IGF 2019 Reports

IGF 2019 WS #104 Integrated Policy Framework Key to Realize Digital Inclusion

Updated: Fri, 29/11/2019 - 19:01
Universal Access and Meaningful Connectivity
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations
  1. What are promising approaches to realizing digital inclusion?
  2. How can the OECD's Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework help in the design and implementation of approaches to digital inclusion? Can the Going Digital Toolkit be readily used to overcome challenges to implementation?
  3. How can business, government and other stakeholders effectively collaborate to realize successful approaches to digital inclusion?
2. Discussion Areas:

Tapping the potential of digital transformation for economic and societal benefits requires a multistakeholder, holistic, whole-of-government approach. The OECD’s Integrated Policy Framework (IPF) provides that approach.


Regulatory sandboxes enable both government and industry to experiment to ensure that there are no unintended consequences from policies or regulations.


The OECD needs to provide more targeted guidance to developing countries aimed at “unpacking” the Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework so it is more understandable and can be implemented in stages.


Evidence-based policymaking is critical, but that means gathering data from both developed and developing countries alike. To create an enabling environment for digital transformation you have to understand what the environment is.


Capacity building requires sustained and layered engagement on the ground. “Digital Ambassadors” are needed for to ensure understanding at the grass roots.


For Artificial Intelligence to be utilized in a way that benefits society, access to AI must  be demoncratized.

3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:

Tapping the potential of digital transformation for economic and societal benefits requires a multistakeholder, holistic, whole-of-government approach. 


Regulatory sandboxes enable both government and industry to experiment to ensure that there are no unintended consequences from policies or regulations.

Capacity building requires sustained and layered engagement on the ground. “Digital Ambassadors” are needed for to ensure understanding at the grass roots.

For Artificial Intelligence to be utilized in a way that benefits society, access to AI must  be demoncratized.


4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:

Tapping the potential of digital transformation for economic and societal benefits requires a multistakeholder, holistic, whole-of-government approach. 


Regulatory sandboxes enable both government and industry to experiment to ensure that there are no unintended consequences from policies or regulations.

Capacity building requires sustained and layered engagement on the ground. “Digital Ambassadors” are needed for to ensure understanding at the grass roots.

For Artificial Intelligence to be utilized in a way that benefits society, access to AI must  be demoncratized.

5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:

Regulatory sandboxes enable both government and industry to experiment to ensure that there are no unintended consequences from policies or regulations.

The OECD needs to provide more targeted guidance to developing countries aimed at “unpacking” the Going Digital Integrated Policy Framework so it is more understandable and can be implemented in stages.

Capacity building requires sustained and layered engagement on the ground. “Digital Ambassadors” are needed for to ensure understanding at the grass roots.


6. Estimated Participation:

Onsite participants -- 14 total; 8 men, 6 women. No online participation.

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

The workshop did not specifically delve into gender-related issues, but explored digital skill development for the society at large.

8. Session Outputs:

Integrated Policy Framework Key to Realizing Digital Inclusion – This workshop focused on sharing practical insights on the value of an integrated policy framework for digital transformation in fostering economic prosperity across all sectors and improving societal well-being inclusively. It used the OECD’s Going Digital integrated policy framework as a reference and explored the value and barriers that may arise in implementing the framework. Speakers also considered how the related Going Digital Toolkit may help to overcome some of the barriers.

David Gierten, OECD

This Going Digital (GD) Project aims to help policymakers better understand the digital transformation and develop policies fit for the digital age. The project started in 2017 and we are currently in the 2nd phase. There are two key publications of Phase I: Going Digital: Shaping Polities, Improving Lives and Measuring Digital Transformation. These summarize some 130 outputs produced under GD Phase I. A third key output also launched in March 2019 is the online GD Toolkit. The Integrated Policy Framework (IPF), also developed in Phase I of GD Project is the structuring element of both publications, as well as of the GD Toolkit. The purpose of the IPF is to:

  • Overcome siloes seen in many countries that address issues arising with digital transformation in all corners of government, but often not yet in a coherent and coordinated manner.
  • Bring together all key policy areas that need to be considered in a whole-of-government approach to digital transformation under seven policy dimensions.

The seven dimensions show a number of different policy areas that should be looked at jointly because they are likely to interact and should, therefore, be coordinated.

Access – high-quality access to communication networks and services as well as access to data, which is becoming increasingly the foundation for the digital economy. Key policies include:

  • Communication infrastructure and services – e.g. ensure that technical enablers are in place
  • Competition – crucial to lower prices and improve quality of communication services
  • Investment – investment in infrastructure that can cater to growing demand for data
  • Regional development – to make sure good connectivity doesn’t stop at city borders

Use – effective use of digital technologies by all actors: individuals, firms and governments. Key policies include:

  • Digital government – to go beyond e-government, adopting a user-driven approach
  • Investment – enable firms to invest not only in ICTs but also in intangible assets
  • SMEs – targeted support to help SMEs catch up and thrive
  • Business dynamism – structural policies that affect technology diffusion
  • Skills – equip everyone with the mix of skills needed to succeed in digital life and work
  • Digital security and privacy – to overcome mistrust and empower people and organizations to manage digital risk

Innovation – fundamentally underpinning digital transformation. Key policies include:

  • Entrepreneurship – reduce regulatory burden for start-ups and enable experimentation
  • SMEs – facilitate R&D in smaller firms
  • Science and technology – foster knowledge diffusion, open innovation, and open science
  • Digital government – open government data
  • Sectoral policies and regulations – new business models and experiments, e.g. regulatory sandboxes 

Jobs both the quantity and quality of jobs are being affected by the digital transformation, positively and negatively. Key policies include:

  • Labor markets – promote successful and fair transitions from declining to expanding jobs
  • Education and training – empower people with the mix of skills needed to succeed
  • Social protection – ensure no one is left behind, incl. those working in new forms of work
  • Tax and benefits – fit for a transforming labor market and new forms of work
  • Regional development – address regional imbalances in transforming labor markets

Societythe digital transformation should be inclusive, improve well-being, and lead to social prosperity. Key policies include:

  • Social policy
  • Tax and benefits – notably in the context of a transforming world of work
  • Education and training - reduce existing digital divides, e.g. by strengthening foundational skills and lifelong learning
  • Environment – unleash the potential of digital technologies to tackle collective and global challenges
  • Health care
  • Digital government – boost civic and stakeholder engagement in the policy process

Trust fundamental condition for a digital society and economy to flourish. Key policies include:

  • Digital risk management – central approach for trust-related policies
  • Digital security, including critical infrastructures and essential services – implemented by all actors
  • Privacy - national privacy strategies address privacy from a whole-of-society perspective
  • Consumer protection - in all digital environments, including in p2p markets
  • SMEs – particularly vulnerable to digital threats and risks

Market Openness - digital technologies and data transform how firms compete, trade, and invest, leading to greater competition in some markets, but also tilting others towards greater concentration. Key policies include:

  • Trade – lower trade barriers
  • Investment – lower barriers to international investment
  • Financial markets – ensure good access to finance for firms going digital
  • Competition – monitor changing competitive dynamics, concentration, and dominance
  • Taxation – ensure tax systems are fit-for-purpose in the digital age (e.g. BEPS)
  • There are some cross-cutting themes that aren’t one single policy dimension but are a part of multiple of the seven above (e.g., gender, skills, digital government, or inclusion).

The Going Digital Toolkit (https://goingdigital.oecd.org/en/)

  • The GD Toolkit is structured by the seven policy dimensions of the IPF and has two strong points: 1) it provides key data for countries to self-assess where they stand in their own digital transformation, and 2) it provides rich policy analysis from the OECD, guidance and innovative practices on key issues arising with digital transformation.
  • The Toolkit is not a snapshot in time and is being updated and developed (e.g. adding new data metrics and expanding policy notes guidance).
  • Each policy dimension has indicators per dimension, where you can compare a country with the OECD average (black dot) or to another country.


Comments from the floor

  • Education and skills in the digital transformation span many of the dimensions. However, educators often are unaware of the work that is being done on this topic, nor are they upskilled on digital technology. This missing feedback loop is important. The educators creating school curricula should be more informed on which skills are needed in the future and what the future of jobs will be. How can we get this information to educators? Could the OECD have an ambassadorship such as the UN’s “SDGs for Educators” program?

Responses from panelists:

  • David Gierten, OECD: Further data and specific publications on digital skills and education, in particular, can be found on the Skills page of the Toolkit (e.g., 2019 Skills Outlook). In terms of skilling the teachers themselves, the OECD’s Education Directorate has released a Skills Strategy that looks specifically at teacher education. Germany, for example, is spending EUR 5 Billion to equip schools with digital tools. This is based on its Education in the Digital Age strategy, which was created in consultation with teachers and curriculum drafters.
  • Ben Wallis, Microsoft: Microsoft sees education and training to be vital to building knowledge and skills that will be in demand in the future. We have a project called “TEALS,” where Microsoft engineers go into schools to teach computer science. Also, LinkedIn provided data to the city of LA on in-demand skills to help map education history and ultimately change educational curricula.
  • Alex Cooke, Government of Australia:  The education structure is at the territory level, which adds complications. Australia has a number of programs to develop digital/STEM skills and resources, as well as to develop R&D and curriculum to develop AI in schools. We are also promoting life-long learning programs and normalizing micro-credentialing.
  • Jane Coffin, ISOC: Educators are well-placed to be “ambassadors” of digital skills, especially among grassroots movements.
  • Where do people with disabilities fit within this Integrated Policy Framework? You highlight certain groups of vulnerable communities; disabled people are just as important to consider.
  • David Gierten, OECD: I agree completely. There are a number of OECD publications that touch on disabled populations more specifically.


Implementing the Integrated Policy Framework (Company, country, organizational examples)

  • Alex Cooke, Government of Australia -- Australia released its standalone policy for the digital economy, called Australia’s Tech Futures, after extensive consultation. This work took into account the OECD’s IPF, as both works were being undertaken simultaneously. Our policy, called Australia’s Tech Future focuses on four key areas: people, services, digital assets, and the enabling environment. If you look at these areas in relation to the Integrated Policy Framework, the categories align quite neatly:  
  • Against the category of People: “developing Australia’s digital skills and leaving no one behind”, sits Jobs, Skills, Society or promoting social prosperity and inclusion; 
  • Against the category of Services: “how government can better deliver digital services” – which relates to Use and one of the metrics of the Going Digital project is the use of government digital services.
  • Against Digital assets: “building infrastructure and providing secure access to high-quality data” – relates to increasing the effective use of digital technologies and data but also enhancing access to communications, infrastructure, services, and data.
  • The enabling environment: maintaining our cybersecurity and reviewing our regulatory systems – which takes into account issues of fostering market openness and maintaining a regulatory environment that is conducive to investment, and development of a technology ecosystem.
  • The Tech Futures policy is an attempt to bring together the current policy approaches in the Australian system, so there are many other aspects of the Australian context which are not brought together under the one policy.
  • Being able to track the effectiveness and implementation of our policy is incredibly import, which is why we are very supportive of the OECD’s measurement roadmap. Australia has also been trying to leverage that work through our national statistics (e.g. need to work on market openness, measure productivity, trust).
  • Ben Wallis, Microsoft, Regulatory Policy Analyst -- Microsoft supports the IPF and sees the OECD as being well-placed to produce this Toolkit because it:
  • Focuses on sustainable economic growth and innovation;
  • Has an evidence-based approach;
  • Embraces the multistakeholder model;
  • Has the data and analytical capabilities to pull this together.
  • Microsoft believes that, in order to achieve the vision and potential of digital transformation, there need to be integrated and holistic approaches to policy problems. There also needs to be clear objectives set by governments at the national level, and those national governments need to work across agencies to look at the digital economy as a whole.
  • This holistic approach to policymaking and implementing the toolkit is challenging because of the difficulty in bringing diverse issues together, the variety of communities of interest, the unclarity of responsibility within national governments (e.g., governments do not often have a ministry devoted to the digital economy so there is not necessarily a natural convening platform).
  • Having a practical way to implement the Integrated Policy Framework – through this Toolkit – is key to actually leveraging the OECD’s work on this topic.


The potential role of regulatory sandboxes in the OECD’s Integrated Policy Framework

  • Ben Wallis, Microsoft -- Technologies evolve quickly, meaning there also needs to be innovation in policy-making to keep up. Regulatory sandboxes can provide a safe way to develop regulation in relation to rapidly-emerging technologies without stifling innovation.
  • AI, as an example, has potential benefits as well as concerns. How can we put guidance in place to encourage the development of the technology in a responsible way, and to encourage the use of the technology in ways that help meet global challenges?
  • We also know that to enable the technology to be most useful, there needs to be experimentation in the ways the technology is used.
  • If you want to use AI in healthcare, there are clearly potential harms that we want to better understand through experimentation. Also, by using experimentation, we can better understand how to apply existing laws (e.g. privacy in healthcare, credit reporting laws in financial services).
  • In cases where companies fear steep consequences of potentially violating an existing regulation, then a regulatory sandbox is a useful tool.
  • For example, the Government of Singapore published AI ethical guidelines, but importantly, it also provided examples of ways in which data can be shared in a responsible manner. They put out this vision of a collaborative data-sharing platform and were clear that they understood not everything is known. Further, they said that if a company has an application it is not sure about, it could come to the government and apply for a potential exemption or a regulatory sandbox to enable it to do the experimentation.
  • It’s not simply about making space for companies to innovate; it also provides a way for governments to understand the actual harms that would require regulation. Are existing regulations sufficient or is something new needed?  Could this be a new interpretation of existing regulations or entirely new regulations? Regulatory sandboxes are a great mechanism to help answers these questions.


Challenges encountered in implementing the IPF and how they have been addressed

  • Jane Coffin, ISOC -- The OECD needs to issue more targeted, specific use case examples, especially video examples. One of the challenges among non-OECD members will be integrating and understanding the IPF, as it relates to them. A cross-sectoral and cross-government approach is really important, but not all countries are on the same page.
  • Measurement benchmarks: Many countries do not have strong statistical benchmarks to measure where they are in their digital transformation.
  • Multi-level engagement: For example, access and digital/communications infrastructure are key. Measurement is often lacking. At the same time, projects aimed to increase access have a distinct “human element” whereby engagement at multiple layers is required to get buy-in to get these projects off the ground.
  • Varying market conditions: How do you implement the IPF in an already complicated environment of digital transition? For example, some countries are just now going through the liberalization of the dominant telecommunication service provider. Adding to this, countries are at the same time barraged with questions on privacy and cybersecurity.
  • Regulatory sandboxes are a great way for countries to test out new services and assess potential impacts that may require regulation. Governments should also understand that there is probably going to be some failures – and that’s okay. The OECD can help non-member countries implement these tools by engaging on a more regional level (e.g., at CITEL).
  • Alex Cooke, Government of Australia -- Australia places a strong emphasis on cyber cooperation, and specifically on cyber cooperation in the so-called Pacific Rim region. We have been doing this through our Cyber Cooperation Programme, but also through our Pacific Step-up.
  • Australia is investing AUS $34 million over seven years (2016-2023) in its Cyber Cooperation Program to champion an open, free and secure cyberspace and build cyber resilience across the Indo-Pacific.
  • The Program supports Australia’s commitment to delivering on the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which recognizes the vital role of digital technologies to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
  • Specific activities include:
  • Training to foster understanding of responsible state behavior in the cyberspace
  • Activities to fight cybercrime and support technology for development, such as blockchain and e-government readiness assessments
  • Provide next-generation connectivity through our “Pacific Step Up initiative,” which will build the Coral Sea Cable System to connect Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, as well as Malaita Island, Noro, and Taro Islands.


The IPF and “trustworthy AI”

  • Ben Wallis, Microsoft -- As a developer and provider of AI technologies, Microsoft looks at AI from two angles – (1) the AI ecosystem and (2) society at large.
  • On the AI ecosystem, Microsoft is involved in developing AI technologies, but this is only one part of an AI ecosystem. The whole ecosystem includes the people and organizations involved in integrating, deploying, maintaining, and operating AI technology solutions. From Microsoft’s perspective, we think about how we can develop our technologies in a way that would increase awareness of the need for trustworthy and responsible AI throughout the ecosystem.
  • From a societal perspective, what is needed to ensure that AI technologies are adopted and deployed to their utmost potential? On this point, Microsoft is trying to make a contribution in several areas:
  • “AI for Earth”: a 5-year, USD $50 million effort to put the Microsoft Cloud and AI tools in the hands of those working to solve environmental challenges, specifically in relation to climate, agriculture, biodiversity, and water. It is a combination of money and technology – we provide grants for projects and we also make available open-source tools, models, infrastructure, data, and APIs to support sustainability and environmental science.
  • “AI for Accessibility”: a program to work with others to solve some of the most challenging problems for people with disabilities, by making software and devices smarter and more contextually relevant for people with disabilities and to improve daily life.
  • Two other initiatives: “AI for Humanitarian Action” and “AI for Cultural Heritage”
  • For both of these angles – the AI ecosystem and society as a whole - the integrated policy framework can give us guidance, whether in the form of specific requirements to feed into the AI ecosystem or requirements to reflect the broader needs of society, e.g. trust and skills. It can also provide guidance about actions that can be taken in complementary policy areas, e.g. connectivity and access to enable more democratized access to AI so that the deployment of the technology doesn’t exacerbate the digital divide.
  • David Gierten, OECD -- We could look at any specific digital tech, like AI, through the lens of the seven dimensions of the IPF. For instance, the adoption of AI in firms would fall under the “Use” dimension; AI innovation could result in new business models, new jobs, or new tasks that are carried out. Under the “Society” dimension, we can consider the ethical implications of AI. Finally, under the “Trust” dimension, this is very much aligned with the AI principles, with several of the principles dedicated to upholding trust.
  • Jane Coffin, ISOC -- This is about building trust. There is some fear now with respect to technology. Information is critical to building a community of trust; educating communities of what the technology is and how it can promote economic development is critical to help with the adoption of technology and deploying infrastructure.


Striking the Balance: Policies that maximize digital transformation while also addressing privacy and security challenges

  • Ben Wallis, Microsoft -- Microsoft sees privacy and security challenges as being inexorably linked. The proliferation of connected devices and cloud-based services has opened new avenues of attack for cybercriminals and other malicious actors. Protecting our customers and the wider community is a responsibility we take seriously.
  • We believe privacy is a fundamental human right.  As more of who we are and what we do is recorded and stored in digital form, preserving this right becomes more important and increasingly difficult. We take a principled approach to build trust, with strong commitments to privacy, security, and compliance. For example, with the GDPR, Microsoft invested many resources to ensure not just that we are in compliance, but that we can support our customers in ensuring they are compliant, including the customers of our cloud services. This isn’t only with regard to data of people in the EU – we extended the protections enjoyed under the GDPR to all of our customers.
  • Apart from making sure we understand and are fully compliant with privacy laws, there are a couple of other principles we follow and recommend more broadly.
  • Firstly, we think organizations should be required to establish sound privacy practices. Privacy laws should require organizations to demonstrate that they have established sound privacy policies that, at a minimum, ensure compliance with legal requirements. This principle should apply both to organizations that collect and process data (e.g. a bank or hospital), and to those that process data only on behalf of other organizations (e.g. a Cloud Service Provider).
  • Secondly, we need to think about how you define privacy laws. It’s important to be able to draw insights from data analytics and that means that privacy frameworks should not be so restrictive that they prevent governments, businesses and other organizations from using data analytics to draw insights, as long as it is done in an ethical manner.
  • One way that privacy frameworks can achieve this balance is by encouraging the de-identification of data sets, allowing researchers to continue to innovate but not at the expense of the personal data of specific individuals.
  • Alex Cooke, Government of Australia -- Australia supports an open, free and secure Internet that drives economic growth, protects national security and promotes international stability. There is an appropriate role for governments to play in regulating the Internet, but it is not one of control. A state-centered model would restrict and fragment the network, inhibit innovation and constrain opportunity presented by connectivity.
  • One aspect of data localization relates to barriers, such as customs duties. Australia strongly supports the permanence of the WTO moratorium on customs duties for electronic transmissions, and we have advocated for this in current negotiations. Customs duties for electronic transmission will increase the cost of goods and services purchased online, likely acting as a disincentive for customers and suppliers to engage in e-commerce and potentially having a negative impact on an economy’s competitiveness from a global business perspective.
  • One other aspect of data localization hinges around questions of privacy. Our Privacy Act allows cross-border disclosures of personal information in a range of circumstances to facilitate the free flow of information across national borders while ensuring that the privacy of individuals is respected. The Government announced in March 2019 that it will introduce legislation to strengthen penalties and enforcement under the Australian Privacy Act. These reforms will include a binding online privacy code that will apply to social media platforms and other online platforms that trade in personal information, requiring them to be more transparent about data sharing, meet best practice standards when seeking consent to collect, use or disclose personal information stop using or disclosing an individual’s personal information upon request, and follow strengthened rules about handling personal information of children and other vulnerable groups. The Government is presently consulting on this legislation.
  • One last point to Ben (Microsoft), we would be interested in understanding the developments that could address these issues, like cloud-based services to maintain security and compliance with privacy regimes.
  • Jane Coffin, ISOC -- End-to-end encryption (e2ee) is a way to secure information and build trust. Governments can implement this within cybersecurity principles at a very simple level, but you have to work to make sure people know how to implement these policies and they don’t just sit on the shelf.
  • Barbara Wanner, USCIB -- Australia mentioned its view on data localization. Some countries have adopted localization requirements on grounds that they ensure more effective privacy and security protections. USCIB is against this data centralization requirement on grounds that they not only serve as trade barriers but also have the effect of increasing privacy and security risks because the data is stored in central locations and is more vulnerable to breaches and hacks.
  • Ben Wallis, Microsoft -- People around the globe and their leaders are concerned about the power of large tech firms, and I think you can see digital sovereignty solutions as being intended to counteract that balance, which I think reflects a larger trend of distrust.
  • But, as well-intentioned as data localization laws might be, they can also be costly to implement and you lose the efficiencies with come with the global scale of the cloud – undermining the fundamental benefits of the cloud.
  • And while it is possible for global companies like Microsoft to build sovereign cloud systems, the extra cost and complications make it harder for smaller companies to do so, creating a kind of barrier to entry for local cloud providers.
  • A more effective approach is to adopt regulation aligned with global standards or contracts that protect personal data regardless of its location. Such an approach can also help to improve resilience and security and make data processing services more efficient by reducing latency.
  • And importantly, it should be incumbent on data processing companies to understand the laws in each country of origin and make sure that data is managed accordingly.


Public-Private Partnerships and Collaboration

  • Alex Cooke, Government of Australia -- Co-creation with the private sector in Australia has arisen around two issues: 1) AI Ethics Framework and 2) Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content (TVEC).
  • AI Ethics Framework: AI is developing at a fast pace and we are actively engaging with private companies to make sure that we don’t stifle innovation. The “Australian AI Ethics Framework” was released on 7 November 2019 and five businesses, including CBA, NAB, Telstra, Microsoft and Flamingo AI, have signed up to trial these principles. We are also taking into account international discussions, such as those going on in the European Union.
  • TVEC: We are engaging through the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), as well as the OECD to work on this issue. We see that large companies, like Facebook, can deploy substantial resources to work on this, but that SMEs may not be able to do this. We are also supporting the OECD’s work to develop a transparency reporting protocol. A multistakeholder expert group was hosted in November that gave an opportunity to bring these diverse groups together to work quickly in this area.
  • David Gierten, OECD -- Regarding public-private partnerships (PPPs), Colombia announced that they will work together with Coursera with the objective to have 150,000 students being trained in programming and other ICT skills by 2022. This is a nice example of how Colombia can address key challenges with PPPs.
  • Jane Coffin, ISOC -- PPPs are key to do what we can do, especially to put in local infrastructure in remote areas. Partners on the ground provide vital resources (e.g., training, expertise, funding, human resources, etc). Collaborative partnership is crucial to be able to more sustainably build infrastructure, for example.


Comments from the floor

In Afghanistan, we have had a distinct problem with bringing digital financial services. This is not a problem with accessibility, but rather with trust. People do not trust the security of Internet transactions and therefore are resistant to using such services. What can we do?


  • Jane Coffin, ISOC: It will be a matter of bringing together the right experts, both international and domestic experts, to figure out the problem and brainstorm possible solutions in your country. Training will be essential, and some degree of trial and error is usually necessary for these situations, though I know that banking doesn’t have room for mistakes. One point will be to ensure that online banking has encryption—banks need highly specialized IT support given the criticality of their services.
IGF 2019 WS #150 Tackling Hate Speech: A Multi-Stakeholder Responsibility

Updated: Thu, 12/12/2019 - 10:36
Security, Safety, Stability and Resilience
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations
  • How can children’s rights to participation, access to information, and freedom of speech be preserved and balanced with their right to be protected from violence, exploitation and abuse in the online environment?
  • What role should internet platforms play in defining the standards for acceptable content in light of freedom of speech?
  • How can cooperation and collaboration on national, regional and global levels help to counteract hate speech online?

Expected Outcomes: The session will highlight that tackling hate speech is a shared responsibility of various stakeholders to ensure a free and safe internet for all citizens. While different opinions will remain on what instrument/s are the most appropriate to reach this, it should become clearer what is understood by hateful content and which initiatives/resources are available to support more awareness and education in this area.

2. Discussion Areas:

There was broad support for the view that online hate speech has to be tackled because it means a serious threat to an open and pluralistic online discourse while freedom of speech has to be respected at the same time. Dr. Marc Jan Eumann, Director of the State Media Authority of the German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, gave a broad picture on both antagonistic principles.

Most participants wished a multi-stakeholder approach and saw responsibilities of social networks, regulators and civil society as well. Many indicated that a legal framework should be limited to oblige social networks to remove illegal content that infringes criminal law. Chan-jo Jun, advocate for IT-law, gave an example on how difficult it was some years ago for persons who were defamed on social networks. This was the case of a Syrian refugee who took a selfie picture with the German chancellor Angela Merkel. In the aftermath, when criminal acts were committed by foreigners, his picture was reposted on Facebook and he was defamed as the perpetrator of these criminal acts. He tried several times to have these posts removed but Facebook answered that defamation was not covered by its Community Standards. Chan-jo Jun concluded that regulation was needed. But he also remarked that it takes too much time to have put back online a content that fully complies with law.

Some emphasized that social networks should also have the possibility to remove content that is not strictly illegal but that is highly disturbing (so-called borderline content).

Many paricipants underlined the important role of civil society organisations in detecting and tackling hate speech.

Another key finding was that digital literacy is important to prepare users to the risks associated with the use of social platforms.

3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:

It was recommended that the exchange of ideas on tackling hate speech should be enhanced between nations and different stakeholders. International standards should be established that set up some basic principles that could be shared worldwide. Nevertheless, national and regional diversity should be respected what could result in a certain granularity of rules. These ideas were developed in the group discussions facilitated and presented by Carolin Silbernagl, responsible for external affairs at betterplace lab, and by Ricardo Campos, University of Frankfurt and association Lawgorithm Sao Paulo.

With regard to digital literacy it was underlined that this subject should become mandatory in the school curriculum. This was one main result of the group discussion facilitated by Sofia Rasgado, Safer Internet Centre Portugal.

But not just pupils should be addressed by media literacy programmes but also their parents. More attention should be given to gaming content and influencers. It was also proposed an age rating system on online content. These aspects were highlighted by Kathrin and Joao, Better Internet for Kids Youth Ambassadors, who reported from their group discussion.

4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:

The German Network Enforcement Act was explained that obliges social networks to operate a complaints management system. The act only concerns certain content that constitutes a criminal offence under the German Criminal Code, like public incitement to crime, forming criminal or terrorist organisations, incitement to hatred, dissemination of depictions of violence, CSAM, insult and intentional defamation. Social networks must have reporting procedures in place. Violations of the provisions of the Enforcement Act may be sanctioned by a regulatory fine. Hence, providers of social networks must do their part to ensure effective criminal prosecution in the fight against right-wing extremism and hate speech. Google described their concept to tackle hate speech online that is based on the principles remove, raise, reduce and reward. The flagging system of the video platform YouTube and the importance of trusted flaggers was explained. Machine learning to detect content that infringes law or Community Standards is evolving. The technology works reliably on spam, CSAM and terrorist content but still has problems to identify hate speech. 78% of the removed videos had been detected by machine learning, 81% of them did not require additional human view. Only 23% of the content reported by users have been removed.

5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:

Progress for the tackled issues could be made in forums that already exist on an international, regional or national level or that should be established. Some mentioned that social networks should discuss and work on their community guidelines on hate speech with different parts of society. There was also the idea that parliamentarians of different countries should exchange their views on creating legal frameworks on hate speech.

6. Estimated Participation:

There were about 80 to 90 onsite participants. The number of online participants is not known.

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

It was emphasized that women are disproportionately affected and intimidated by hate speech. This makes it more likely that they avoid speaking about certain topics or completely withdraw from online discussions. Brodnig quoted a study by Amnesty International that 1/3 of women were more reluctant to express themselves on social networks after they had been insulted online. She gave the example of a female Austrian journalist who received death threats and wanted to know who was behind them. She found an ordinary Austrian man who believed in a fake story on a rape committed by refugees.

8. Session Outputs:

There were no special session outputs. The video of the session can be watched on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlsXNz0XAeU

IGF 2019 OF #25
Technological Innovation and Challenges to Data Governance

Open Forum / Town Hall
Updated: Thu, 12/12/2019 - 13:56
Data Governance
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

1.Examine and share ideas on the impact of data governance policies and trends on the development of new technologies in the World. Countries across the world should enhance exchanges and cooperation, strengthen  open, interactive and diversified  international dialogues. With a view to promoting global digital development and the building of a more fair and reasonable global Internet governance system.

2.Discuss data governance and the new technology of international rulemaking, data governance mechanism in the relationship between the government and enterprises, role and positioning issues.

3.Share practical experience in data governance and personal information protection, explore a model of collaborative data governance involving multiple parties. Promote the establishment of a data governance mechanism at the global level that promotes peace, security, openness, cooperation and order in cyberspace, so as to make the community of Shared future in cyberspace more dynamic.

2. Discussion Areas:

The forum carried out in-depth discussions on the impact of data governance policies and trends in countries around the world on the development of new technologies, the formulation of international rules on data governance and new technologies, and the relationship, role and positioning of governments and enterprises in the mechanism of data governance. The first view is that the government can strengthen Internet governance in combination with the multi-stakeholder Internet governance model. Some introduced the model of Internet governance in Brazil, that is, the governance model of multi-stakeholders, and expressed the hope that the platform IGF could play a more advantageous role of multi-stakeholders, but he also showed that the root of the Internet governance model lies in control. The second view is that the different data governance policies in different countries have their deep social roots. Some compared data governance policies in the United States, Europe and China, which represent the demands of governments, capital and individuals respectively. The United States focuses on the free cross-border flow of information, the European Union focuses more on human rights, and China focuses on the cyber sovereignty or cyber security. Some compared the Cyber security law in China and GDPR data governance principles, think that both are in order to protect the personal information for the purpose, to individuals, data, storage limits and similar law and transparency, and in the relevant provisions of the personal information protection, etc. The third view is that the BRICS should strengthen their consensus on data protection norms and hope to further consolidate the achievements of the BRICS summit in 2017, and form a Internet data protection to the BRICS specification.

3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:

With the advent of new technologies and applications that keep engendering new demands and challenges, it’s increasingly clear that the international cyberspace governance is not merely a technical issue but a holistic one. All parties, including governments, international organizations, Internet companies, technology communities, non-governmental institutions and individual citizens should all play their role through effective and constructive cooperation to build a  safer and healthier cyberspace. During such collaborative process, we must keep in mind that countries under various development stages have their respective challenges both domestically and externally. Each and every country has the right to choose its way of development in cyberspace. Policymakers are not seeking an identical way forward but the mutual trust on which the global rules and norms for cyberspace could be built.

The international community should work far more closely to deepen strategic mutual trust, improve the governance mechanisms and promote the implementation of rules in order to improve the global Internet governance process to reach a new stage.

4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:

This forum shows that cyberspace is becoming a vast jungle for various forces and interests of human society, an arena for the game of great powers and a new stage for the competition of national interests. China-US relations are an important variable affecting the international order in cyberspace. During the forum, although there is no special forum on China-US relations; But inside and outside the conference hall, delegates from various countries could be heard discussing china-us relations. As the United States to abandon the original leading responsibility in international governance system in cyberspace, a global Internet governance system change into the key period, accelerate the establishment perfect rules of cyberspace system become the common pursuit of the international community, governments and all kinds of main body in succession to occupy a place in this process, in order to win the future development of the initiative. 

5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:

IGf serves as a way to make people understand what are the opportunities and challenges brought by ICTs to countries under their variant development stages, so as to understand their mentality and practices in the Internet governance measures. Based on such understanding, our respective roles are clear as much as the resources we need. All these shall serve as a catalyst for further dialogue, negotiation, and cooperation featuring openness, transparency and efficiency, which in turn can help us to define what a smart political resolution should be.

It is recommended to summarize and publish the consensus and divergence that existed at IGF. In this way, the IGF will substantially expand the consensus on Internet-related issues.We should make the IGF more planable. 

6. Estimated Participation:

About 200 onsite and online participants.About 100 women present onsite and online.

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

Genderissues were not discussed at the forum.

IGF 2019 OF #24 Business and Human Rights in Technology Project: Applying the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to digital technologies

Open Forum / Town Hall
Updated: Wed, 20/11/2019 - 12:07
Data Governance
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

Tthe IGF Open Forum session will provide an update on the process and an opportunity to reflect, discuss and invite feedback from the participants on each of the B-Tech project’s focus areas.  In particular, during the session, will be discussed:

  • some of the most salient human rights issues that have been identified so far and which are related to the development and application of digital technologies;
  • how the UNGPs offers a framework for identifying,  mitigating, and remedying the human rights risks posed by these technologies.
2. Discussion Areas:
3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:
4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:
5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:
6. Estimated Participation:
7. Reflection to Gender Issues:
8. Session Outputs:
IGF 2019 WS #23
How and why to involve perspectives of children effectively

Updated: Tue, 17/12/2019 - 16:24
Security, Safety, Stability and Resilience
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations
  1. Why are children's views and experiences relevant to different stakeholders of the digital environment?
  2. What responsibility do society, politics and business have for a good and safe growing up in the digital environment and the Internet?
  3. What are good practise examples to involve perspectives of children effectively and responsibly?
  4. Which tools and methods could enable companies and politics to better involve the perspectives of children and adolescents?
2. Discussion Areas:

In general, it was a fruitful discussion based on the perspectives of different projects including children’s views from the global north and south. Besides the NGO D4CR represented by the Berlin Chapter the Co-Organizers Media Monitoring Africa presented their project “Web Rangers”. It was clear by their presentation and the following discussion there are different issues being tackled in projects in the global south in regard to the way and the acceptance of involving children´s perspectives. Thus, in line with the strategy of the IGF to promote greater participation of developing countries the workshop was able to include and show these perspectives resulting in a more complete picture of the issue.

The discussions and questions were along the following topics:

  • Someone indicated the challenge, of while involving perspectives of children effectively how can there be process of productive feedback between the different actors being included.
  • Someone brought forward the issue of fairness. It’s an issue of having access to mobile devices and technology in general. Further, the chance to express their own opinion. Having an output to speak out, to family, friends or even media. Third, the awareness of students on internet issues not knowing or not having the feeling their voices are important and respected. These three aspects should be looked at in trying to increase and enable child participation.
  • An online participant made the point that government and companies have not kept up their role to bring awareness of issues and dangers from children in the internet.
  • The panel argued that we cannot wait on governments and public sector to push on including children and recognizing child rights. It can be done by non-profit or civil society organizations by including children’s perspective, lobbying and realizing processes on their behalf.
3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:
  • Governance issue:
    • Web rangers project or projects with a similar goal as a segment in all schools to focus more on digital literacy tackling the spread of misinformation partly via social media algorithms but also being able to reflect critically contents of the internet in general.
  • Economic issue:
    • Designers (in companies) of web applications including the perspectives of children while respecting child rights. Thus, the online security for children and the youth can be increased at least. Also by including a diverse group of children barriers by social background could be overcome.
  • Social issues
    • It is important to include the perspectives of institutions (schools, curricula’s), children and parents in decision making processes concerning regulations in the digital environment. Only if the realities of the actual recipients of the regulations are included the legal and regulatory actions can be successful.
4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:
  • Web Rangers Project by Media Monitoring Africa
    • Workshops for digital literacy
    • Challenges concerniong digital literacy and in the digital environment
    • Creating video about what they learned, show other young people about its process and sharing the experience on its mistakes and learnings in relation to digital literacy
    • Feeling confident and free in the digital environment
  • D4CR – designing four childrens rights
    • Technology offers great opportunity but also dangers
    • Design perspective on creating the internet looking at the perpectives of children
      • Designers are mediators, too
    • Ethical design: how can designers include the perspectives of children
      • How can you give children the right tools?
    • A new normal: „childrens best interests first“
    • Goal: A generation that is more critical and has the right tools
  • Minds and makers
    • Human centered design
    • Bases: qualitative user research
    • Kids initiative to raise awareness for inclusion (Aktion Mensch)
      • Enabling kids with and without abilities to voice there interests and needs
      • Went to schools with disadvantaged children and did projects
    • School is open – inlclusive university praxis school
      • Co-creation workshops with parents
      • Getting all perspectives: schools, children and parents
5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:
  • The issue of digital literacy could be tackled by projects such as the web rangers project having workshops on digital literacy and sharing those experience and their path via social media for other children to be educated and enabled as well.
  • By including children’s perspective in designing internet services companies can create and administer their products or platforms respecting child rights.
  • The aspect of fairness, access and voice being three fundamental aspects for the ability for children to participate.
  • In general, the IGF can put all three issues on the agenda putting pressure on the responsible actors. Although in particular the IGF ecosystem could do something on the last aspect with the three fundamental aspects. In the organizing of and mobilizing for the IGF, the perspectives of children could and should be involved to have their views and issues included on topics relating to the digital environment.
6. Estimated Participation:

onsite participants: around 30, women: 15

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

We didn't discuss gender issues

8. Session Outputs:
IGF 2019 WS #170 Children's Privacy and data protection in digital contexts

Updated: Wed, 27/11/2019 - 17:25
Data Governance
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations
  1. What are the views and positions of different stakeholders on children's rights to privacy and data protection?
  2. Who is responsible for the protection of data of children and how to fill the gaps of implementation?
  3. How to responsibly balance between protection and participation rights of children?
2. Discussion Areas:

Six broad themes emerged from the discussion, and there was common agreement on the relative importance of each. 

We have ranked them to relative to the comments received and focus on the discussion. 

1. Parents

 2. Inclusion of digital literacy in schooling curricula

3. Centrality of child rights and meaningful participation

4 The central role of technology companies was emphasized.

3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:

The following inputs are best described through a multistakeholder approach as not one issue falls within one category. 

Key issues for IGF would be meaningful participation in keynote, panels and sessions and the ongoing inclusion and focus on children's rights in all future IGFs. Finally, IGF to advocate for key internet bodies to require appropriate resourcing of children's digital rights issues. 

The input is as follows:

For parents: 

Suggestions for taking this forward include more focused attention on the provision of skills and information for parents and caregivers. Such training and skills need to be relevant to the context of parents. 

 2. Inclusion of digital literacy in schooling curricula:

Key suggestions put forth to achieve this was working with parents as stated above. Including digital literacy into school curricula from 8years and upwards.

3. Centrality of child rights and meaningful participation:

key to this were the importance of children being aware of their digital rights and having this taught in schools. Attendees also encouraged children to participate in the development of such policies.

4. The central role of technology companies was emphasized: 

Taking it forward would be the development of child friendly T’s & C’s.


4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:

For links on related parent information, please click here

For existing digital literacy skills and initiatives making a difference in the lives of children, please visit the websites - Web Rangers and Hashplay

MMA's initiative that provides simplified versions of Terms and Conditions, privacy and cookie policies of the five major social media platforms: Facebook; WhatsApp; Instagram; Twitter and Google,  please click here.

Additional resources include: 




5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:

Meaning progress can only be made with the active participation of children, government, tech companies and parents adopting a rights-based approach in understanding children's privacy and data protection. 

6. Estimated Participation:

onsite participants - 60 people

online participants - very limited

women present onsite - 45 people

Women present online - unaccounted 

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

The differential impact in relation to women and girls was noted and that the girl child, in particular, are especially marginalised in the digital world. 

8. Session Outputs:
IGF 2019 OF #22 Trust, Norms and Freedom in Cyberspace

Open Forum / Town Hall
Updated: Mon, 09/12/2019 - 14:18
Security, Safety, Stability and Resilience
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

The questions in this OF emerge from the general cybersecurity framework put forward by the previous GGE reports from 2010, 2013, and 2015:

  1. On norms and human rights:
  • In what ways could the OEWG and GGE processes support the protection of human rights?
  • How can the norms of responsible state behaviour that have been established and agreed upon in the 2010, 2013, and 2015 UN GGE reports contribute to freedom in cyberspace?
  1. On confidence-building measures (CBMs) and human rights:
  • What role do the UN GGE CBMs play in building trust in cyberspace between:
    • States?
    • Other stakeholders?
  • How can the GGE and OEWG processes contribute to accountable cyberspace?
  1. On capacity building and human rights:
  • What measures are being taken and at what level to achieve greater cybersecurity capacities?
  • What is the role of different actors in building cybersecurity capacities?
2. Discussion Areas:

There was broad agreement among panellists on the importance of human rights to cybersecurity and of integrating human rights into the discussions on cyber norms. At the same time there was also concern expressed that respect for human rights has not improved since general recognition in a 2016 UN resolution that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online. Panellists suggested that the need for far greater coordination was never greater. There was hope that UN GGE and UN OEWG would work with existing cybersecurity norms and confident building measures. Multistakeholder engagement in cybersecurity norms  and CBMs was seen as critical. There was agreement that cybersecurity and human rights are not inherently in opposition or at odds. 

3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:
4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:
5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:
6. Estimated Participation:

80 (45 women) onsite participants

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:
8. Session Outputs:
IGF 2019 WS #175 Beyond Ethics Councils: How to really do AI governance

Updated: Mon, 02/12/2019 - 13:41
Data Governance
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

1.) How can AI systems best be governed?
2.) What are the promises and perils of ethical councils and frameworks for AI governance?
3.) What possible frameworks could guide AI governance, like those based on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (FAT) or human rights approaches?

This session is geared towards generating a critical review of the current policy trend of doing AI governance by means of self-regulatory ethics frameworks. The session will both review existing case studies of such governance approaches in terms of their promises and perils. We also aim to articulate alternative frameworks for AI governance, based on data protection and human rights law. 

2. Discussion Areas:

The workshop critically considered the following three questions:

1.) How can AI systems best be governed?
2.) What are the promises and perils of ethical councils and frameworks for AI governance?
3.) What possible frameworks could guide AI governance, like those based on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (FAT) or human rights approaches?

Two themes reoccurred in the discussion:

1. When discussing AI governance it is important to consider the law and ethics, rather create a false dichotomy between the two. 
2. Context is crucial for assessing the impact of AI, current efforts at AI ethics struggle to do so structurally. 

All panellists broadly concurred on these themes. Yet, their opinions diverged on a number of other issues. Interesting to note was the disagreement on the role of AI/ML systems in society critical processes. The industry representative stated that it was important to content with current use of AI systems. The civil society and academic participants stressed that the focus on AI ethics frameworks skips the crucial question whether ML/AI systems should be used at all for certain societal critical processes and question the inevitability of AI/Ml systems' use. 

The Q&A raised a number of further points, especially regarding the importance of accountability which is often seen as lacking in ethics frameworks; stressed the way in which AI/ML systems cement current societal power dynamics and highlighted the importance of bringing an intersectional lens to discussions about AI/ML systems impact. 



3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:

The policy recommendations arising from this session were:

  • Think about ways to include the context in defining AI impacts, through community feedback mechanisms, and iterative software development
  • Consider legal and ethical frameworks as complimentary, but focus on ensuring accountability
  • Think about the broader ramifications for society brought by structuring it following the logics of AI systems (which are often focused on optimization and efficiency rather than compassion and accountability)
  • Bring an intersectional lens to the discussion about AI/ML systems' impact 
4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:


5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:

see above 

6. Estimated Participation:

people: 120

representation: 50/50 

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

see above comments on intersectionality 

IGF 2019 OF #21 Arab perspectives on Digital Cooperation and Internet Governance Process

Open Forum / Town Hall
Updated: Mon, 16/12/2019 - 10:17
Universal Access and Meaningful Connectivity
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

During this Open Forum, the main partners, experts and speakers from the IG community will discuss the following areas of interest or policy questions:

  • Assess the need and explore the opportunities to launch an Arab Consultation Process to discuss shared values, principles, understandings and objectives for an improved global digital cooperation architecture; and related regional implications. 

  • What are the best appropriate architectures for a multi-stakeholder “systems” approach for cooperation that fit with the fast-changing digital age in an agile matter? 

  • Inspired from the outcomes of the UN SG Panel and Report on DC, how to develop the appropriate Digital Cooperation conceptual regional model?

2. Discussion Areas:

The forum started by an overview of the main components of the UN SG High-Level Panel report on Digital Cooperation entitled “Age of Digital Interdependency”, and experts supported its main findings and highlighted its importance. Experts also highlighted areas where more cooperation is needed in the region through bottom-up, transparent, inclusive and multi stakeholder approach. There areas includes data protection, cyber security, legal frameworks.

The Open form on “Arab Perspectives on Digital Cooperation and the Internet Governance Process” came in line with the call of the United Nations Secretary-General for facilitating an agile and open consultation process to develop updated mechanisms for global digital cooperation. It tackled options for these mechanisms, including those presented in the Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation.

Discussions yielded policy recommendations on regional priorities requiring increased cooperation in the digital field and the related mechanisms. ESCWA also announced current preparations for the Fifth Arab IGF, to be held in Cairo in January 2020.

3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:

Based on the discussions, the main policy recommendations towards better digital cooperation and digital inclusion, can be summarized by the following:

  • Importance of bottom-up and multi stakeholder approach based on transparency and inclusiveness principles,
  • Increase the impact of the IGFs at regional and global level by promoting concrete outcomes and recommendations.
  • Consider taking into consideration discussions happened at national and regional level and linking the grass roots needs to policy making process at the global mechanisms.
  • Synergize the efforts and increase coordination between the different initiatives that are taking place in the region.
  • More synergy among regional organization towards strengthening the community and addressing the main identified challenges.

The main components of the report on Digital Cooperation - Age of Digital Interdependency, were overviewed by Mr Yovan Kurbalija. After a comprehensive discussion of the scenarios suggested in the report to enhance the digital cooperation, experts showed great interest and supported the report findings. Experts also discussed several issues related to the regional needs and priorities and highlighted areas where more cooperation is needed. The main areas that were identified include among others, data protection, cyber security, legal frameworks. 

4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:

The open forum discussions paved the way towards a wider Arab consultation process to outreach to the Arab IGF community and build consensus and momentum at the Arab level. In this context, a dedicated session is planned during the upcoming Arab IGF V scheduled to be held in Cairo, Jan 2020. The session will aim at discussing shared values, principles, understandings and objectives for an improved global digital cooperation architecture; and related regional implications. Experts will also have the chance to discuss and explore appropriate architectures, existing or new, that provide for a multi-stakeholder “systems” approach for cooperation and regulation that is adaptive, agile, inclusive and fit for purpose for the fast-changing digital age. The discussion will lead to the identification of regional platforms that are adequately addressing digital inclusion challenges for all stakeholders to overcome barriers. Inspired from the outcomes of the UN SG Panel and report, discussion will also focus on the development of the appropriate Digital Cooperation conceptual approach in the Arab Region.

5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:

To follow up on the ideas discussed during the open forum, an Arab Consultation Process is under preparation to discuss shared values, principles, understandings and objectives for an improved global digital cooperation architecture; and related regional implications. This process can be included under the work of the Arab IGF process.

Under the framework of the Arab IGF process, partners started working together to follow up on the main focus areas and core ideas discussed during the open forum. This is with the expectation to launch and Arab Consultation Process to discuss shared values, principles, understandings and objectives for an improved global digital cooperation architecture and related regional implications. This process will also be more discussed and explored during a dedicated session is planned during the upcoming Arab IGF V scheduled to be held in Cairo in Jan 2020.

6. Estimated Participation:

Onsite participants: 30

Online participants: 1

Women participation: 15 

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

There was no specific focus on gender dimension.

8. Session Outputs:

The open forum on “Arab Perspectives on Digital Cooperation and the Internet Governance Process”, came in line with the call of the United Nations Secretary-General for facilitating an agile and open consultation process to develop updated mechanisms for global digital cooperation. It tackled options for these mechanisms, including those presented in the Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation.

Discussions yielded policy recommendations on regional priorities requiring increased cooperation in the digital field and the related mechanisms. ESCWA also announced current preparations for the Fifth Arab IGF, to be held in Cairo in January 2020. 

The main policy recommendations highlighted by the experts during the open forum:

  • the importance of the bottom-up and  multi stakeholder approach based on  transparency and inclusiveness principles,
  • Increase the impact of the IGFs at regional and global level by promoting concrete outcomes and recommendations.
  • Consider taking into consideration discussions happened at national and regional level and linking the grass roots needs to policy making process at the global mechanisms.
  • Synergize the efforts and increase coordination between the different initiatives that are taking place in the region.
  • Increase synergy among regional organization towards strengthening the community and addressing the main identified challenges.
IGF 2019 OF #19 Human rights and digital platforms – contradiction in terms?

Open Forum / Town Hall
Updated: Tue, 26/11/2019 - 16:00
Security, Safety, Stability and Resilience
1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

This open forum will focus specifically on the rights to privacy and data protection – as impacted by the functioning of digital platforms, their business models and practices, and the respective roles of businesses and state actors in the protection of these rights. It will aim to clarify the commonly acceptable level of protection of these rights, and the necessary steps to be taken by businesses and state actors to meet this level. It will address the following questions:

  • What would be the appropriate level for privacy and data protection on the internet?
  • What are the responsibilities of digital platforms vis-à-vis the right to privacy and data protection?
  • What should states do to ensure that the expected level of protection is met by digital platforms?
2. Discussion Areas:

The panelists agreed that the level of privacy and data protection is very uneven across the globe. There was also wide consensus among the panelists that self-regulation by private actors is not enough to solve data and privacy protection issues on the internet. While international legal instruments, such as the Council of Europe Convenion 108, and also the EU GDPR, regulate the field, closer cooperation between governments and private actors was deemed necessary to ensure meticulous implementation. Some panelists felt that there was a need for more regulation too - e.g., for completing the GDPR reform.

3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward:

Several lines of action were mentioned by the panellists:

- a systematic reform addressing micro-targeting;

- completing the GDPR reform;

- careful regulatory framing for facial recognition other AI-based technologies;

- closer attention to safety and security of vulnerable groups (in particular children and women) in the online environment.

4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues:

The Council of Europe has recently finalised the modernisation of its Convention 108, which now offers reinforced protection for individuals, in coherence with other relevant frameworks, such as the GDPR.

CNIL informed the participants about the ongoing work on a "one stop shop" system of work for DPAs which is also meant for improving cooperation with other stakeholders.

5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues:

The panel agreed that enforcement of existing legal frameworks was crucial for advancing the protection of human rights in the digital environment, in particular the rights to privacy and data protection. Meticulous abidance by law and its enforcement is equally needed both from the side of government and private actors.

6. Estimated Participation:

Onsite participants - approximately 200, gender balance - roughtly 50/50 (%)

Online participants - unknown. No questions from online participants.

7. Reflection to Gender Issues:

The session, among other things, discussed how to address violence against women on the internet, which is currently largely left unpunished. A representative from Google informed the audience about the tools that the company employs to address the issue. 

8. Session Outputs: