IGF 2019 WS #284
Simplifying digital safety, security and fake media

Organizer 1: Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Organizer 2: Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group

Speaker 1: Shashank Mohan, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 2: Mishi Choudhary, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 3: Ritu Srivastava, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group


Birds of a Feather - Classroom - 60 Min

Policy Question(s)

How do we simplify complicated and technical topics such as digital safety, digital security and detecting fake media for laypeople that do not know about such topics?


GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Description: A large number of people coming online do not know how to protect themselves. Trainings are generally either lengthy or complicated for beginners. This session would focus on finding ways to simplify the explanation of digital safety, digital security and fake media for laypeople with no prior experience with these issues. The session is meant to bring together people that have worked on digital literacy across the globe for a discussion on what works and what leaves people confused.
The designated speakers would have 5 minutes each to explain what works for them when they try to teach people, followed by an open discussion among all the participants. The moderator will be responsible for keeping the discussion on-track.

Expected Outcomes: We expect to have strategies for teaching people about digital safety, digital security and fake media at the end of the session. These strategies could then be implemented by teachers around the world to teach people to think actively about these topics instead of following a set list of instructions that are likely to change over time.
For example, humanising computers helps people visualize digital safety. This can be done by telling people that computer infections are like human infections - they can spread from computer to computer and they can result in damage by causing the computer to function incorrectly, lose its memory or the computer could be under the control of someone else who is telling it what to do.

The session will be in the format of Birds of a Feather. Discussion with the participants will be the primary form of conducting this session.
The designated speakers will open the discussion by explaining what has worked and what has not worked for them in the past while conducting trainigns.
The on-site moderator will shape the discussion with the participants.

Relevance to Theme: The digital world has many layers of knowledge attached to it. Knowledge about keeping one-self safe and secure online is essential for the protection of human rights, economy and the exercise of democratic rights. Women and marginalized communities have a higher need for access to such information.

Relevance to Internet Governance: As attacks over the internet, fake news and manipulation of voters have been increasing, so has the need for digital literacy. Topics such as digital safety, digital security and fake media are essential for the functioning of a democracy, but the vast majority of people do not understand how they happen and what can be done about them.

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