MAG 2014

• Ms. Aguerre, Carolina
   Buenos Aires, Argentina - General Manager, LACTLD

• Mr. Aizu, Izumi
   Tokyo, Japan - Senior Research Fellow and Professor Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University

• Ms. Alexander, Fiona
   Washington D.C, USA - Associate Administrator for International Affairs, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), U.S. Department of Commerce

• Ms. Ali Husain Castilho, Angelic Caroline
   Paramaribo, Suriname – Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Suriname

• Mr. Amessinou, Kossi
   Cotonou, Benin – Ingénieur Tic, Ministère du Développement, de l’Analyse Economique et de la Prospective

• Ms. Andersdotter, Amelia
   Brussels, Belgium – Member of the European Parliament, Pirate Party

• Mr. Bhatia, Virat 
   New Delhi, India - Chairman, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Communication and Digital Economy Committee 

• Ms. Bommelaer, Constance
   Geneva, Switzerland- Snr Director, Public Policy, ISOC

• Mr. Boukadoum, Mourad
   Geneva, Switzerland – Counselor, Permanent Mission of Algeria

• Mr. Brueggeman, Jeff
   Washington DC, USA - AT&T, Vice President- Public Policy and deputy Chief Privacy Officer (USA)

• Ms. Byun, Soonjoung
   Seoul, Republic of Korea – General Researcher, Korea Internet & Security Agency

• Ms. Caballero, María Victoria Romero 
   Geneva, Switzerland – First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Mexico

• Ms. Cade, Marilyn
   Falls Church, USA – CEO, Strategies mCADE llc

• Ms. Cambronero, Fatima
   Argentina - Lawyer and specialized at law and technology, AGEIA DENSI Argentina (Study Group & Academic Research Association in Law, Economy and Business at Information Society)

• Mr. Carvell, Mark
  London, United Kingdom - Head, Global Internet Governance Policy, Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), United Kingdom Government 

• Ms. Cavalli, Olga del Carmen
   Buenos Aires, Argentina - Advisor, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina

• Ms. Chalmers, Susan 
   Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA - Independent Consultant

• Ms. Chaturvedi, Subi 
   New Delhi, India - Adjunct Faculty /Hon. Managing Trustee, IIIT Delhi (A State University by an Act of Govt. of NCT of Delhi) / Media For Change

• Mr. Chen, Hongbing
  China - Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland

• Ms. Cretu, Veronica
   Chisinau, Moldova – President, Open Government Institute, Moldova

• Ms. Das, Ankhi 
   New Delhi, India - Head of Public Policy, Facebook India

• Mr. Drake, William
   Geneva, Switzerland - International Fellow and Lecturer, Media Change and Innovation Division, IPMZ, University Zurich

• Mr. Elgamal, Hossam 
   Cairo, Egypt - Board Member, AfICTA – Africa ICT Alliance

• Mr. Ene, Emesibe Sergius
   Lagos, Nigeria – MTN Transmission Topology Planning, MTN – Nigeria Communications Limited

 Mr. Esmat, Baher 
   Cairo, Egypt – Manager, Regional Relations Middle East, ICANN

• Ms. Esterhuysen, Anriette 
   Johannesburg, South Africa - Executive Director, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

Mr. Filip, Ondřej 
   Prague, Czech Republic - Chief Executive Officer, CZ.NIC

Mr. Gjorgjinski, Ljupco Jivan 
   Skopje, Macedonia – Assistant Director, Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia

Mr. Guo Liang
   Beijing, China - Director of the China Internet Project and Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 

• Ms. Jere, Towela
  South Africa - NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency

Mr. Lee, Xiaodong
   Beijing, China – Chief Executive Officer, CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center)

Mr. Major, Peter
   Geneva, Switzerland - Special Advisor, Permanent Mission of Hungary to the UN

Ms. Mangal, Anju
   Suva, Fiji - Information and Knowledge Management Specialist/Coordinator, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

Mr. Maurer, Andrew
   Canberra, Australia – Assistant Secretary, Spectrum, Treaties & Internet Governance Branch, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

• Mr. Mazzone, Giacomo
   Geneva, Switzerland - Head of Institutional Relations, European Broadcasting Union

Mr. Milashevsky, Igor
   Moscow, Russian Federation - Advisor to the Russian Federation Minister of Telecommunications and Mass Media, The Ministry of Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation

Ms. Morenets, Yuliya
   Odessa, Ukraine - Founder and Representative, TaC-Together against Cybercrime

Mr. Mustala, Tero
   Tuusula, Finland - Principal Consultant, Nokia Solutions and Networks (Finland)

Ms. Nalwoga, Lillian 
   Kampala, Uganda - President, ISOC- Uganda Chapter - Collaboration on International IT Policy in East and Southern

Mr. Nelson, Michael
   Washington DC, USA - Principal Technology Policy Strategist, Microsoft

Ms. Neves, Ana
   Lisbon, Portugal - Director of the Department of Information Society, “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.”, Ministry of Education and Science

Ms. Okite, Judith 
   Nairobi, Kenya - Internet Governance Coordinator Free Software and Open source Foundation for Africa Dynamic Coalitions on Disability and Accessibility

Ms. Okutani, Izumi
   Tokyo, Japan – Policy Liaison, Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)

Mr. Pedraza-Barrios, Ricardo 
   Bogota, Colombia - CEO and Founder, LATAM Consulting Services

Mr. Radunovic, Vladimir
   Belgrade, Serbia - Coordinator, Internet Governance Programmes, DiploFoundation

Mr. Rendek, Paul 
   Slovakia - Director of External relations, RIPE NCC

Mr. Ryan, Patrick
   Mountrain View, USA - Policy Counsel, Open Internet, Google Inc

Ms. Seltzer, Wendy
   New Haven, USA - Technical Team Privacy Identity policy, W3C

Mr. Shlegel, Robert 
   Moscow, Russia – Deputy, Member of the Parliament, State Duma of the Russian Federation

Mr. Soboutipour, Shahram 
   Tehran, Iran - Senior Advisor on International Affairs, Tehran ICT Guide Organization (TIG) 

Mr. Spiller, Thomas
   Brussels, Belgium - Vice President, Global Public Policy, Europe, Middle East and Africa, The Walt Disney Company (FRANCE)

Mr. Wilson, Paul
   Brisbane, Australia - Director General, APNIC

Mr. Yao, Noel
   Abidjan, Ivory Coast - Special Advisor of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Chief of Communication Staff

Ms. Yilmaz, Filiz
  Amsterdam, Netherlands - Independent Internet Governance Consultant, Partnering and volunteering at RIPE, ICANN, ISOC

Ms. Zachariah, Desiree
   Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda - Country Based Specialist, Antigua and Barbuda, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)


The following former IGF host countries are also invited to attend and contribute to MAG meetings:

• Greece

• Brazil - designated Mr. Jandyr Santos Jr (Counsellor, Head of the Information Society Division,  Department of Scientific and Technological Themes, Ministry of External Relations) as representative

• India

• Egypt - designated Ms. Christine Arida (Director of Telecom Services and Planning Division, National Telecom Regulatory Authority) as representative 

• Lithuania

• Kenya

• Azerbaijan

• Indonesia - designated Mr. Moedjiono, Sardjoeni (National ICT Council Executive Team Member) as representative

• Turkey