IGF 2022 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting

The First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting was held online from 23 to 25 February. The agenda of the meeting encompasses the following hours, breaks included:

  • Day 1: 23 February, Open Consultations, 12:00-18:15 UTC
  • Day 2: 24 February, MAG Meeting, 13:00-15:45 UTC
  • Day 3: 25 February, MAG Meeting, 12:00-16:30 UTC




Day 1: 23 February 2022 - Open Consultations

Time in UTC

Agenda Item

12:00 - 12:45

1.  Opening statements and adoption of the agenda

  • Message from UN DESA
  • Welcome by MAG Chair
  • Welcome by MAG Host country Co-chair 2022
  • Adoption of the agenda
  • Presentation and update from IGF 2022 host country

12:45 - 14:15

2. IGF 2021 stock taking and considerations for IGF 2022

  1. Secretariat’s summary of the inputs received to the stocktaking process concerning the programme and schedule
  2. Feedback from the IGF community on IGF improvements
  3. Discussion on the IGF 2022 process, annual meeting and intersessional work

14:15 - 14:45


14:45 - 15:45

3. Issues and themes for IGF2022

  1. IGF Secretariat’s summary of inputs received to the open call for issues
  2. Strategic discussion on implementation of the Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda and its Digital Compact 

15:45 - 16:15

4. The IGF 2022 process and timeline

  1. 17th annual IGF meeting 
  2. Intersessional work
  3. Other programme components: high-level leaders track, parliamentary track, youth engagement, capacity development 

16:15 - 17:00


17:00 - 18:00

5. Updates from related Internet Governance initiatives and processes, followed by open discussion on possible IGF 2022 activities/collaboration

18:00 - 18:15

6. Objectives for the next two days, summing up and closing



Day 2: 24 February 2022 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)

Desired outputs:

  • Decide on the IGF 2022 main themes
  • Decision on the call for workshops and selection procedures (confirm timeline, agree on call design/webform, confirm selection criteria) and formation of the MAG group to finalize the suggestions
  • Endorse design of the overall programme structure, including desirable number of sessions, and flow


Time in UTC

Agenda Item

13:00 - 13:10

1. Opening of the MAG meeting

  1. Opening remarks from MAG chair and review of the agenda and meeting goals

13:10 - 14:10

2. Recap of input on issues/themes from the open consultation

  1. Capturing consensus if possible on IGF 2022 main issues and themes
  2. Next steps

14:10 - 14:30


14:30 - 15:30

3. Recap of overall programme structure and flow
Event format and flow

4. Shaping the IGF 2022 Annual programme 
Type and number of session

  • How to approach types of sessions, e.g. intro/closing sessions, workshops and open forums? 

  • What could be the total number of sessions? What space is needed in the programme? 

15:30 - 15:45


Wrap-up by MAG Chair


Day 3: 25 February MAG Meeting (open to observers)

 Desired outputs:

  • Decide on the IGF 2022 themes
  • IGF intersessional work in 2022: 
    • Agree on themes and working modality of BPFs and Policy Networks
    • Identify MAG co-facilitators
    • Any recommendations on cooperation with DCs and NRIs and broader community
  • Review 2021 MAG Working Groups and approval of MAG 2022 Working Groups


Time in UTC

Agenda item 

12:00 - 12:10

1. Review of the agenda and meeting goals

12:10 - 14:10

2. Continued discussion on possible IGF 2022 themes and issues

3. Discussion of IGF 2022 Best Practice Forums (BPFs) and Policy Networks (PNs)

  1. Review of  2021 BPFs 
  2. Review of 2021 PNs
  3. Forming for IGF2022 BPFs and PNs  

4. Updates on Dynamic Coalitions (DCs)

5. Collaboration with the NRIs in 2022

14:10 - 15:15


15:15 - 16:15

6. MAG Working Groups

  1. Review of IGF 2021 MAG Working Groups
  2. Forming the IGF 2022 MAG Working Groups
  3. Next steps

16:15 - 16:30

7.  Meeting closure and evaluation

  1. Closing remarks from host-country chair
  2. Closing remarks from MAG Chair
IGF 2022 First MAG Attendees Other
Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
Given Name Family Name Organization
Henryk Połcik Association Affranchisement „Ownership”
ANAHIBY BECERRIL Academia Mexicana de Ciberseguridad y Derecho Digital (AMCID)
Sascha Ram AESIC-Bcn
Keith Andere African Youth Commission
Fouad Bajwa Agriculture Republic
Bruna Santos Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
Vadim Glushchenko ANO "Center for Global IT Cooperation"
Anriette Esterhuysen Association for Progressive Communications
Paula Martins Association for Progressive Communications - APC
Donat Bukasa Kanda Association JIBER pour le Developpement Rural et l'Environnement
Christian Nzhie CAPDA
Amrita Choudhury CCAOI
Roman Chukov Center for Global IT-Cooperation
Vadim Glushchenko Center for global IT-cooperation
Evelyne Tauchnitz Centre for Technology and Global Affairs, University of Oxford; Institute for Social Ethics, University of Lucerne
Krishna Giri Club 40 International
Elaine Ford D&D International-Democracia Digital / ISOC Peru
Innocent Adriko Digital Literacy Initiative
Norman Angel Agong Digital Literacy Initiative (DLI)
Tereza Horejsova Diplo
Jenna Man Hau Fung DotAsia/ NetMission.Asia
Raymond Selorm Mamattah E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa (EGIGFA)
Sandra Hoferichter EuroDIG
Nicola Frank European Broadcasting Union
Glenn McKnight Foundation for Building Sustainable Community
Vlad Ivanets Free Moscow University
Ucha Seturi Georgia IGF
Maxwell Beganim Ghana Youth IGF
Cherie Lagakali Global Forum Cyber Expertise (GFCE)
Laura Becana Ball Global Forum for Media Development
Courtney Radsch Global Forum For Media Development
Sheetal Kumar Global Partners Digital
Michaela Shapiro Global Partners Digital
Juliana Harsianti Global Voices
Moustapha Abakar Abdramane House of Africa
Bachar Bong Abdeldjalil HOUSE OF AFRICA
Marlene Fasolt IGF
Pierre-Jean DARRES IGF Québec
Markus Kummer IGFSA
Carlos Alberto Afonso Instituto Nupef
Adebunmi Akinbo Internet Society (ISOC) Nigeria Chapter.
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy Internet Society India Chennai
Jiali Li Internet Society of China
Rui ZHONG Internet Society of China
Allan Magezi Internet Society Uganda chapter
Talant Sultanov Internet Society-Kyrgyz Chapter
Fatou SARR internet society/ISOC SENEGAL/icann/senchix/WASIG
Lianna Galstyan ISOC Armenia
Desiree Miloshevic Evans ISOC UK
Aderemi Auatino Adetoro Kejibaus Youth Development Initiative
Josephine Kayeli Miliza Kictanet
MARILO META Leadership Development Association Balkan
Bram Fudzulani Malawi IGF
Alexei Marciuc MIGF
Antoine Vergne Missions Publiques
Nabeel Yasin Mohammed Amin Nabeel Yasin Training and Consulting Center
Gonzalez Oscar Nicaragua Cibersegura
Oshoke Igonor Nigeria Internet Governance Forum
Marjolijn Bonthuis NLIGF
Artem Goriainov PF "Civil Initiative on Internet Policy"
Umut Pajaro Velasquez Queer in AI
Bernard Lutete Di Lutete Save the Climat (In Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC)
Jutta Croll Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Abdul Na-eem Muniru Striving Muslims
Vrikson Acosta TICsLegal
Jeremy Bernick University of Arizona
Stefan Berres University of Bío-Bío
Dennis Redeker University of Bremen
Yusif Amadu University of Ghana/ISOC GHANA
Melody Musoni University of Witwatersrand
Peterking Quaye Youth Ambassador - Youth IGF
Peace Oliver Amuge Women of Uganda Network( WOUGNET)
Nwakanma Nnenna World Wide Web Foundation
Nicolas Fiumarelli Youth IGF Uruguay
Stakeholder Group: Government
Given Name Family Name Organization
Plantina Tsholofelo Mokone .ZA Domain Name Authority
Concettina Cassa AgID
M. Fatih KAFADAR BTK | Turkish Telecommunications Authority (ICTA Turkey)
Wiktor Skwarek Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Republic of Poland
Nigel Hickson DCMS (UK Government)
Meelis Tiigimae Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Heiko Wildner Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport
Jorge Cancio Federal Office of Communications
Alice Weiss Federal Office of Communications
Hon Alhagie Mbow Gambia National Parliament & Pan African Parliament
Shi Min Cheng IMDA
Shaik Umar Infocomm Media Development Authority
Milan Raj Nepali Insurance Regulatory Authority of Nepal, Ministry of Finance, Government of Nepal
Mattia Fantinati Italian Parliament
Ramadhan Rahman KRI-Youth Council
Alisa Heaver Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate
Nebojsa Regoje Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegowina
Tsedeniya Namrud Ministry Of Innovation and Technology
Hinami Fujimoto Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Yoichi Iida Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
Alan Alberto Ramírez García Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru
Wafa Dahmani National Agency of Computer Emergency
Zeina Bou Harb OGERO Telecom
Sumair Gul Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations in Geneva
Gordienko Aleksandr Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN Office and other International Organizations in Geneva
Karolina Brudek-Slegers Polish Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Justin Fair U.S. Department of State
JUSTINA MASHIBA Universal Communication Service Access Fund (UCSAF)
Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organization
Given Name Family Name Organization
Luis Bobo UN
Giacomo Mazzone AUB member of WBU - World Broadcasting Unions
Ruofei JIA China Chamber of International Commerce
Rodica Ciochina Council of Europe
Laura Ferre Sanjuan European Commission
Anja Gengo IGF Secretariat
Sorina Teleanu IGF Secretariat
Pascal Garde IGF/DESA
Sadhvi Saran ITU
Jenifer Lopez NIC-Panamá
Yogendra Bahadur Mahata SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/ AIDS Centre
Juwang Zhu UN
Jieying Cai UN DESA
Frédéric Cohen UN DESA
WaiMin Kwok UN DESA
Deniz Susar UNDESA
Cédric Wachholz UNESCO
Luis Bobo United Nations
Jason Munyan United Nations
Tracy Hackshaw Universal Postal Union (UPU) | Union Postale Universelle (UPU)
Stakeholder Group: Private Sector
Given Name Family Name Organization
Ethan Mudavanhu Access Partnership
Yusuph KIleo AfICTA
Paul Rowney AfICTA
Helen Harris Amazon
Gauldin Amanda ARIN
Meacham Aimee BT
Junko Kawauchi CFIEC
Daniel Lozada Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru
Wim Degezelle consultant
Amali De Silva-Mitchell Coordinator Dynamic Coalition Data Driven Health Technologies
Wout de Natris De Natris Consult
Jennifer Chung DotAsia Organisation
David Souter Dr
Khaled Koubaa Facebook
Anja Lanz Global Women in STEM
Judith Hellerstein Hellerstein & Associates
Timea Suto ICC BASIS
Avinash Dadhich Institute of Legal Studies Research,GLA University
June Parris Internet Society
Ashkar S. Internet Society
J Amado Espinosa L Medisist
Erlingur Erlingsson Meta
Ben Wallis Microsoft
Sarai Faleupolu Tevita National University of Samoa
Paul W Mitchell Paul Mitchell
Mark Carvell Internet Governance Consultant; Senior Policy Advisor in the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety (DC-ISSS); EuroDIG Member
Jennifer Schuck Quicktext
Youssef Benzekri Salconst
YingChu Chen Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
Attoumani Mohamed Karim Telco SA
Jim Prendergast The Galway Strategy Group
John Hughes Twitter
Nick Pickles Twitter
Nikolis Smith Verisign
Yoseph Gela Ali Yoda Partner Pvt.Ltd.Co.
Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
Given Name Family Name Organization
Joyce Chen APNIC
Michael Nelson Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Flavio Wagner CGI.br
Horst Kremers CODATA-Germany
Birarda Futterman Carina CSIRT Centro de Ciberseguridad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Argentina
Peter Koch DENIC eG & ISOC.DE e.V.
Udeep Baral Federation of Computer Association Nepal
Shadrach Ankrah Ghana Statistical Service
Avri Doria ICANN
Veni Markovski ICANN
Alexey Trepykhalin ICANN
Adam Peake ICANN (MAG Member 2021)
Constance Weise IEEE
Merline Belizaire IGF Youth Ambassador 2021
Agustina Callegari Internet Society
Marilee D'Arceuil Internet Society
Mohan Raidu Konatham Internet Society India Hyderabad Chapter
Mohamed Sylla Internet Society Mali
Kristina Hakobyan Internet Society NGO
Nazarius Kirama Internet Society Tanzania Chapter
Betty Fausta IPEOS
Folli Herbert AMOUZOUGAN Isoc Togo
Auke Pals KPMG
Paula Oteguy LACNIC
Everton T Rodrigues NIC.br
Vinicius W. O. Santos NIC.br / CGI.br
Bruna Toso de Alcântara NIC.br/CGI.br
Chris Buckridge RIPE NCC
Mawaba Liebe FAWIYA TogoRER
Yuhang Li United Nations Digital Security Alliance
John Owoicho Odeh University of Science and Technology,Beijing
Mary Uduma West Africa Internet Governance Forum
Vlada Tatarova Youth IGF
Fred Kwadwo Aazore Zenith Bank Ghana Limited