DC Coordination Meeting XLIII

The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during a DC Coordination virtual call. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record. 



   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Hello.  This is Markus, just sound testing.  Can you hear me? 

   >> Yes, we can hear you. 

   >> Yes. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  My computer says it is 10 UTC.  12 o'clock where I am sitting.  Good morning, good afternoon wherever you are.  Time to start.  Maybe wait another minute or so to make sure that everyone is online.  Because we have quite a full agenda, I would not like to wait for too long and suggest getting started.  Can I ask my cofacilitator, Jutta, to take on the first agenda item and update on the MAG and MAG call and forthcoming calls?  Please, Jutta.

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Thank you, Markus, for giving me the floor.  You may have noted that I'm presented in the list of participants with my name but with my organization.  That's due to the fact that we have now registered for professional license for as well.  Once I'm locked in I'm shown as the organization, not as the individual. 

    Yes, with regard to the MAG, we have our next meeting tomorrow.  So I can report from the call that we had two weeks ago and I do also think four weeks ago.  More or less everything is driving fast in to the finalized ‑‑ the final debate on the program for the next IGF.  So far we are still assuming that the meeting will be held face to face in Catalisa.  We have not yet got any other information from the host country Government so far.  Evaluation was finalized, evaluation of all the workshops, proposals was finalized more than a week ago.  I do think it was on Sunday the 30th of May when all ‑‑ when the whole evaluation process was lost by individual MAG members.  This step of the evaluation process and now we are in the face there of the three Working Groups evaluating the proposals are convening over this week.  Before next week we will have the next virtual IGF meeting.  I don't know whether Dynamic Coalition representatives have already had a look on the agenda for next week's virtual MAG meeting.  I do think it is worth to do so to see when ‑‑ where you can join in.  And I suggest that as many as you are able to do so join in for the open consultation which will be held next Monday, June 15th.  And that ‑‑ let me have a look at the times for next Monday, Monday.  That will be from ‑‑ from 10 to 2 Central European summertime.  And that would be then 8 to 12 UTC time.  So Monday, Monday morning next week the open consultations.  And then it goes through the whole week.  And I do think that the main sessions will be discussed, if I'm not mistaken, on Thursday, June 18th which is also a meeting early in the morning from 5 UTC to 8 UTC European time from 7 to 10.  I do think that it would be beneficial also if we discussed today now about the Dynamic Coalition main session to those of you who can make it on Thursday morning can join the debate on main sessions at IGF in general so that we get more acquainted with what other proposals are on the agenda and what Dynamic Coalitions fits best in to that.  I'm considering whether there are further things to report at this point.  I do think for now that's all I would like to report from the last MAG call. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you very much.  I would like to also point out is from the 19th of June there is a Plenary session No. 7 from 1345 until 1500 UTC which includes updates from the DCs and updates from NRIs.  So that's a particularly relevant session for the DCs.  If there are any questions before we go to any questions, I have to admit that I made a serious mistake.  I didn't ask if you agreed with the proposed agenda that Lima had put up on the screen.  It is a very simple agenda.  Agenda 1 was an update from the MAG calls.  Agenda item 2, DC main session.  Agenda item 3, draft DC guidelines and agenda item 4, DC cooperation.  And 5, any other business.  Any objection or can I take it that we approve the agenda? 

    As I can't hear any objection, I would then assume that we approve the agenda.  And with that I will go back to the agenda item 1, to Jutta's briefing and ask whether there are any questions or comments to what you just reported.  Doesn't seem to be the case.  Then we thank Jutta very much for this comprehensive report.  Next agenda item would be the DC main session.  But I cannot see Sivas on the call.  He is the one who had taken the lead and produced a first draft document which is posted on Google docs.  I wonder, Lima, could you ping him and see whether he can actually join the call?  So ‑‑ and while we are waiting for Sivas to join may I suggest that we switch the order of the agenda and we go to the DC guidelines.  We have another document that Michael has produced which is now also up on the screen.  And I would then like, first of all, to thank Michael for the document which I found very comprehensive and very clear.  And Michael, could you be so kind and guide us through the document?  And I hope that you all have time to read it and familiarize yourself with it.  Michael, can you please guide us through the document? 

   >> Michael:  Hi everyone.  Thank you very much, Markus.  Michael here.  So the document itself I'd like to think is fairly straightforward.  The proposed changes are at the end of the document.  The reason why I made this a little bit longer is because I often find that especially for anybody that's new or maybe they are not familiar with certain processes there might be a gap in the historical knowledge of the policy kind of development process of the PDP for anybody here familiar with ICANN.  I wanted to include a short background about why are we doing this, where does it come from and then kind of explain more or less why it needs to be clarified.  And I would like to think that this has been okay.  It ‑‑ I think I submitted it a week ago to the DC list, to the ‑‑ so they should have had a week to look over it.  Many thanks to Judith Hellerstein for looking over it and one or two other people, Maureen Hilyard as well.  There might have been a couple others that had comments.  Most of those were small edits.  So far there has not been any significant comments on the changes and what needs to be included.  I really just included more language about the process ‑‑ the yearly process, what does it mean for an organization, sorry, for an established DC to contribute an annual report.  How is that different from let's say some research that a Dynamic Coalition would have done over that year and presented at the IGF.  Just really trying to make clear what is expected and without ‑‑ without necessarily discouraging any kind of active efforts that are ongoing by the DCs.  And so any comments you have, any ‑‑ I would be happy to clarify.  I did feel a little sense of, you know, I don't know, sometimes trying to explain the history I feel could be a bit of a minefield.  I didn't want anybody to feel like I was misconstruing the process.  So that's why it is very open for anybody to comment on.  And even if this is adopted, I don't necessarily think that all of the background needs to necessarily be included everywhere.  We can put this document somewhere.  But that's also another question for the Secretariat is perhaps we can also think about, you know, where to put some documents that are ‑‑ all that are relevant to all of the DCs.  But I think I have said enough.  Happy to hear your thoughts. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you very much, Michael.  You are right, had been sort of over the years inclusion.  And it is helpful to go back and look where we are coming from.  It is a very clear document and well written.  And thank you very much for this.  And I think the proposed changes also are very much in line with what we had discussed. 

    Are there questions, comments on that?  These are low hanging fruit we can just pick. 

    Silence for agreement.

   >> Michael:  Hi Markus.  Michael again here.  I would say to anyone on this call if you have any comments, questions, full feel free to raise them directly in the document as well.  I suppose we can address how we should adopt these.  I don't know, Markus or Jutta, I don't know what the process has been like in the past for joint adoption.  I would love to know that. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  We have had relatively very loose processes but essentially consensus based.  And I think the next step would then be to bring it to the attention of the MAG.  And we can do that already tomorrow at tomorrow's MAG meeting.  I mean it is not any dramatic changes.  It is just essentially a clarification of what is required.  And Jutta have already signalled at one of the recent MAG meetings there has been some discussion on that.  And we had been sorting it out among ourselves what this required.  I think for the MAG it is important to know that there is a requirement for reporting.  And we have made it clear of what it is.  And I don't think there will be any major discussion either at the MAG.  And again we can refine the document as we move along.  It is just ‑‑ in this context it is also a new Dynamic Coalition has been formed and we will come to that under the DC cooperation.  And that's all good, but we had actually noticed as it happens that the Dynamic Coalition is all members from one country, albeit a very big country.  That's India.  But by no means the intention of staying just in India.  They have the ambition to be a global Dynamic Coalition, but we have no requirement on geographic diversity for Dynamic Coalitions.  This is also something we may build in as we go forward. 

    This is just a side remark.  But I think if there is no violent objection, we can take that as a broad consensus based document.  And we can improve on that also as you move forward. 

    Anyone to make a comment?  Jutta, please. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Yes, Markus.  I'm just wondering whether we have representatives from all Dynamic Coalitions in this call or whether we would need to give those who could not be here today, give them the opportunity to respond again to the document with the proposed changes?  So I don't think we are in a hurry and probably the meeting tomorrow, the MAG meeting will be very dense.  So it might also be an option just to wait two weeks longer and then present it in a finalized version with all the changes accepted to the MAG.  But if we have enough consent from those who are here just feel free to decide. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  You are right.  We have to run it through the list.  After today's call we can say there is broad‑based consensus of those on the call.  And we give the last opportunity to all the Dynamic Coalitions to comment.  That's Michael also on the chat.  He would like to know that the MAG supports it as well for transparency sake.  Yes, it needs the final seal of approval from the MAG.  And my ambition would be at least, it is on the 19th, on the first day that we could in the slot reserve to the Dynamic Coalitions, bring it with the attention of the MAG.  And welcome to Professor Rajendra.

   >> Thank you so much.  It is a pleasure. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Yes, you are most welcome.  Now question, has Sivas joined by now? 

   >> I can't see him on the list.

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  No, I can't see him there.

   >> Hi Markus and everyone.  I sent him an e‑mail.  I don't know if he ‑‑ he did not respond to my e‑mail.  I don't know. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Lima, would you be in a position to introduce the document that Sivas has started?  Or shall I jump to the following agenda item, the DC cooperation and answer ‑‑

   >> I don't think we will be in a position to do it because I couldn't have ‑‑ I just have, read it like ‑‑ I couldn't read it very deeply.  So I don't think so I will be in a position. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Could you just send the link to the chat so we can have a look at it?  I have been working a bit with Sivas on the document, but I could give some input.  But it would be better if I got the link. 

   >> Sure, sure.  I will just send it in the chat. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Thank you. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you, Jutta, for volunteering. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Okay.  Here we go.  I do think that maybe other Dynamic Coalitions have already had a look at the proposal.  And the idea was that we have a main session by Dynamic Coalitions report from what ‑‑ how their work was affected during the pandemic.  And what impact that has for future work of Dynamic Coalitions in a positive as well as possible so negative way.  So what might ‑‑ what has changed, what might change in the future and how can we prepare for the coalitions.  So I do think that (inaudible) learning somehow would (inaudible) (cutting out).  And from my perspective it would be that we really consider what is ‑‑ what are the ‑‑ that will take us forward.  And I do think that will be different for the various very much affected in the course of the pandemic.  Where other Dynamic Coalitions (cutting out).  (Audio cutting out)

    The other main sessions suggestions.  (Cutting out).  Also.

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  You are breaking up, Jutta.

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Can you hear me still?  Are we facing difficulties? 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Now it is better, but before we were faced with echo and breaking up but now it came back. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Okay.  I'm trying again.  So (cutting out). 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Breaking up again.

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Does it work?  Do you hear me?  I am trying to connect via cable.  So give me a second.  I have to move to where I have a more stable connection in the other room.  Does it work better now? 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Now we can hear you, yes. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Okay.  So it didn't work with the wireless and now I have a connection with the cable.  And that might be better.  So the caveat that I wanted to mention is that we have got lots of session proposals for the IGF that are dealing with the pandemic.  And so I do think the focus of the session that the Dynamic Coalitions have suggested here which is also related to the pandemic really needs to be related to the work of each Dynamic Coalition.  We should not have a session that is so broad with all the consequences that the pandemic will have on Internet Governance, but especially what consequences do we face in regard of the work of these now 17 Dynamic Coalitions with different main topics with different issues they are facing that would be the most important thing.  And if you look at the ‑‑ what Lima has already shared you will see that there are so far Sivas has suggested three different areas which all refer to the role the Internet plays in regard of the pandemic.  And there also I would say we need to see what we eventually will have in the whole program so we don't have too many overlaps with other sessions that might be accepted. 

    That's it for the moment. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you very much.  Yes, I think it is good to remind us that we have to look at the overall program and how to fit in there.  And obviously the Internet pandemic is an obvious theme to address.  Are there any comments?  Questions?  Suggestions?  This is the start.  And it is always good to have something on paper.  And how many Dynamic Coalitions have contributed to the draft so far? 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  I don't think it were too many of them.  But I don't know who have ‑‑ who have had a look and found it all very clear and comprehensible, but I don't think that so many of you have already been working on the session proposal but it is really a very early draft.  So there is lots of room to bring in your own perspective.  You might have seen from the first comment that I had made that, of course, we need to focus on the potential the Internet brings in times of crisis and a lack of pandemic, but we also need to consider the possible negative effects we have seen that are like Fake News and ‑‑ yes.  Not only Fake News but also I'm missing that word, sorry. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Conspiracy theories.

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Yes.  Thank you so much, Markus. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  No, no.  It is a good start.  And Sivas, many thanks to him.  And it is a shame that he is not on the call.  But the way he presents it as a strawman as a first draft can be filled up.  Other comments?  I would very much like to invite all of you to make active, and I see already somebody's typing in a suggestion, but I think there has also been a request when you work on the document, identify yourself so people know who it is who makes a contribution. 

    Okay.  It is Marie‑Laure.  It wasn't a criticism.  But people just start writing in enthusiastically and don't identify themselves.  It helps the people know who are they are in the end of such a process.  Other comments?  Refresh as you ‑‑ you may not have read the document before and it is new to you.  But nothing wrong with just making a spontaneous comment.   

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  So I ‑‑ once again I would like to stress that I do think it would be a very good opportunity to join the MAG meeting virtually during that session when main sessions will be discussed just to get an impression how many of the other main sessions might also address parallel issues or topics.  With the main sessions we should try to achieve a very broad overview so that sessions are in some way complimentary to each other.  And therefore it would be good if you could join us.  I do think it is on the first day ‑‑ could you scroll down a bit?  I'm not sure but I do think it is the 18th, that early morning session.  It is not the first day.

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  It is Day Three, 18th of June, Plenary session 4, MAG discussion on main sessions. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Yes, there it is.  But that's the 17th. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  It is on the 18th, early morning as well.  5UTC. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Oh, yes.  Okay.  So we have it on two days, 17th and 18th.  Okay. 

   >> Can I ask a question? 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Of course.

   >> Back to the Google doc, when the option panel I am assuming the panel is the same format we had last year, like on the stage?  Is this the option? 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  I think that's the idea. 

   >> Yep, that's the same setup.  Okay. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Just the names, this is very Sivas.  He aims high, Bill Gates.  UN Secretary‑General.  President. 

   >> It is good to be ambitious. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Yes, but it may be not a bad idea to have a plan B in mind. 

   >> Yeah, yeah.  Okay.  Thank you. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  It is a first discussion to have.  You may be in a brainstorming mode but don't feel shy to jump in.  We still have half an hour time on our time slot.  We have time to discuss it.  Any ideas are welcome.  And still no hearing from Sivas? 

   >> No.  Since my mic is open, I do think that's ‑‑ I mean the ‑‑ there is a special moment with the COVID crisis in terms of the scale of human calling and Internet users being connected to the Internet.  And I think that's ‑‑ I don't know from my perspective that that should be the four sort of items, component of the discussion somehow linked to other components, but in the history of humankind, hundreds of millions of people staying home and, you know, connecting at different times of the day and the night at the same time is just a very special time for humanity and I think that deserves attention during that session.  There are many ways we can focus it.  But I don't know.  I am just thinking out loud. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you.  That's fair enough.  And as Jutta said there are some main session workshop proposals dealing with this particular issue.  Once again for us the question is whether is value added DCs can contribute to this discussion.  These are definitely a valid approach.  Other comments, thoughts? 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  It is Jutta here again.  Yes, I do think that since dynamic coalitions are such a broad variety of groups of people working in different areas, this would definitely be something that this session could bring forward.  Like we said also last year if the Dynamic Coalitions have a main session that they work on collaboratively then the main session topics should also reflect this variety of working areas that the dynamic coalitions come from.  So it somehow needs to be brought in to that session, that you have different experiences when you work like I do in the Dynamic Coalition on child online safety, that would be in another way affected by the crisis.  And then the work of the Dynamic Coalition on sustainability of (inaudible), for example, or I do also expect completely different experiences from the new Dynamic Coalition on Internet and jobs.  So I do think if we are able to bring that in to a main session, that would be the added value compared to other sessions, session proposals that focus on one specific aspect that ‑‑ the pandemic has. 

   >> Right.  I totally agree with that.  Yes. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Listening to the discussion I wonder what the next steps could be.  Would it make sense if you ask the Dynamic Coalitions to prepare a short paper, it could be one page, less than one page on precisely putting that on paper what you just said, how the pandemic affects their work? 

   >> This is Rajendra.  Can I speak? 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Of course. 

   >> One of the things that we have been discussing and the world is passing through, it has been shock, but at the same time the world has even shock before and we emerge stronger.  Yes, we will discuss about how this pandemic has affected us.  We come out at what are the lessons learned and what are the success stories coming out and how to replicate them because this is a global Forum.  All the time I come to attend IGF.  I meet people from all over the world discussing something that individual countries don't know.  So it is more about sharing at a global platform.  Like within this new dynamic coalition that I proposed I am going to come out with a report about Internet and jobs.  How can we create jobs with the Internet.  Some experience of success stories that came fighting pandemic and in the adverse scenario that we faced.  It could be a positive and very optimistic approach to look at the world beyond this pandemic. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you.  Michael in the chat said producing a paper would be fine for us.  Significant for journalism and for media sector, definitely.  I just would like to hear more of you, if there is an objection against producing a work.  But I think it might be useful if you had a short paper which could then be further ‑‑ the first step for developing a session of input of the individual Dynamic Coalitions in such a session. 

   >> For the child online session we could do that.  We have a session this week on the impact of children's rights.  Out of the session we can pull up some content and produce a paper. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  I do see that Muhammed Shabir has raised his hand? 

   >> Yes.  I do agree with the initial point on Dynamic Coalition on disability and accessibility.  Each Dynamic Coalition should present the challenges and lessons learned through the COVID‑19 pandemic.  There are a lot of workshop proposals on focusing on the COVID‑19 position.  The discussions in the main session would be more or less a repeat of what we have already discussed in the other sessions.  So focusing or restricting the focus on the work and the challenges and lessons learned from the work of the Dynamic Coalitions in the main session of the DCs would be a wise idea.  And I do agree that there should be one pager on behalf of Dynamic Coalitions if we want to do a collaborative work.  That would streamline our work.  Thank you. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you for that.  I take it there is no opposition against this proposal?  So far I heard three voices in favor and no voice in opposition.  We can also vote.  Who thinks it is a good idea, why don't you raise your hand?  We have this nice little tool in Zoom.  I can see more hands appearing.  Okay.  So I take it then that there will be a concrete outcome of today's call.  We ask Dynamic Coalitions to prepare a one pager on how the COVID‑19 crisis has affected their work and take that as a next input in to the collaborative DC main session. 

    Is there any more comments on this?  If not, then I would like to encourage you all to put your pens on the collective document and work with your respective Dynamic Coalitions to produce a one pager.  And the question is is there any deadline for submitting one pagers.  I think that, Jutta or Lima, you are more aligned with the timetables of the overall process.  What would be realistic?  Obviously the sooner the better but also need to give you time necessary. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Markus, if I may chime in, I do think that the discussion on main sessions will not be completely finalized during next week's virtual MAG meeting.  So I do think if we can present that idea how the Dynamic Coalitions would like to have their main session, what the main topic would be, and how Dynamic Coalitions contribute to that, would be enough for the debates on main sessions next week.  So that we can give that input and see how that aligns with other main sessions suggestions.  And that afterwards we need to get ‑‑ to get closer to the point how the session will be shaped.  So I do think we could easily give Dynamic Coalitions mainly two or three weeks to send in their one pagers.  And then we can collate that all and maybe in three or four weeks' time we will have a more comprehensive proposal.  Do you think that's in line with the MAG work? 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Lima, what do you think? 

   >> Hi Markus.  Thank you.  I think it will be ‑‑ I agree with Jutta.  Because in the next MAG meeting it will not be finalized.  Sharing the idea, discussing the idea, I think the end of June as a deadline for the one page paper that the DCs will be writing will be good as my point of view because then we will have some time to also kind of synthesize that and write something about that.  And then we can discuss ‑‑ we can put it in the proposal and I think that will be a good time frame for it. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Then say the 28th of June?  That will be the sum day so people have time to work on it over the weekend if they have nothing else to do and by Monday it would be ready, the paper.  Can we accept the 28th?  That would be three weeks minus a day. 

   >> I think that will be perfect.  Thank you. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Okay.  Thank you.  With that then we conclude this agenda item which is obviously an important agenda item for us.  And again may I invite you to make your contributions to the collective document on Google docs and then prepare also the one pager we just discussed.  With that we move to the DC cooperation.  And there we have what we already have alluded to, we have the positive agenda item of welcoming a new Dynamic Coalition.  And we already had the pleasure of talking to Rajendra. 

    Could I invite you again to talk about your Dynamic Coalition? 

   >> Hi, everyone.  Good morning and good afternoon.  Can you hear me all? 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  We can hear you.

   >> Okay.  So the whole idea of this Dynamic Coalition came from my attending the IGF in Paris and then Berlin last year.  And one thing I have experienced working in the field of education as you know that Internet has phenomenal abilities of not just connecting but also creating.  And as time moves I think it will be an important player in creating jobs across the world and every level across sectors.  We need to have the learnings.  And we need to, you know, share that.  So this whole idea of this Dynamic Coalition on internet and jobs and even to do a few things is to share what are the best practices, what are the learnings, what are the success stories, which are the sectors where we have been able to create jobs using Internet.  And during my research last year when I wrote a book, you know, with Maglohd on education I came across umpteen stories where people have used Internet to create millions of jobs and empower communities and bring about a whole new economy around Internet.  And my own plan is to deliver in that.  So I think a phenomenal approach to deliver with the Internet. 

The senior people have accepted this proposal and I am excited to work with each one of you.  I am less than a week in to this system.  Over the next few weeks I will reach out to all the DCs on the work we are doing, working together.  I am very excited.  Every year, one thing that you do consistently and is our report on Internet and jobs.  So you can expect me to be reaching out to you on that and even for other things able to do on this issue.  And if there are any questions, happy to take.  And anything you can reach out to me I think my e‑mail and all out there.  And Lima has already introduced my Dynamic Coalition to everyone. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you for that.  And welcome as a new Dynamic Coalition.  That brings the total of the Dynamic Coalitions to 17 now?  Lima? 

   >> 19. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  19.  Excellent.  Okay.  Are there any questions people may have to Professor Rajendra?  Doesn't seem to be the case. 

    Accept a very warm welcome from all of us. 

   >> Thank you so much. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  And with that we move to any other questions.  Any other business, sorry.  Are there ‑‑ is there anything anyone would like to raise on the any other business? 

   >> Hi Markus.  Michael here.  I have just one thing to remind everyone about, and that is for anyone that's interested in the European dialogue on Internet Governance, it is being held online.  And if you would like to register for that, the deadline to register is tomorrow 9th.  Please make sure you are registered if you are not already.  Feel free to join.  It should be a really good program. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you for that reminder.  Yes, indeed, EuroDIG is one of the many NRIs that will be held online which obviously presents new challenges to all the organizers.  And they understand the funding of the online meetings is not that easy as some traditional donors are not ready or willing to provide funding for online meetings.  At the same time there are extra costs involved with organizing online meetings.  But it is something all of the NRIs are struggling with and know exactly what one needs to be provided.  There may be questions of bandwidth in Developing Countries, will be less the case in the European region, but it will be a challenge.  And next week's MAG meeting will be another learning element in the learning curve on how best to deal with online meetings.  I think one lesson learned isn't what the IGF Secretariat has done in proposing the schedule is to make sure the meetings are spread out a bit as on the whole participants are finding much more tiring of sitting behind a computer to attend a meeting.  And many are actually in the meeting itself interact in person with all the participants.  But this is a learning curve.  And I'm sure EuroDIG will produce other lessons learned on how best to do this. 


   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Yes.  Thank you, Markus.  It is Jutta speaking here.  I really do think that EuroDIG will teach us some lessons that we might take forward when we need to take a decision whether the IGF will be a virtual meeting or a face‑to‑face meeting.  Although we still believe it will be possible to do it in Poland, we cannot be sure yet how the situation with the pandemic will develop, especially in the autumn months.  So there might be ‑‑ it might be really good to take the opportunity to get some experiences in holding a completely virtual meeting of that size.  As Michael said before it is really important that you register in advance because otherwise it will not be possible that you speak in the sessions.  So you cannot ‑‑ of course, you can take part on the listening but only those who are registered will be able to be unmuted by the Moderator of each session.  So and it is only two or three clicks to register.  So I just would like to underline that recommendation that you do that before tomorrow evening.  Thank you. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you for that.  And June in the chat points out for Developing Countries' perspective, downloads for WiFi, extra bandwidth support might be needed.  Other questions, comments?  If that's not the case is it possible that we have ended the meeting well ahead of the hour?  I think so.  So disciplined and efficient I take it. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Thank you, Markus, for your moderation and giving us back 15 minutes of our lifetime.  Wonderful. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Not quite as many minutes.  Eight. 

   >> JUTTA CROLL:  Eight. 

   >> Thank you anyway.  She is right. 

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thank you all.  Thank you all for your participation. 

   >> Thank you.

   >> MARKUS KUMMER:  Thanks.  Stay safe.  Bye‑bye.

   >> Bye‑bye. 

   >> Bye‑bye.  Thank you, Lima, for your organization.

   >> Thank you, Jutta.

   >> Thank you everyone.  Bye.