IGF 2020 First Open Consultations and MAG meeting

IGF 2020
First Open Consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group Meeting (

14 - 16 January 2020, UN Office at Geneva (UNOG), Room XVII




Meeting Outputs:

  1. Main themes for the IGF 2020 meeting
  2. Charter the BPF’s for 2020 (New and continuing)
  3. Approve the MAG Working Groups for 2020
  4. Have a tentative outline for 2020 milestones and events (Call for workshops etc.)


Day 1: 14 January 2020 - Open Consultations


Agenda Item

10:00 - 11:00

1. Opening statements and adoption of the agenda

  1. Message from UN DESA
  2. Welcome by MAG Chair
  3. Welcome by MAG Host country Co-chairs 2019 and 2020
  4. Presentation/Briefing by 2019 Host Country
  5. Presentation by 2020 Host Country

11:00 - 13:00


2. Taking stock of IGF 2019 (while setting expectations for 2020)

  1.  IGF Secretariat’s summary of inputs received to the stocktaking process concerning the themes, format, programme and schedule.
  2. Strategic discussion on inputs received: ​
    • Comments on programme (main theme, sub-themes), structure (session types, schedule), logistics; and suggestions for improvement
    • Comments on intersessional activities and lessons learned, suggestions for improvement
    • Comments on Day 0, suggestions for improvement

13:00 - 15:00


15:00 - 18:00


3. Consultation convened by the MAG Chair supported by the Government of Switzerland on the follow-up on the UN SG’s High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation (Agenda)

For the MAG this will provide an opportunity to update champions and key constituents involved in Panel follow-up as well as Geneva missions of UN member states on IGF plans and to discuss relevant recommendations of the High-Level Panel from the perspective of enhancing the work of the IGF.
(Followed by a cocktail reception hosted by Switzerland. The reception will be hosted at World Meteorological Organization (WMO - OMM), Mello room, from 18:30 - 20:00)
(*see here how to reach WMO from UNOG)


Day 2: 15 January 2020 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)


Agenda Item

10:00 - 10:15

4. Taking stock of IGF 2019 (while setting expectations for 2020) - brief reminder on synthesis of received inputs by the IGF Secretariat

10:15 - 11:15

5.  Updates from related Internet Governance initiatives and processes, with their reflections on how the IGF 2019's main themes related to their work - and looking forward to the coming year; followed by an open discussion on possible IGF 2020 activities/collaboration

11:15 - 13:00

6. Interactive MAG member session: Key takeaways from 2019 for 2020.  Possible approaches/general outline of overall IGF 2020 preparatory process. Shaping the programme of IGF 2020 by discussing:

  1.  Discuss the thematic approach to IGF2020;
  2.  Discussion on major policy questions, main theme/sub-themes if appropriate, possible ‘tracks’;
  3. Event format and flow; including intro/closing sessions, workshops and open forums, main sessions and number of sessions;
  4. Selection criteria/timetable and mechanisms for workshops, open forums and main sessions

13:00 - 15:00


14:30 - 15:00 Update on the IGF Trust Fund

15:00 - 18:00


(continued) 6. Interactive MAG member session: Key takeaways from 2019 for 2020. Possible approaches/general outline of overall IGF 2020 preparatory process. Shaping the programme of IGF 2020 by discussing:

  1. Results of public call for issues/themes;
  2. Discussion on major policy questions, main theme/sub-themes if appropriate, possible ‘tracks’;
  3. Event format and flow; including intro/closing sessions, workshops and open forums, main sessions and number of sessions;
  4. Selection criteria/timetable and mechanisms for workshops, open forums and main sessions

7. Comments on IGF Intersessional activities (BPFs, DCs, etc.) and
discussion on
NRIs engagements into the IGF.


Day 3: 16 January 2020 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)


Agenda Item

10:00 - 13:00

(Continuation of previous day’s morning session)

8. Shaping the programme   

  1. Best Practice Forums (BPF), Dynamic Coalitions (DC), National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs),  youth engagement, parliamentary session, possible major policy programme.;
  2. Strategies for collaboration and complementarity across intersessional work
  3. Day 0 ‘pre-events’;
  4. Recap of overall programme structure and flow

13:00 - 15:00


14:00 - 14:50 Informal gathering of the NRIs

15:00 - 16:00

9. MAG working groups and other activities: continuation of 2019 working groups and the need for new groups to be discussed

  1. Working Group on Fundraising (WG-FUN)
  2. Working Group on IGF Improvements (WG-IMP)
  3. Working Group on Outreach and Engagement (WG-OE)
  4. Working Group on Workshop Process (WG-WSP)
  5. Working Group on Reporting (WG-Reporting)

10. Discussion of tentative 2020 schedule of events and milestones

17:00 - 18:00

11. A.O.B

IGF 2020 First MAG Onsite Attendees
Stakeholder Group: Government
Family Name Given Name Delegation/Organization
Regoje Nebojsa Bosnia and Herzegovina
Charlton Paul Kenneth Canada
Ndoumba Eric Armel Congo
Nataša Glavor Croatia
Arida Christine Egypt
Sibul Heiki Estonia
Hureaux Jeremy France
Gridl Rudolf Germany
Maecker Swantje Germany
Cassa Concettina Cassa Italy
Khanal Ananda Nepal
Buk Wanda Poland
Pukaluk Michał Poland
Typiak Przemysław Poland
Cancio Jorge Switzerland
Schneider Thomas Switzerland
Walpen Livia Switzerland
Dahmani Wafa Tunisia
Blaker Paul United Kingdom
Chalmers Susan United States
Stakeholder Group: IGO (Intergovernmental Organizations)
Family Name Given Name Delegation/Organization
Mazzone Giacomo EBU-UER
Bringer Olivier European Commission
Scialpi Valentina European Commission
Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
Family Name Given Name Delegation/Organization
Kane Cisse ACSIS : African Civil Society on the Information Society
Esterhuysen Anna Margaretha (anriette) Association for Progressive Communications
Chen Yu Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Canales Loebel Maria Paz Derechos Digitales
Hoferichter Sandra EuroDIG
Harsianti Juliana Global Voices
Tauchnitz Evelyne Graduate Institute
Vishnevskiy Petr Graduate Institute
Mustafa Jihad Hospice General
Jallow Adama IGF MAG Member
Afonso Carlos Alberto Instituto Nupef
Astbrink Gunela ISOC Accessibility SIG
Galstyan Lianna ISOC Armenia
Polo Carlos PPS
Agosti Tania Race and Equality Human Rights Institute
Tungali Arsene Rudi International
Chukov Roman Ruspromo Foundation
Teleanu Sorina SEEDIG
Croll Jutta Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Jelinek Thorsten Taihe Institute
Verhagen Paul The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
Baraka Mounira UNITAR
Chair Chenai World Wide Web Foundation
Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
Family Name Given Name Delegation/Organization
Tao Xiaofeng Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Glaser Hartmut Richard Brazilian Internet Steering Committee - CGI.br
Gatto Raquel Internet Society
Prieto Alejandra Internet Society
Uduma Mary NIGF
Baniala Dalsie Green Pacific Inspiro Limited
Edoh Afi UN IGF MAG Member
Stakeholder Group: Private Sector
Family Name Given Name Delegation/Organization
Rowney Paul AfICTA
De Natris Wouterus De Natris Consult
Chung Jennifer DotAsia Organisation
Degezelle Wim DRMV
Rontal Mary Rose E3Hubs Philippines
Parris June Halaqah Media
Shaheed Samar ILO
Suto Timea International Chamber of Commerce
Kazakova Anastasiya Kaspersky
Michels Jochen Kaspersky
Espinosa Amado Medisist / AMITI
Wallis Benjamin Microsoft
Karim Attoumani Mohamed Telecom Comores SA
Abdalla Mahamoud Ali Alaa Telecom. & Post Regulatory Authority
Prendergast James The Galway Strategy Group
Rademaker Michel The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
Smith Nikolis Verisign
IGF 2020 First MAG Online Attendees Government
Stakeholder Group Government
Given Name Family Name Delegation
Fotjon Kosta Albania
Animesh Choudhury Switzerland
Christian Perrild Denmark
Finn Petersen Denmark
Julia Wolman Denmark
Hisham Aboulyazed Egypt
Manal Ismail Egypt
Yoichi Iida Japan
Arnold van Rhijn Netherlands
Marcin Czubak Poland
Adelina DINCA Romania
Yasin Mustafa Somalia
Birgitta Hoggren United States
William Shipilo Zambia
IGF 2020 First MAG Online Attendees other
Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
Given Name Family Name Organization
Adv. Jean-Philippe N. Rubin “Chut Shel Chessed” Institutions of Rabbi Shalom Arush
Caleb Ogundele African Academic Network on Internet Policy
Anriette Esterhuysen Association for Progressive Communications
Said Essoulami Centre for Media Freedom
Bruna Santos Coding Rights
Julián Casasbuenas G. Colnodo
Xiaobo Yang CyberSecurity Association of China
Natasa Perucica DiploFoundation
Adama Jallow Give1 Project Gambia
Julemine Laurent GJUPAH
Michael J. Oghia Global Forum for Media Development
Gustavo Paiva Grupo de Estudos de Direito da Internet - GEDI@UFRN
Bachar Bong Abdeldjalil HOUSE OF AFRICA
Raúl Echeberría Independent
Dallakian Ani Internet Society Armenia, Armenia IGF
Shadrach Ankrah Internet Society Youth@IGF
Lianna Galstyan ISOC Armenia
Helani Galpaya LIRNEasia
Rinchen Dorji Loden Foundation
Benjamin Akinmoyeje MSH
Paula Corte Real None
Raqeeb Mahmood Ahmed NOTR org
Talita de Souza Dias Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
Juan Pajaro Velasquez Ruta Trans
mokabberi Amirhossein Tehran University
Jackson Miake Vanuatu IGF
Daniela Roess VENRO
Said ZERGA Vsat imstaller in north africa
Peterking Quaye Youth Ambassador - Youth IGF
Umair Ahmad Youth for Human Rights Pakistan
Stakeholder Group: Private Sector
Given Name Family Name Organization
Said Zerga Dcs telecom
Dustin Loup ISOC-DC
Chris Wilson Amazon.com
Berry Cobb BAC in Black Consulting
Susan Mohr CenturyLink
Rachael Stelly Computer & Communications Industry Association
Azadur Rahman Sarker Cyberone
Raphael Oni Diplomats Extra Magazine
Katarzyna Cyrbus Grayling Poland
Michael Benaudis Https Card - Internet Identity Card
Marilyn Cade ICT Strategies - mCADE llc
Neema Oriko Independent Researcher
Ron da Silva Network Technologies Global
Nicole Karlebach Oath, Inc.
Fatma Zerga Private. Student
Lauren Crean Telecommunications Management Group
Christoph Steck Telefónica
Gonzalo Lopez-Barajas Telefonica, S.A.
Jim Prendergast The Galway Strategy Group
B Wanner U.S. Council for International Business
Jacquelynn Ruff Wiley Rein
Mary Rose Ofianga Womenpowered Digital
Jennifer Chung DotAsia Organisation
Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organization
Given Name Family Name Organization
Pia Groenewolt ALL DIGITAL
Giulia Belardo EU
Thierry Barbe European Commission
Andrea Leone European Commission
Anja Gengo IGF
Samar Shaheed International Labour Organisation (ILO former staff)
Xianhong Hu UNESCO
Zadek Simon United Nations Development Programme
Brian Beckham WIPO
Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
Given Name Family Name Organization
Michael Nelson Cloudflare
Innocent Adriko ICANN
Sylvia Cadena APNIC Foundation
Yijing Li CAST
Flavio Wagner CGI.br
Serge ziehi Consultant
Ferrer Edna Federal Telecommunications Institute
Avri Doria ICANN
Lynn St.Amour Internet Matters
Isaac Andy iZND Services
Samantha Dickinson Lingua Synaptica
Avri Doria Ms.
Vinicius W. O. Santos NIC.br / CGI.br
Suzanne Taylor RIPE NCC
Hanan Khatib self employed
Tracy Hackshaw Trinidad & Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Group (TTMAG)