IGF 2016 - Day 2 - Room 3 - WS88: Collaboration Towards and Beyond the Child Online Protection


The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Jalisco, Mexico, from 5 to 9 December 2016. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record. 


>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  So good morning, everyone.  We are so happy to have you here.  I mean, I think it's about you.  I mean it's about us.  I mean we are talking about Child Online Protections and collaboration how we can take it beyond.  So we have some interesting discussions yesterday during the session.  We talked about Child Online Protection and how this whole probably domain is evolving.  So I'll probably start with a quote from the president and founder of UA.  The real wealth of the country is made up of men, of children, and of future generations.  It is this which country ‑‑ with this I start the panel discussion and we are great to have you here and we have quite a good range of speakers from different industry sectors.  We have Clara Sommarin; she's the child protection specialist exploitation and violence from UNICEF.  Welcome, Clara. 

And then we have the managing director from German Childhood Protection on the Internet.  Then we have Natasha Jackson, we have Susie the CEO of Internet Watch Foundation.  We have also Dr. Ibrahim Al Dabal.  We have Dr. Mohamed Saidalavi who is very prominent in doing child online security work.  We also have the chairman of the society Dr. Abdullah.  And I'm from Internet society UAE chapter.  I have worked with Mohamed on probably bringing this panel together.  So just a quick start of the session.  So we will have panels speaking for around 5 to 7 minutes.  They will talk about the hard pressing issues and their perspective on this whole issue and how they suggest this collaboration can be taken forward.  We will have 5 to 7 minutes from each of the panel members and then we will open the floor for more interactive discussion so we want to hear from you, what do you think how this could be taken further.  And then probably if there are any questions and the closing remarks.  So that's the structure of the workshop.  So I will probably request Dr. Mohammed to start with.

>> MOHAMED SAIDALAVI:  Hello, good morning, everybody.  I'm really happy to be here today.  Extremely happy part a part of this delegation.  It consists of 27 federal entities, industrials, private and government.  Our aim, Esafe Society aim is to empower student, empower people to protect children from the risk of the Internet.  Currently we see nowadays people are using the Internet more and more.  And there are not much reliable programs or tools to protect us from the risks out there.  So our aim is to build programs that will satisfy the objectives with and after empowerment for student.  Our role is to give consultations and to give advice as an advisory role to the other societies in the UAE. 

So our role again is to find the best program from all over the world and blended to the UAE culture so the student can understand the society.  With me is our chairman and the CEO of Esafe.  We are here helping to build programs and to provide the society with the good tools to protect the children out there in the cyberspace.  Thank you, very much.  Thank you, Mohammed.  Dr. Ibrahim, your floor.

>> DR. IBRAHIM AL DABAL:  Thank you.  I'll give you very brief idea.  The idea started with his highness and prime minister.  We should see what is the best practice around the world; the law enforcement is only 10%, limited on 10%, and cooperation with all involved government departments.  It was hard task to implement it in the field.  Okay.  What is going on?  This is what happened.  By the end of the day we have a big focus we will fine we are working as isolated island.  That means no cooperation.  In UAE we try to reach from this current situation to this situation.  It means everyone is working in cooperation with each other so we try to unify our message to the students on a very sustainable living.  So the miscommunication will lead to this situation.  We try to unify our message, the students are our own partners.  We sit all together.  By the end of day we will have one homework. 

So in order for the program to succeed, our philosophy is teamwork, professionalism, experience, diversity and delivery and continuous sustainability.  So by the end of the day after two years working sitting together discussing we deliver program, AQDAR, it means the main concern of the empowerment is the student.  What is AQDAR?  Focusing on entire community spectrum, customized within UAE culture and implemented on national level.  Started from zero points, it means it started when he's in school then to university, after graduation.  It's not affecting the child.  It's the whole of the students.  After we finish with two years working we finish with the national curriculum.  We believe it is the first one in our countries; it's in general four pillars.  The four pillars health and safety, crime provision ‑‑ we cannot just focus on e‑crime.  E‑crime started ‑‑ it's integration program.  That's why our curriculum, everything is included in one basket.  So our partners, the academic, law enforcement, family and youth programs, one of our partners is Internet society as Dr. Mohammed and Dr. Abdul is here.  We are proud to partner with them in these initiatives.  Different people our target, parents, teaches, students, community.  So we started all the people related to this program.  Our teaching methods, doing methods, telling methods.  It's not just by presentations.  We will have different tools.  This is marketing material, for example, market.  You have maybe you'll find it on your table.  It's in Arabic and English right now.  Also there are more than 15,000 teachers in UAE to be our messengers to the students.  We implemented so many messages including the awareness messages. 

This is the statistic.  More than 12 million around the world.  Even Mexico is included.  More than 25 individuals from Mexico that downloaded the game.  After working together we find national effort so we have now one representative society.  Also we unify the students, the students for example they have a problem they don't know who whom to talk so we have one number, 11671 which is implemented in more than 61 countries around the world.  We have magazines in Arabic and English also.  Now we are working to create ambassadors in cooperation with Esaftey so they will be our messengers.  They will be our messengers within the students.  There's one sending the good messages to the students.  Also we have AQDAR summit.  We try to ‑‑ we ask all the people around the world whether our curriculum teaching curriculum ready to come to challenges around the world.  We will have evaluation program based on those students.  Achievement until now, ITU, also UAE ideas we achieved international prize from the United States.  Also last week we have been achieved UAE prize from government.  This video can represent how we try to empower the students. 

(The following was a video: 

(Music playing)

(Speaking foreign language)

>> DR. IBRAHIM AL DABAL:  Believe it or not this film totally has been published by the students.  Actually I have seen it when think finished.  They have out done themselves.  If you think your organization would add value to this global movement we request to you collaborate with beyond the UAE mandate.  We are looking for more cooperation.  Thank you, very much. 


>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you, thank you, Dr. Ibrahim.  I'm sure there will be a lot of collaboration occurring between the organizations sitting on the panel and experts who are listening.  Now I pass on the stage to Clara.  She's a child protection specialist from UNICEF.  We will hear her perspective.

>> CLARA SOMMARIN:  Thank you, so much.  I work at the UNICEF headquarters in New York.  We were asked to speak to what are some of the main challenges we encounter in our work and what is our own organization doing to address it and some key recommendations.  I think you might have heard in other panels that globally one in three Internet users is a child today.  And we know that ICTs are becoming an integral of the child's life, they're online and starting to use mobile phones at a young age.  We know that the children's access and use of ICTs are highest in high income countries; it's really rapidly expanding all around the world.  I think for us in UNICEF what we have been seeing is one of the main challenges is while we might have quite a lot of research in high income countries about how children use ICTs and what risks and harm they face, we don't have as much information in lower and middle income countries where we know that Internet penetration is rapidly expanding.  We don't know what are the risks they face, what are the different types of harm, are they the same type of risk and harm, does it pay out differently when it comes to gender and what are the specific experiences in different countries.  I think also now the challenge is there's still quite a low awareness among children, parents and also teachers and caregivers but some of the risks that children face.  And we have seen this in our program over the past couple of years.

And then I think there's still insufficient capacity of some of the key stakeholders such as governments in how to address this issue and also insufficient coordination.  That's why it's so wonderful to see this example for the UAE where you have a great example of multistakeholder collaboration.  So what are we doing in UNICEF to address this issue?  UNICEF works in more than 150 countries in the world and we have programs to address violence, preventing and responding to violence in more than 124 countries so we want to accelerate governments and Civil Society's capacity to implement sustainable government goal agenda in 2030 and target 6.2 which is to prevent children from all types of abuse.  Last year some of you may have participated in the panel. 

UNICEF partnered with many partners and implemented to target online child exploitation with the support of the UK government.  So we are working with governments and Civil Society, private sector in ensuring that we have legislation in place, policies in place in the countries that protect children from online violence, online child exploitation that we have services in use.  These include working also with reporting mechanisms such as help lines where children with report violence but also the reporting mechanisms and I'm sure that we will speak more the hotline perspective.  We also definitely work a lot with awareness raising with children themselves, parents and teachers in schools because we also believe as AQDAR that schools is one of the key venues where we need to work with children to inform them about the risk and we do a lot of research and evidence‑building. 

I wanted to quickly mention some of the key global goods that we have developed last year.  So we are right now finalizing a guide for governments on what are the national policies that should be in place to address online violence and online child sexual exploitation.  This guide we are doing together with ITU and other partners.  What are the best practices out there spanning on from prevention to response?  We also worked quite well with the industry and I know Natasha will speak more.  I do want to mention a couple of years ago together with ITU and many of the partners at this table we did launch these guidelines for industry on Child Online Protection and we have got a lot of other tools and guidance for industry that you can find on our website.  We are also undertaking quite a lot of research and there has been a panel previously on the global kids online research but we have also undertaken research with other organizations and we have worked with a family online safety institute to set or update the global resource and information directory which is an online platform where policy makers, general public, academia can go to the platform and find what are the current exams on how are we advancing Child Online Protections around the world.  I invite everybody to look at it.  Lastly we have worked a lot when it comes to the needs of victims so we are looking into research and building the research on what are the needs that children have when it comes to recovery and also building an international network of practitioners that can come together in an online community and learn from each other on what are the best practices out there.  So these are some of the things I know we are pressed in time on what we have done in the last couple years. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you, Clara.  I think it's very interesting what you have done. 


Now we will here from Natasha, she's the head of public policy.  So we will like to hear what are the industry perspectives on this whole issue and how collaboration could be taken to the next step.

>> NATASHA JACKSON:  Thank you, the GSMA is the global mobile operator association so all our members.  And we have been working with them for the last 9 or 10 years for issues related to child online safety.  Also to make sure that the mobile environment which is hugely beneficial for children and everyone, it can become a safe environment and children can access services in a safe and operators and industries responsible in its approach.  I want to touch on one of the questions we were asked which is what are the challenges.  I've attended many IGFs over the years and I think the continual challenge we have is still around understanding and misunderstandings.  A lot of us have learned huge amounts but the services are changing and the trends are changing and that's where the research that Clara talked about is so important and also by Sonya Livingston and her team.  I think what we see from industries even in countries that have been looking at these issues for a while there can still be misunderstandings by some of the politicians in terms of what are the different roles of players and what can the industry and partner does, where can they take actions and not take actions. 

It's important for us to continually seek to learned more and understand more about these issues.  The other two sort of challenges we have related to that were around processes, particularly regarding I will little childhood sexual abuse content making sure the right laws are in place and the processes and capability and procedures and companies and with law enforcement are in place.  And we see that in both sides.  Not all of our members have individuals who are looking at Child Online Safety issues in place today.  The issue hasn't come to them.  They're dealing with really big immediate issues around connecting people first.  So we need the get the knowledge, understanding and procedures first in place there.  We probably need more on that on the law enforcement side as well when dealing with the legal content.  The third challenge is obviously time.  It takes a long time to figure up the capabilities.  In this room we have such huge knowledge and understanding but that's buildup from many years and many collaborations and discussions.  So it takes time in companies, it takes a lot of time also to get individuals knowledgeable on issues to get senior management understanding the issues and what their companies can do. 

So enough of the challenges.  What do we do about it?  Industry?  At GSMA we adopt the multistakeholder approach that everybody talked about here so we have partnerships at a global level, with UNICEF, we work with organizations such as the Internet Watch Foundation, Susie here also with hotlines with In Hope, we also work obviously and our members work with law enforcement in countries and we work with other industry initiatives and that's very important as well as mobile operators we recognize what the digital ecosystem is converging and hugely converged so we work also with other industry partners with the family online safety institute and with cross industry coalitions such as the ICT coalition in Europe where we work with Microsoft and Google and companies like that.  Essentially we share our expertise and we deliver a lot of workshops.  We also produce lots of reports and examples that I have here, here is one branded with UNICEF which is on notice and take down.  It's about company procedures and policies that will help companies remove any images.  We work across.  We need to take responsibility for the whole digital ecosystem, all of us.  We work with In Hope to produce hotlines so guides to setting up hot lines in countries where they don't exist and we work with the IWF with them on them.  And we also have guides we recently produced with child help line international a series of guidelines on the issues.  People don't know all of the issues that children are now starting to reach out to them about whether it's sexting or grooming, inappropriate conduct, discrimination and hate speech. 

So we have a series of very quick almost cheat sheets on these issues that can help people new to these issues get up to speed very quickly and we have not done this on our own.  Again it's multistakeholder so the first page shows all the contributors who worked to put it together, that's industry, that's help lines around the world, companies like Facebook, all sorts.  And these are available on the GSMA stand for those of you who are interested.  I'll stop there. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you Natasha.  Now we will here from Jutta.  Thank you. 


>> JUTTA CROLL:  Thank you for giving me the floor and thank you for letting me speak on this panel.  First I would like to thank the united emirates for that program.  When it's my turn I wouldn't speak about educational programs, I will speak about stakeholder collaboration and I'd like to explain more what this means and the gray areas of child exploitation and abuse.  When you look at the legislation about child sexual abuse material around the world, you will see that we have very different legal regulations what is considered illegal and what is illegal in a country.  And we also have content on the Internet that might be considered illegal in one country but it's not considered illegal in another country and we have content on the Internet that is not consider to be illegal at all although it is very disturbing for the children depicted on commented on. 

For example we are talking about images that show children in erotic poses.  These are illegal in Germany, for example, but they're not illegal in all other countries much but then we are also talking about every day images that might be put up by children or by teenagers themselves that might be completely innocent images but they can be put into a sexualizing context.  That means someone is commenting on these images just saying what they would like to do to abuse that child that is depicted on this image.  These are all gray area images and on the network no gray areas that we started in Germany with the support from the German family minister we tried to combat these images so we came together with the hotlines from Germany who already have been in this situation that they get reports on images where they have to assess whether this it's illegal images and it's put to law enforcement or whether it's not illegal but still it's disturbing what should we do with these images?  What can we do about that?  So then we came together with Google as an industry partner, the first industry partner to the network who said if someone is searching for a certain search term on the Internet we can show them this saying the content you're looking for might be illegal so if you're really looking for that you could turn to counseling service which is another partner in the project which is the German project don't offend but there are similar projects in the UK for example called stop it now whoever counseling and service for people who are looking for such content and who might need to get a therapy to that. 

So what the message from the network was yes we understand it's possible to combat this time of content, then in 2015 we have set up a community which is now signed by 35 organizations around the world who all agree that it's necessary to address the problem of this content that is in the gray area between legal content and illegal content.  And as the next step this year we have published a brochure I can show that around and maybe on the camera.  I have several copies with me.  This brochure on the one hand it explains the approach of the network, how will the stakeholders work together.  It also helps outline analysts as well as researchers and also industry to better differentiate so it's not our attempt to take away from the Internet any content that is perfectly innocent but as soon as images of children are put in a sexualizing context so that means the children's images are used for sexual arousal of adult people then we try to make the providers take this content down. 

We try to differentiate between images that are disturbing and the brochure gives like a hands-on guide to hotline analysts and researchers to understand what is a better understanding of an image.  What are the emoticons and icons?  So I'm happy to talk to any of you about the brochure and the content of this.  And my last remark would be I can also tell you that we are doing educational work and if you're interested in what we are doing about children's rights and the right to be protected but also the right to have the privacy and freedom of expression you're invited to join our workshop on Friday morning number five which is called children's rights to privacy, safety and freedom of expression.  Thank you. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you, Jutta ‑‑ (applause) ‑‑ for your work you're doing and the approach you've taken in a right spirit so thank you for that.  Now we move on to Susie and we would like to hear from Susie on how private sector as well as our representative from a global NGO works towards collaboration and what other steps.

>> SUSIE:  Thank you very much.  Delighted to be here.  I represent the Internet Watch Foundation which is one of the biggest hotlines in the world.  We take action on illegal content so child sexual abuse images and videos.  We are actually an NGO but we are a self‑regulatory body for industry.  We have about 130 members who include some of the biggest companies in the world, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and Twitter.  We also have big mobile operators, ISP's and filters.  There are a lot who are not members of the IWF, particularly in Africa and South America.  These are companies we want to develop a relationship with because the key to removing online child sexual abuse for us is working closely with industry.  So I'm going to tell but how we work with industry.  And from our point of view it's a very fruitful balanced relationship.  We get a lot from industry and hopefully they get a lot from us.  And they do the responsible thing and work with us to remove online child sexual abuse. 

So we have been going for 20 years.  And we have assessed over 700,000 reports.  Last year we removed 68,000 images and videos of child sexual abuse.  We actually account for 75% of the In Hope database so one hotline alone accounts for that.  You asked what the challenges are and the challenges are keeping up with technology for us.  So there are obviously huge issues around legislation, law enforcement and the relationship various obviously key but I want to talk about the technology side.  We provide a range of services to the Internet industry.  We work with them and learn from them.  They're the biggest innovators in the world.  For the last year we had a Google resident who has been creating software for us.  We have been working with major companies particularly Microsoft on pioneering technology to help us fight this problem.  I want the talk about a couple of key things.  One is we have a blocking list, a URL list which goes out across the world. 

There are about two and a half thousand URLs on that list every day.  It's very dynamic about 300 go on and about 300 go off every day.  And that goes out across the world to stop people from accidently stumbling on child sexual abuse.  If they do stumble on it they get a message explaining what is happening, why they have been blocked and what to do if they're worried about their behavior or if they think they have been blocked in error.  We have to deal with technology issues like the increase in encryption.  One of the things that's really changed for us over the last year is we have been developing a hash list.  The most common version of a digital fingerprint is Microsoft's DNA.  You can apply an algorithm to the image and that algorithm will apply if the image is slightly changed.  Now we have been working initially with five companies, Microsoft, Twitter, Google, Facebook and Yahoo where they run a series of 20,000 images of the very worst kind category A through their services to stop them being uploaded in the first place.  We are using our hash list to go out and search for all those duplicates.  Why is that important?  It's important because nobody knows how many images and videos are out there but the number of duplicates is huge so our analysts don't see very new images, they see images again and again.  Last year we worked with a young woman in the U.S. who had been notified by U.S. law enforcement that her series of images had been found on over 1500 people who have been arrested.  One image in particular had been viewed over 70,000 times.  You can see how important it is that we have the technology to go out and find those duplicates and bring them down.  So that's why the relationship with industry is absolutely key but also the reason industry works with us is because we are independent, we are trusted, we can quality assure our work and they need to know they can trust us.  Microsoft has given us their Cloud function so people can download the hash list directly from the Cloud.  As well as pioneering new techniques and methodologies we work with research in looking up ways we can combat the next challenge with technology.  If we don't work with industry we are not going to resolve this issue.  Okay.  So that's absolutely essential.  Thank you so much. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you, Susie. 


>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  So last but not least we will move to David (phonetic).  He's special for me because he comes from our region.  He's the one who works on the ground in ensuring ‑‑ this is a big issue in Asia, let's here from David (phonetic).

>> DAVID KI CHUN:  Thank you.  We concentrate on the Child Online Safety issues.  We have partners in Asia region and around the world to put more missions.  So on the perspective we will want to share more on how we encourage participation on the issue to concentrate about their own rights and responsibilities online.  First I want the share some view of engagement working in Internet governance.  As you can see in the current time we got IGF to be around the world engaging youth in the discussion of Internet governance issue.  Some ambassadors are also here on the floor.  They are the group of youth from Hong Kong that their work is mainly focused on the Asia region for seven years. 

This is engaging students who understand the Internet issues.  This year they also started a new initiative in Hong Kong.  And the program is mainly focused on the high school students in Hong Kong.  There's a workshop on safety issues and also they have activities, they're making movies by them self to promote ‑‑ a one minute move by them self to promote Internet issues and child safety issues, online protection and also privacy issues.  It's a one‑minute move.  They finished that job in three hours' time and just very short period of time and makes good use of technology like mobile phone and some apps that can be easily downloaded online.  Just another method of how we can engage students to be organizers of some of the events and put the message of child online safety.  In the coming future organizing the youth IGF in local initiative, it can also be organized in the country based IGF.  We are looking for why IGF organized every year as a regional meeting in the AP region; we are looking for the AP region that got more local initiative why we can have a better collaboration.  On the other issue is also about some initiative in the region that we ‑‑ our partners are doing.  I would like to introduce a campaign which is you can also search it online, hashtag save rep for kids (phonetic).  Child rights in Asia.  They include students from south each Asia country, doing consultation and regional meeting to consult how to think about the Internet and make a very useful guideline for children online, how they attack the problems. 

So I do think from the user's perspective children can give good suggestions to their peers on how they can tackle cyber online safety issues and also making some video to promote in their own country.  So this is some of the events we are supporting.  And I do think it's good models in a sense.  Last but not least my main focus is on engagement for youth and students in Internet governance.  Right after this session at 12 in room four there's a session on youth initiative about youth.  So I want you to discuss.  Thank you. 


>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you.  Now I come to the best part of the session.  We would like to open the forum for any questions we have or any probably better suggestions on collaborative efforts between organizations here and elsewhere for a larger cause.  The idea is we have to move ahead from keeping ourselves restricted to protection and we have to move to prevention and move towards more enablement of youth and children in general.  So any questions on the floor?  Do we have any questions?  Okay. 

>> AUDIENCE:  Thank you, very much.  I'm from Kenya, in Africa.  I have a question to perhaps it will be taken care of by Jutta.  And Susie as well.  And Karla, UNICEF.  It's about some NGOs, non‑governmental organizations who sometimes look a bit deviant when they use images of children malnourished children, especially in those less‑developed countries like Africa, south Asia and other areas.  I was wondering what policies can we be able to put in place so that we can stop such misuse?  Because I consider that to be misuse when they put photographs and images of children who look very malnourished at end of the day it's for their own financial gain.  I don't know how we can go about that.

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Do we any other questions?  He's asking for a mic.  Okay.  We can hear you. 

>> AUDIENCE:  (Away from microphone).

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you.  Any other questions from the floor?  Yeah. 

>> AUDIENCE:  I am Marcela from Argentina.  It's not a question.  It's just well a question for everybody.  I feel that there is a lack of participation of real participation of youth and children in your approach, I cannot see them.  I've seen your video, that's all right; we will send videos the same.  But I feel that we are not evolution in the kind in the way that children and youth can help in each of the problems you have.  It's both. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  If I can reframe that I think what you mention is how we can probably be more narrative to have more inclusion for them so we have to be encouraging as well as inclusive to include them more.  Maybe we have one more question from there.  And that's the last probably.  Maybe one more.  So two other questions and then probably we will have a closing remark and answers. 

>> AUDIENCE:  Good morning.  Congratulations for the presentations.  I'm from Kenya.  I want to tell you what I'm doing in my constituency in Kenya with the schools.  There's the child education and primary schools.  What I've done is that I've created an intranet where I download content from the Internet like a Wikipedia, YouTube, the school syllabi and anything that I would like to kids to see.  And I then disconnect the server from the worldwide web so they don't get to snoop around from the world web side.  This is to teach them and to understand that the only content they are allowed to see and also allow to see to check any other things except for the bad areas that they're not needed to see.  Thank you. 

>> AUDIENCE:  Good morning.  I'm minister of communications and Internet technology.  I'd like to congratulate the panel for the wonderful information provided.  But I would like to have consideration about the context we are living in.  You may be aware our country is recently advancing in technology and information technology.  And at the same time we have given access to children for education.  And unfortunately because of the issues that we have discussed in this panel and because of the risks that we have from Internet for the children, parents are not very much in favor of allowing their children to have access to Internet.  Although it's very much important for the education level, I would like to ask the panel members on how technology can we have a short‑term solution because long‑term solution is really an issue and we are working on it in terms of legal documentation in terms of the support that we need from the government institutions.  Technologically how we can at least shorten if not completely mitigate the risks that the children are facing and let them access the Internet for the education purposes, because today it's a real impediment.  The parents in our country are not really willing to have their children access the Internet for the risks that it's posing.  Thank you. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you for comments.  So I have precise seven minutes now left for are the conclusion so I'll give one minute each to the panel members for them to respond and if they have any closing remarks.  If someone wants to start.

>> Well, to me, answering your question is really as a technology, technology only helping is adding value to the protections or to the speed of controlling the material on the Internet.  That's how I see it.  It's only controlling the material on the Internet but education is number one.  We have to educate our children, parents, everyone, about the knowledge, about the risks, and what are the results.  After and before the education.  Tools are there and governments are implementing some of the tools like UAE, united Arab emirates we are adding all sex material.  We are not allowing sex material on the Internet through the IPs and there are other tools they are using.  So UAE is controlling the sex material or abuse of children but education is number one.  Thank you.

>> I think we should make clear definition what is the Internet.  This is the Internet.  So I think nowadays you are living at least the same with our kids, the same with new generation.  The Internet is not the PC or lap‑top.  So that's why we believe we used to think on behalf of the students.  We used to design our program behalf of the students.  We used to implement our program in behalf of the students or the youth.  What I believe is to empowerment the youth, give him the tools so they can challenge.  Now, for example, 20 years back myself, 20 years or 30 years I was aware of my kids not to go to the sex websites.  Now I think I hope this is not recorded, I pray for my son, my kids go to for sex website but not to go to the Isis, not to go to the drug websites.  This is the problem.  So that's why I think we should give more empowerment for new generation.  Let them work alone.  Let them be totally isolated with our support.  Thank you.

>> Yes.  I think ‑‑ I don't think we have time for all the questions and I'm happy to take some of them including the question from Kenya about the malnourished children afterwards.  I think we need to focus on prevention but also response.  It's about balancing children's rights to having access to the Internet at the same time being protected from harm.  It's about empowering children.  And yes I agree we did not focus enough on the children's participation.  It's critical.  I also think that we need to better understand what are the effective policy and program responses in different contexts so for example to the gentleman from Afghanistan I completely understand the challenge and I would assume also in such a context but it's not only about empowering children to use the Internet but it's actually to working with parents as well and improving their digital skills as well.  So those are some of the things that we would focus on. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you.  If you can be quick.

>> CLARA SOMMARIN:  Yes, I'll be quick.  I can echo the same remarks.  I also want to highlight the benefits that come from model and digital technologies but in terms of getting connectivity out to those areas where perhaps many people haven't used it as part of the efforts the GSMA takes is under looking digital literary and one area is around women, women are much less likely to own a mobile phone and understand the technologies.  As primary caregivers if they don't understand it, how are they educating their children?  We have also programs who are working with NGOs and others to increase connectivity and digital literacy this countries where model technology is just being extended today.

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Great.  Thank you.

>> I want to pick up on the question on the colleague from Kenya using children for the commercial purpose of some organizations.  I think that's also related to the message I've given before.  Everybody should know about using images and what could happen with images that are put up on to the Internet.  That is partly education, that is also education of parents and education somehow of organizations.  But that is also part of respecting the rights of the child because the children themselves have their right on their own images.  So it's not only educating them not to use the images in the wrong way but also respecting their rights on their own images from the organizations you have been talking about but also from all the other Internet users.  We need to have a shared responsibility for this.  We cannot only blame the children.  Either they are educated or they are not.  We could not blame them only for when their images are misused.  It's also the responsibility of the other stakeholders, of the companies that could help to take them down, of the hotlines who take the reports.  So we need that shared responsibility approach.  Thank you. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you.

>> Okay.  Very quickly I know.  So I just want to respond about the role of young people.  So as well as the Internet Watch Foundation, I'm a director of the UK safe for Internet and they do awareness raising side, educational program and have a help hotline.  Young people do play a huge role in this.  My area of work is criminal content so clearly young people are not engaging with us on every day except for the content.  In the UK we really do ensure that young people are included.  Thank you.

>> DAVID KI CHUN:  I do appreciate the panel's work on how we can talk about collaboration, it's not only one party, it's multi stakeholder engagement, the students themselves and also caregivers.  I think all of us are doing different ways on how we can protect students.  So I encourage everyone to join us in a sense to how we can, all the stakeholders on the Internet, very new for our generation.  Thank you. 

>> MOHIT SARASWAT:  Thank you, David.  Thank you for this.  Applause for all the panel members. 


MOHIT SARASWAT:  I want to emphasize this is just the beginning.  We have broken the ice.  So it's about just time for you to take it forward in the hallways, in the meeting rooms, on the coffee table and making the collaboration happen.  Thank you for the panel. 


(Session ended at 11:51)