IGF 2021 Open Forum #16 Globalpolicy.ai

    Thursday, 9th December, 2021 (15:50 UTC) - Thursday, 9th December, 2021 (16:50 UTC)
    Hall A3

    Governance and cooperation for an evolving Internet: How does Internet governance need to change in order to meet the changing nature and role of the Internet? What tools, mechanisms, and capacity building instruments are needed for stakeholders to effectively cooperate, and engage in Internet governance?
    Advancing global digital cooperation: What opportunities are provided by the current focus on digital cooperation resulting from the UN Secretary-General's Roadmap for digital cooperation? What role should the IGF play (and how) in advancing global digital cooperation?

    Panel - Auditorium - 60 Min


    Globalpolicy.AI, launched in September 2021, is a platform aimed at helping policy makers and the public navigate the international AI governance landscape and access the necessary knowledge, tools, data, and best practices to inform AI policy development.  

    Globalpolicy.AI results from co-operation between eight intergovernmental organisations: the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the World Bank Group. 

    Building upon the launch of the Globalpolicy.AI initiative and the Globalpolicy.AI webinar at the 2021 Fundamental Rights Forum, this session aims at a practice-oriented discussion exploring the tools and pathways to enable and ensure trustworthy AI. 

    The session will be split into three sections: 

    • First, the session will briefly introduce the Globalpolicy.AI initiative, launched in September 2021. 
    • Second, IGO representatives who worked hands-on to develop Globalpolicy.AI will discuss trustworthy AI and the tools to achieve it.  
    • Third, an open dialogue between panelists and audience will take place. 

    Council of Europe, European Commission,  European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, OECD, UNESCO

    Main contacts for this submission: Council of Europe: Aleksandr Tiulkanov; OECD: Karine PERSET, Francesca SHEEKA, Orsolya DOBE; UNESCO: Prateek SIBAL; European Commission: Jola DERVISHAJ, Irina ORSSICH; European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights: David REICHEL, Ene PATTERSON.

    • Karine Perset - Head: OECD.AI Policy Observatory
    • Aleksandr Tiulkanov - Special Adviser on Digital Development: Council of Europe
    • Prateek Sibal -  Programme Specialist for AI: UNESCO
    • Irina Orssich - Head of Sector AI Policy:  European Commission
    • David Reichel - Project Manager, Social Research and Data Unit: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
    Onsite Moderator


    Online Moderator

    Zoltan Turbek, Co-chair CAHAI PDG, Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


    Aleksandr Tiulkanov, Karine Perset, Prateek Sibal


    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Targets: The establishment of public policies that create a trustworthy framework for artificial intelligence development contributes to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals. These include strengthening institutions by putting in place appropriate and readable legal frameworks, and supporting innovation and economic development.

    However, the impact of trustworthy AI, which cuts across the whole of society, covers many more sectors. The aim of the presented website is to be a global lever for public decision-makers, but also for the general public, in order to make the most of international technology regulation initiatives.