IGF 2023 Call for Workshop Proposals

All stakeholders are invited to submit proposals for workshops at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) through the workshop application e-form. The deadline is 24 May 2023, 23:59 UTC.

Eight Subthemes in the IGF ‎‎2023 Programme

The IGF 2023 programme will be organized according to the following eight subthemes:

  • AI & Emerging Technologies 
  • Avoiding Internet Fragmentation 
  • Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety 
  • Data Governance & Trust
  • Digital Divides & Inclusion
  • Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
  • Human Rights & Freedoms
  • Sustainability & Environment

The subthemes above were decided on during the IGF 2023 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting, after reviewing inputs from the IGF 2023 thematic and stocktaking calls. In their content and wording, and as in 2022, the themes retain alignment with the focus areas of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) envisioned by the UN Secretary-General. The GDC is intended to “outline shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future for all” and will come under discussion during the UN’s 2024 Summit of the Future.

The IGF’s thematic inputs and stocktaking processes are open to everyone. They form the basis of the MAG’s discussions and ensure programme topics are those deemed most critical and timely to Internet governance stakeholders and societies at large. The overarching theme of IGF 2023 is “The Internet We Want - Empowering All People”. 

IGF 2023 Workshops

Proposers are invited to make submissions under the following subthemes:

  1. AI & Emerging Technologies
  2. Avoiding Internet Fragmentation 
  3. Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety 
  4. Data Governance & Trust
  5. Digital Divides & Inclusion
  6. Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
  7. Human Rights & Freedoms
  8. Sustainability & Environment

It is important that the organizers of the proposed workshops prepare their proposals clearly aligned to one of the subthemes described above.

Proposers should note that proposals must be submitted in English for consideration. While the IGF strives to be as multilingual as possible, English is its working language and, currently, interpretation is not provided for workshops.

Proposers should also take note of the limitation of three (3) proposals per submitter.

Criteria for Workshop Evaluations

The five major criteria in the evaluation process will centre around:

  • Proposed Topic – its relevance to Internet Governance and proper alignment with one of the 8 subthemes
  • Workshop Content – including its clear focus on one of the 8 selected subthemes
  • Policy Question(s) – including whether they relate closely to the proposed topic and connect to outcomes
  • Engagement & Hybrid Strategy – whether the proposal lays out an effective strategy for interactive engagement of participant and takes the hybrid nature of the meeting into account
  • Diversity – along different vectors of diversity, as described below

Regarding the last criterion, proposers are strongly advised to pay attention to diversity of perspective, supported by experience, gender, region, stakeholder group, and inclusion of youth, persons with disabilities and persons from other under-represented or marginalised groups, within their organizing teams as well as listed speakers, as these will be reviewed against the key diversity measure.

Proposers should list a minimum of three provisionally confirmed speakers and limit their number of speakers to no more than five wherever possible. While the latter is not disqualifying, excessive numbers of speakers will result in lower support for the proposal.

All proposers should consult the links below for details.


The final selection of workshops will take place during the IGF 2023 Second Open Consultations and MAG Meeting, scheduled for 10-12 July 2023 in Geneva.