IGF 2019 WS #189
Responsible AI in practice


Organizer 1: Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Organizer 2: Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

Speaker 1: Vallor Shannon, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 2: Jen Gennai, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 3: Max Senges, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min

Policy Question(s)

- What kinds of guidelines for those developing and using AI are the most practical and helpful? (NB: This would allow discussion of sector/context specific vs generalised; outcome vs process oriented; rights vs ethics framing, etc)
- What are shared learnings in implementing such guidelines in terms of monitoring for compliance, addressing issues that arise, and encouraging good practice among those building AI products?


GOAL 12: Responsible Production and Consumption

Description: Practical discussion of the challenges associated with moving from a topline corporate commitment to abide by AI principles, to living up to them day-to-day. Potential to include deeper dives into specific case studies from a variety of different organisations, including Google.

Outline agenda (subject to change):
1/ Intro by moderator: Anna Naether (5 mins)
2/ Prof. Shannon Vallor (Applied Ethics expert, Professor at Santa Clara University) setting the context and highlighting the most prominent challenges and tradeoffs that companies face in AI-related issues (15 mins)
3/ Panel discussion, moderated by Shannon: (45 mins total)
- Jen Gennai - Head of Responsible AI at Google
- Tan Kiat How - Chief Executive Officer, Infocomm and Media Development Authority of Singapore (TBC, in discussion)
- A speaker from another research or industry group - eg: Bosch (TBC, in discussion)
4/ Audience Q&A (25 mins)

Expected Outcomes: Greater insight into the practicalities of responsible AI implementation

Discussion facilitation: moderator will ask people to raise their hands if they have a question and step up to a mic. There will also potentially be a chance for online participants to post live questions

Relevance to Theme: Sharing practical learnings in approaches to self-regulation of AI development and application

Relevance to Internet Governance: There is a lot of discussion about how best to provide oversight for AI. Regardless of the regulatory framework in place, those developing and using AI will always be at the frontline in identifying and addressing problems. This session will shine a spotlight on self regulation by researchers and companies on AI issues, highlighting what is working, as well as pinpointing areas where additional guidance from governments and civil society would be helpful.

Online Participation

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