>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Okay.  Good morning, afternoon and evening, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to virtual MAG meeting number 13, and as usual, this meeting is being recorded, transcribed, and a summary report…
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  >> CHENGETAI: Good evening, afternoon, morning, ladies and gentlemen.   We're about to start virtual MAG meeting Number  XII.  As you know, the meeting is being recorded, transcribed, and a summary report will come out…
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>> Ladies and gentlemen, please, can you be seated, because the ceremony is about to start.  Would you please be seated.  The different officials are about to arrive and the ceremony will begin then. >> Good afternoon,…
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>> CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Greetings from an incredibly hot Geneva.  We will wait a few minutes for the people who started the program a little bit late for the program to load.  Good evening, afternoon and morning, ladies and…
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The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the IGF 2019 Third Open Consultations and MAG Meeting in Berlin, Germany, from 5 to 7 June 2019. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or…
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>> CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Good afternoon, morning and evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is MAG virtual meeting number 10 and just the usual reminders, the meeting is being recorded and being transcribed.  The transcript will be made…
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>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Good afternoon, morning and evening, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to start the MAG meeting.  Just a reminder that, usual reminder the meeting is being recorded.  There is a transcription, and also a summary…
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>> CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Good evening, afternoon and morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.  This is MAG virtual meeting No. 8.  And just before we start, just a reminder as always everything is transcribed.  And the meeting is being…
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 >>CHENGETAI MASANGO:  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.  Veni.  [ Laughter ]  Well, good morning, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for sticking through.  This is the third day of our meetings, second day of…
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 >>CHENGETAI MASANGO:  All right, ladies and gentlemen.  Welcome to the last session of the MAG meeting, Open Consultations and the MAG meeting.  This is the last day, the last session.  I don't think I need to go…
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