IGF 2017 2nd OC & MAG Meeting: General Information


The venue for the meeting will be Room K, Montbrillant Building, at ITU Headquarters, on 12 June & Room A, Tower Building, ITU, on 13 & 14 June, in GenevaSwitzerland: 

ITU Montbrillant Building - Rue de Varembé 2, Geneva 1202 [Map]

Please also consult the Circulation Plan for getting around inside ITUhttps://www.itu.int/en/about/Documents/itu-plan.pdf


Please see all details on trams, buses and taxis, as well as other practical details on the ITU venue, here: https://www.itu.int/en/delegates-corner/Pages/togeneva.aspx


Onsite attendees must use the IGF 2nd Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Onsite Participant Registration Form. Onsite participants are required to register online.

Online Participants also have to register through this specific Online Participant Registration Form. Registration for online participants will remain open until the end of the meeting.

Note: In both registrations, you will need to login to your IGF profile account beforehand. If you do not have your personal IGF account, you can create one.

Please note that you also have to register for the WSIS Forum at https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2017/Pages/Register#accreditation in order to access the ITU premises.

Badging will take place at registration desks located on the ground floor reception area of the ITU Montbrillant Building. Please see more details here: https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2017/Pages/Info#badging