IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #59 Our Internet Voices: Designing Inclusive Spaces

    Monday, 6th December, 2021 (08:30 UTC) - Monday, 6th December, 2021 (10:00 UTC)
    Ballroom C

    Emerging Youth Initiative
    Henna Zamurd-Butt, Goldsmiths, University of London, Academia, Europe. Hewing Dorvelus, University of the People / ISOC Haiti, Academia, ALAC


    Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Affiliation- Secretary, ISOC Youth SIG, Stakeholder Group-Civil Society, Africa. Arthur Penny Oyako, ISOC Uganda, Civil Society, Africa. Henna Zamurd-Butt, Goldsmiths, University of London, Academia, Europe. Mariana Gomes da Silva Soares, CEO and co-founder, Conexão Malunga Plataform, Media, America, Latin and Caribbean, Gabriel Karsan, Managing Director, Emerging Youth Initiative, Civil Society, Africa, Hewing Dorvelus, University of the People / ISOC Haiti, Academia, ALAC, Joshua Joshua Chizaram, West African IGF, Technical Community, Africa.

    Onsite Moderator
    Arthur Penny Oyako
    Online Moderator

    Lily Edinam Botsyoe


    Hewing Dorvelus


    Part 1. Presentation and discussion on inclusive design practices for online events and considerations through the experiences of the facilitators. The aim is to introduce the participants to some useful tools for their own work on holding online events. Part 2. Next, we will be sharing a questionnaire with all participants about what kinds of issues they face and are interested in. We will then group the participants with those who have answered the questions in similar ways so that they can focus on work which is relevant to them. All parts will involve design thinking in creating effective models and prototypes of solutions that can be further developed as resources to tackle the challenge of achieving ubiquity in meaningful inclusion. Part 3. Each group will then be assigned a case study for an online event, they will vary by stakeholder type, goals, resources. They will be asked to create an inclusive event design plan, highlighting risks, challenges, opportunities and ways of working. Part 4. Each group will present their case studies back to the whole group to share ideas and key considerations. There is also space for group members to share their own experiences.

    Duration (minutes)



    A practical session to look at the challenges and opportunities as events increasingly move online. It's not enough to assume that online events will be more inclusive, they need to be designed with inclusion in mind. We will share experiences and then facilitate attendees to engage with case studies so they can test methods of designing inclusive online spaces. We aim to extract objective experiences from participants by giving them questions on pressing matters and key scenarios as internet leaders to see their thinking and solutions in creating equal online spaces and a well-distributed fair internet ecosystem. Key questions Now that online events are becoming the norm, what are the inclusion challenges? Who is included and who is excluded when events are held online? Which tools and platforms can be used to hold online events in an open way? How can we ensure safety in online events? How can we ensure online events support meaningful participation? How can we ensure online events are environmentally sustainable? Are the available online platforms sustainable as matters of meaningful and equitable connectivity are concerned? Beyond connectivity do online platforms serve the user or the corporations in an age where data is the new oil? How do we secure privacy and anonymity? Issue areas and policy questions: Economic and social inclusion and human rights Social inequality and the pandemic Inclusion, rights and, stakeholder roles and responsibilities Promoting equitable development and preventing harm Universal access and meaningful connectivity Barriers to universal and meaningful access Leveraging infrastructure and technology innovation and development Inclusive Internet governance ecosystems and digital cooperation Assessing Internet governance approaches and mechanisms and fostering inclusiveness Advancing global digital cooperation

    The session has been designed to enable group collaboration of both online and on-site attendees. Online and on-site participants will each have a moderator supporting them through the session. Given the topic, we will be able to hear from each group about their experiences of the session to enrich the discussion in a very concrete way. For the online audiences, a common room will be used for all, but during the smaller group engagements, breakout sessions will be provided for and when this session ends, all participants will reconvene in the bigger group in which results from the breakout sessions will be shared. A similar scenario will be used for the physical engagement where smaller sessions will be held within the main session, results from these smaller sessions will then be shared with all when the main session reconvenes. Ultimately, our aim is to create a quick guide for individuals and institutions for creating inclusive meetings/online spaces. To capture views and inputs, we will use collaborative tools such as Google Documents and Trello to organize our work. Beyond the event, we look translate this toolkit to French, and Portugese and made available as an e-book for use.