fraud or existing infrastructure tortion or other scams.  We remind them that a short password using basic characters may be guessed easy Li and there is parts of the research that I wanted to share with you.  Thank you all for thanks to the team for developing these spaces and I would like to invite you all from your commune communities to be in favor of the end to end encryption because this guarantees that content may be read only by the sender and receiver and proves strong confidentiality or communication or data integrity.

     Thanks for this opportunity to speak.

     >> MODERATOR: Paula speak.  Thank you, Oscar.  And before givinged floor to Fernanda I would like to thank you all and invite you to please get further information on these research on the Lacnic web page.  Let me share the link with you in case you are interested.  Fernanda, please go ahead.

     >> And the last investigation frommed CETyS is investigation or research that has to do with data literacy.  It was a project funded by the (?) and we say this is action research project because the idea was to access high school in the region and we take -- we took schools from Uruguay, Chile and Argentina and the idea was to create the workshop soth there was a component that was important because it allowed us to get research and scientific reference to make reference to the topics.

     The objective was to the research on the development of skills in terms of data literacy in a multidisciplinary aspect.  These sort of skills are the ones that we believe are vital importance to promote participation inclusion projects in other communities and the concept of the digital citizenship.  These three types of skills can be defined as technical skills and this other one required to work with the data bases and this is weather we used and I'm going to show you that we have an open repository of this in the region.

     We need cognitive skills to build new knowledge and socioemotional skills such as communication and cooperation and the interpreter initiatives.  This was a project conceived to be face to face and then we lad to teach the hybrid modality and then we were able to observe some aspects and as I said before, the research he was held or carried out by in three countries of the region with students of 16 years old.  And the workshop was a full day workshop.  At the very beginning we started working with the visualizations with data bases.  Each group had to do subgroups and stoppics to discuss and our information source in addition to the courses were all the productions by student.

     We analyzed approximately 150 productions and in order to be able to analyze those productions we created a learning progression matrix that gave us the opportunity to classify the information.

     Even though this is an experimental research, the -- we have interesting results.  The development of technical and cognitive skills particularly in terms of data assessment and interpretation was improved and that meant our hypothesis because we said if it is a short but strong intervention was able or could improve the skills and we proved this was the case and also to prove some original hypothesis.  In the schools where there was an institutional decision and higher willingness too have our participation where the teachers were able to include these workshops in the subjects of the courses and where the teach ers gunshots involved that showed that the -- that showed that it was possible to improve the student's performance.

     Then I can share with you the research link but the most important thing is to have empirical evidence on these topics because we speak about digital skills but do not have complete data regarding how these learning progressions can be sured.  Along these lines we believe that the creation of this matrix is key and let me share now with you this so you can see the information and then I'm going toucher with you the link.  There is the matrix.

     Let me share with you now the link and you have my e-mail in case you need further information about this because you know, we created this in such a manner that can be replicate sod that all of the documentation, all of the exercises that we gave to students can be shared and replicated.  By the way, there are some other schools interested in implementing the project or getting information because it is to create an experience that can be replicated.  This is our objective.  Thank you, Paula.  Thank you, everyone.

     >> PAULA: Thank you, Fernanda.  Now I will give the floor to Rocio in order to wrap up the session.  Thank you very much to the researches that presented their conclusions.  Thank you very much.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you very much for all of you who participated.  I know that in Latin America it is not the most convenient schedule so thank you very much for your efforts and for sharing all of the updates in the projects you are working on and the researchers you have been doing.  All of this information is very important, very valuable for us.  So thank you for this space to share these updates.  This is essential for us to go on working in collaboration and I think there is something that is great for our region.  So I wish you all a great IGF and we will keep in touch.  Thank you very much.  Stay safe.  See you next time.

     >> Thank you, everyone.

     >> Thank you.  Greetings, everyone.