IGF 2023 WS #143 Bain System

Organizer 1: Hissa Alsubai, Ministry of Health

Speaker 1: Banan Eshaq, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 2: alz shadi, Government, Eastern European Group
Speaker 3: Hissa Alsubai, Government, Asia-Pacific Group


Hissa Alsubai, Government, Asia-Pacific Group

Online Moderator

Hissa Alsubai, Government, Asia-Pacific Group


alz shadi, Government, Eastern European Group


Tutorial - 30 Min

Policy Question(s)

How are national and international laws applied roles and law to enforce to gain paperless goal?

What will participants gain from attending this session? knowledge of digital transformation lifetime to gain the paperless goal in less than a year.


Bain System is E-corresponding system to enable digital communication inside and outside Ministry of Health, allow all the users to use equally and fully securely, generate Big Data report that illustrate the average time of working among users by automate the daily work and the digital transformation progress among all MOH department to gain the paperless goal which is over 80% nowadays.

Expected Outcomes

Folow-up events to illustrate Using AI to control and expect the workflow and automate it.

Hybrid Format: short presentation includes steps , challenges, outcomes , figures.