Fudzulani, Bram

Bram F
Bram is currently serving as the President of the ICT Association of Malawi a professional body responsible for coordinating technical and policy issues affecting ICT development in Malawi. He is a Co-Founder/Chief Commercial Officer of Angle Dimension Limited, a leading fintech startup. Bram Fudzulani is the Co-Chair of Outreach & Engagement in the African Regional At-Large Organisation (AFRALO). ICANN fellowship alumni, European School on Internet Governance alumni, ISOC fellowship alumni and AFRINIC fellowship alumni. He also serves for the Africa Union Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) project as a trainer on Internet Governance, Digital rights and net neutrality advocate and cyber security evangelist.

Bram was appointed by the UN Secretary-General to be a member of the 2022 Multistakeholder ‎Advisory Group (MAG) with the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Mr. Fudzulani is serving as the National chairperson for the Malawi Internet Governance Forum and technical member of the Malawi Commonwealth Cyber Security Strategy development team.